One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 582 Bright’s tactics

After mastering Awakening, Brett's physical abilities have improved in all directions, so of course, the power he can store in his body has also increased almost by leaps and bounds.

Since the total amount has increased, the power that can be exploded at one time through the skills of the Fist of the King will of course also increase.

When the energy in his body began to transform, Brett felt an extremely powerful force filling his body. He was like a volcano at this time, able to erupt with earth-shattering power anytime and anywhere.

Bright turned into light, turned into thunder and lightning. Facing the extreme speed, the air even became as hard as steel, but it didn't matter, Bright smashed through the hard air with his head.


A red light flashed like lightning in Yin Mu's eyes.

Even though he could peek into the future, Brett's speed was too exaggerated, and he was already close to him in the blink of an eye.

Yin Mu's arms were wrapped with strange domineering energy like mist, and dark lightning shuttled back and forth in the mist.

But before he even had time to punch, Brett's left hand directly grabbed his fist.

A violent fire broke out between Bright's left hand, which was also covered with powerful two-color domineering energy, and Yin Mu's fist, like a meteor falling from the sky and causing a huge explosion on the earth.

"It seems that I am stronger now!"

While Brett smiled wantonly and waved his fist, the power bound within his body finally opened a gap and surged out in an instant.

Yin Mu's eyes widened.

He had seen the future, so he knew exactly how powerful Brett's attack was.

In terms of pure violence, this is already a power above him!

There's no way to hide, this guy Brett already has the power to break the domineering power he sees and hears!

Even if he can do the same thing with higher proficiency, this means that both parties are equal in this regard.

But Brett is even faster!

Since you can't hide, then attack!

Even if you really have incomparable power, don't underestimate my eight hundred years of accumulation, Brett! !

All the power began to gather towards the fist.

The ancient weapons in the distance are still bombarding each other, and every bombardment will bring about an earth-shattering explosion.

But even the confrontation between ancient weapons could not hide the shock that followed.

The sky seemed to be distorted, invisible fluctuations accompanied by dark lightning instantly swept across the entire sky.

The air is shattering and the light is dim.

All the changes were just due to the collision between the fists of the two men.

No, even their fists didn't collide with each other at all. Within a short distance, everything in the center was compressed to the limit, almost creating a pitch-black hole.


Yin Mu flew backwards even faster than the strong wind.

He gritted his teeth.

My right arm is almost numb.

Blood couldn't stop seeping out of the pores.

The power gap is actually so huge?


Now it is far from being inferior to others in terms of skills!

"Are you using your weird tricks again? Brett!"

Yin Mu said loudly, "This is indeed an amazing trick. After you become so powerful, you can still exert such power!"

"But, how many times can you swing such a fist——"

As soon as his words came out of his mouth, Brett appeared in front of him at the same moment.

"Now for the last shot."

Brett smiled, but there was still a gap in domineering power. Even if he used his hidden power, he couldn't achieve the final result.

But it doesn’t matter, if one shot is not enough, just add a few more!

"Electricity Propulsion - Mysterious Truth!"

"King Takeruizuki!"

Brett punched again.

The concentrated power turned into a white beam of light.

The shock wave that was enough to penetrate everything swallowed Yin Mu up instantly, and then swept towards the end of the sky unabated. It didn't know where it disappeared until it penetrated all the white clouds on the edge of the sky far away.

A figure quickly retreated in the sky.


This time he started bleeding all over his body.

The extremely penetrating shock wave directly penetrated his whole body, and even his domineering strength could not completely defend him.

As a result, not only the skin and muscles, but also the bones and internal organs were impacted.

And for Yin Mu, the worse thing is——

"damn it!"

The man's expression finally turned gloomy for the first time.

There was a slight electric light flashing on his body.

Of course, this is not because Yin Mu finally displayed his ability. He is not very interested in Devil Fruit, and he is not willing to add several weaknesses because of it.

These come from the modified body of Yin Mu.

Eight hundred years ago, in order to cope with the possible beheading of Qiao Yin Boyin, Yin Mu asked the Lunarians who he overthrew to transform him.

These mechanized transformations allowed his slender body to explode with amazing power.

But the shock wave that runs through everything now also runs through these mechanical parts.

So, something went slightly wrong.


"Britt, your reserves have been depleted, right?"


Bright nodded, "It seems that we shouldn't spread our power out. It's better to concentrate all our power and deliver the strongest punch."

If that's the case, it might be able to cause considerable damage to Yin Mu.

"But it's a pity that you didn't seem to seize that opportunity."

Yin Mu sneered.

"Yeah, what a shame."

Brett nodded.

To be honest, there is not much difference in strength between him and Yin Mu. He is better in mobility and listening to the sounds of all things, while Yin Mu is stronger in domineering.

The power stored in his body is currently the only thing that seems to be able to tip the scales.


"Now we need to replenish our strength!"

Brett smiled, and in the next moment he turned into lightning again and directly smashed into the sea below.

It's smashed.

A huge hole was blown into the sea.

In the turbulent deep sea, groups of sea kings came up from below and surrounded Brett.

They carry a lot of stuff on their backs.

That is--

Lots and lots of food.

Brett transformed into his red dragon form, and then he opened his mouth.


In the sky, Yin Mu immediately understood what was happening in the sea with his knowledge that was even superior to Brett's.

Brett is eating!

He is replenishing energy!

That is to say——

"damn it!"

Yin Mu's face changed drastically, and for the next second he didn't care whether he could move in the water or not, and fell directly towards the sea below.

We can't let that bastard Brett eat anymore.


"too late!!"

The sea exploded again, and Brett, who had returned to his dragon form, tightened his right fist around his waist, and his body was ready for attack.

"Give your best, Takerui Tsuki!!"

The beam of light that reaches the sky and the earth instantly rushes high into the sky!

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