Three loud shouts broke the silence of the mirror space in an instant.

The seemingly flat ground was completely frozen in an instant, and everyone who was caught off guard had their feet frozen directly to the ground.

Then the next second, spots of light fell all over the sky, like heavy rain.

Following behind the light spots were huge meteorites, dragging long plumes of thick smoke and falling from the sky with a destructive aura, vowing to destroy everything in the world.

"damn it!!"

The old man's expression became distorted in an instant.

He is so familiar with these three moves!

Even though he had not officially met those three guys, he still knew their skills.

Even worse is the attack from behind!

The ground melted in an instant, and the rising rice cakes immediately caught everyone and dragged them down.

Then a certain woman jumped into the air, a huge heart appeared in her hand, and then she pulled the heart away like a bow drawing an arrow.

When she let go of her right hand, her heart rebounded, and pink arrows shot out from the sky, directly covering the CP0 in front and the Tianlong people of the Knights of God.

Then came Hawkeye. This man held his beloved sword in both hands and slashed hard. An extremely huge turquoise slash flew out like a tsunami, heading directly towards the people who were suppressed by the dual control of ice and rice cake.

The first thing to fall was the light bombs like a heavy rain.

The ground was turned into a honeycomb in an instant, and the unprepared and weak prisoners or CP0s died directly in large areas.

Immediately afterwards, the peach-colored arrow fired by the Pirate Empress disappeared, and the people who were shot in the back turned into stone in an instant.

However, the powerful people immediately covered their bodies with powerful armed colors and barely resisted this wave of attacks.

But the violent slashes of Hawkeye and the lava meteorites falling from the sky that followed were not so easy to resist.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shattered in an instant, and the splashing lava turned the area directly into a hell.

The whizzing slashes were everyone's nightmare.

By the time everything calmed down, the area had become a mess.

The earth is sinking, hills and mountains are shattered, and everything is in tatters.


The Evil King, who barely survived the attack just now, raised his head in disgrace and looked at the scene around him, unable to help but be stunned.

what is happening? What happened all of a sudden?

The brain has gone completely blank and cannot reflect what is happening now.

"Oh, oh, oh, it looks like the surprise that I finally prepared has some results after all."

The leisurely tone sounded, and the Evil King turned around in disbelief.

In front of him, beside Katakuri and Hawkeye, light fell from the sky, and then the appearance of a man who was very familiar to him condensed.

Yellow—Kizaru! !

The Evil King couldn't help but look at Katakuri and Hawkeye, who had their backs turned to him.


If you want to liaise with the enemy, you won't take us with you, right?

"Don't relax, the battle is not over yet!"

A dull sound sounded in front, and four figures jumped out from behind a hill.

The evil king couldn't help but swallow.

Akainu! Green pheasant! Fujitora! Green bull!

In addition to Kizaru, all the former and current admirals of the Navy Headquarters are here!

Plus Hawkeye, the world’s greatest swordsman, and Katakuri, the pirate emperor—

What kind of magical lineup is this riding horse?

Among these guys, any evil king promised to turn around and leave immediately if he encountered them, and now, the monsters are all gathered together!

A lineup that makes me tremble just thinking about it!

However, the enemy has not lost its combat effectiveness.

Among the broken ground, figures slowly stood up.

"Damn it! Did you fall into a trap?"

The old man with his cloak in tatters and a lot of dust on his face looked back at Katakuri and gritted his teeth, "Katakuri, you bastard actually betrayed us!!"


Katakuri twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? We were not friends from the beginning."

"That's right!"

Behind Katakuri, his good sister poked her head out and said triumphantly, "Brother Katakuri and Brett have been good friends for a long time. What idiots do you, the World Government! You actually dare to recruit?" Let’s fight against Brett!”

The face of the old man from Tianlong has turned livid.

"It's not over yet, my lord."

Next to him, the strongest shield who had taken off his mask said in an equally solemn voice, "Our side may not be much inferior!"

He is also followed by cp0 cadres. Although the grassroots cadres are all dead, the capable cadres are still alive.

The larger number of survivors is the Knights of God.

In the previous wave of attacks, they had lost less than one-third of their number.

So of course, their strength is not weak!


The old man of the Tianlong people nodded heavily, "Then get rid of these guys, and then launch the attack!"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version that even bug chasers use,]

"Ah la la, we are indeed the legendary Knights of God. How can we still be unable to do anything to you with such a sudden attack?"

On the hills ahead, Qingzhi sighed helplessly, "And the aura of you guys is too scary."

His expression couldn't help but become a little solemn.

Among these Tianlong people, there are actually several monsters whose aura strength is not at all inferior to them.

This is the ultimate power of the Celestial Dragon, and it is really terrifying.

"But fortunately, we still have support here."

Qing Pheasant smiled.


The Strongest Shield's eyebrows just twitched.

What does it mean?

Isn't it still not all they have prepared for such a terrifying power in front of them?

"Come on, come on! Haha, sorry, sorry, our station is a bit far away from here!"

A hearty laugh sounded.

Not far away, a group of people were rushing towards here at high speed, led by a woman with white hair holding a mace.

"This guy is!"

The Strongest Shield gritted his teeth, "General of Wano Country, Kaido's daughter, Yamato!"

"Hey! It's me!"

Yamato stopped with a smile, and behind her were the retainers of Wano and warriors from other minority groups.

Of course that includes——

"Hahahaha! Let's fight!!"

The unusually large man laughed loudly. The sound of his laughter alone made the whole space tremble, "I've been waiting for this for a long time!"

"Giant King!!"

The Strongest Shield said the name almost through his teeth.

Even among the group of people behind Yamato, there is a group of somewhat special guys.

"Wait, that guy isn't-"

The Evil King noticed the group of guys with foul faces behind Yamato.

"The Beast Pirates?"

The remnants of the Beast Pirates, led by Jin and Quinn, were also among the team at this time.

They came to save Kaido.

But it's not over yet.

"Oh, is everyone here? It seems we are late!"

Another laugh came from the other side.

This time when people followed the sound and looked over, everyone was stunned.


The strongest shield almost broke.

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