Everyone's eyes widened, and everyone could not believe their eyes.

"This is really——"

Even Hawkeye couldn't help but marveled, "This is a bit too exaggerated."

CP0 and the Heavenly Dragons of the Knights of God even sweated on their foreheads.

What did they see?

A man was strolling in the other direction.

Many people here are familiar with this man, whose name is Gilder Tezzolo.

He is a big businessman who is world-famous for his business methods, and is a super rich man known as the Golden Emperor.

He is more famous for his accomplishments in movies and music, and the All Stars he created is an idol group that is popular all over the world.

But of course, the most impressive thing about him is that he is the best friend of the man named Brett, and he can almost be regarded as one of the people Brett trusts most.

But Tezoro is not the focus now, it is natural that he will appear here.

The real shocker was what followed behind him.

Half a body behind Taizuolo was a young man wearing a hat, with blond hair, burn marks on his face, and an iron pipe in his hand.

His name is also familiar to CP0s, Sabo, the number two figure in the revolutionary army.

Behind him were the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, Commander of the Great Line Yinwankov, Commander of the Eastern Army Belo Betty, Commander of the Southern Army Lindbergh, Commander of the Western Army Maury, and Commander of the Northern Army Crow !

Finally, there is Bartholomew Bear, who was once a Shichibukai!

However, even though the power of the revolutionary army is quite amazing, they are still not the most shocking.

Further back.

There were eight of them in total. They were tall and muscular, with a pair of winding horns on their heads, maces in their hands, and a pair of black wings on their backs, with flames burning behind their heads.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version that even bug chasers use,]

There are eight of these guys.


The evil king couldn't help but screamed, "Eight Kaido!!"

One Kaido is already a monster among monsters, and now there are eight of them here?

The evil king was so frightened that he couldn't possibly win!

"Yeah, it's really scary."

Yamato also nodded in agreement, "Eight dads or something, just thinking about it makes people feel creepy!"

Behind her back, Jin had silently clenched her fists.

Quinn next to him curled his lips, "What a bastard, that guy from Vegapunk!"

He actually used Mr. Kaido as a guinea pig!

This kind of thing can be seen at a glance. Even that bastard Vegapunk would never be able to create such a thing without Mr. Kaido's blood factor!

But now all they can do is to help Brett defeat the group of people in front of him.

Honestly this should be pretty simple.

Is there any reason to lose with this kind of lineup here?

"Are you kidding me?"

The face of the strongest shield has begun to turn pale, "Is this the Seraph plan of that guy from Vegapunk?"

Was it successfully completed with the support of that bastard Brett?

Although we don’t know what kind of power these Seraphs possess, we can tell who their bloodline factors come from just by looking at their appearance!

I'm afraid, something is not good now!

Tezolo smiled, tilted his head and whispered to the girl beside him holding a strange doll, "Little Uta, protect yourself, and then seize the opportunity."

The girl nodded slightly, with a hearty smile on her lips, "Leave it to me!"

There is no doubt that if given the chance, she even has the ability to directly end the battle!


Tezolo twisted his neck, and further back, the golden sand rose up into the sky and turned into a huge wave that seemed to swallow everything, "Let's start!!"

"Oh!! Go ahead!!"

Yamato had immediately transformed into a human-animal state and jumped out, "Hyoya no Samurai!"

The breath of ice came instantly.

Then came the giant king who was laughing and dragging his weapon forward!

"Come on, now is the time to change everything!"

Akainu directly transformed into a heavy bomber, and his lower body turned into lava and continued to spray forward. After flying into the air, his whole body fell like a meteorite.

"Oh! Together with Boss Sakaski, I feel like I'm on fire too!"

The green bull laughed.

After getting along for a short time, he had a good impression of this senior named Sakaski.

"Katakuri, protect your sister."

Hawkeye also sprinted out.

Katakuri nodded and was not in a hurry to attack. After all, if Bree was caught, it would be troublesome.

He glanced back at the trembling King of Evil and others, "If I were you, I would know exactly what decision to make in the current situation."

The evil king smiled awkwardly.

Then he took a deep breath.

"Go up! Overthrow the world government and make the world free!"

Screaming, the prisoners who were lucky enough to have survived the bombing rushed into the battlefield.

"Hehehehehe! It seems that Kaido guy is having a hard time, isn't he?"

Moria was also in a good mood and joined the battle with a smile.

"The long-awaited sight is now."

Sabo was smiling, a very bright smile, and the water pipe in his hand had turned dark. "Fight! Then win, and finally, let our dreams come true!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

Revolutionary Army, join the war.

Then, there's the final one.

Tezoro snapped his fingers, "Come on."

Swish swish swish!

After several continuous sounds, the Seraphs behind them disappeared directly.

Four equally powerful forces invaded from the four directions, front, rear, left and right.

Even as the arrogant commander of the Knights of God, this noble Celestial Dragon couldn't help but tremble.


I no longer know how to win...

The battle in the mirror world has completely begun.

At the same time, outside this world, in the real world.

The battle between Brett and Yin Mu continued, and they fought fiercely in the sky.

At the same moment, the war between ancient weapons has also begun.

The huge floating ship came across the sky, covering the sky and the sun, looking down at Pluto and the King of Heaven on the sea below with unparalleled vigor.

Neptune was guarding Pluto, hissing at the big ship in the sky.

The muzzle of the cannon below the float ship has been turned to aim at the two ancient weapons below.

Above, the Iron Bird swooped down, and the huge muzzle began to flash white light.

Before the airship could take action, the Iron Bird had already blasted out.

However, the shot only landed on the shield opened by the aerospace ship. Although it caused a huge explosion and caused the aerospace ship to start to shake, it did not leave any scars on it.

At the same time, someone was discussing among Pluto.

"No, Pluto is too badly damaged and can no longer move normally!"

"Jie hahahaha! Then leave it to me!!"

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