One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 583 Invasion of the Floating City!

Wrapped again by this terrifying white shock wave light beam, Yin Mu let out a painful scream.

His domineering achievements may be the strongest in the history of this world. After all, even Brett cannot close the gap in a short period of time after eight hundred years of accumulation.

Even though Bawang Se Haki has improved enough to be on par with Yin Mu due to his own strength improvement, there is still a gap between the two in terms of Armed Se Haki.

However, even Yin Mu's powerful domineering energy could not completely resist Bright's impact and fluctuation at this time.

Haki is not invincible, and there are many forces that can compete with it.

Moreover, the shock wave sent by Brett at this time was indeed too powerful.

Call out all the power that has just been transformed, supplement it with the strongest two-color domineering and thunder flames, and use all these powers to use fish-man karate moves. This is a truly devastating blow. .

Yin Mu's whole body was once again completely penetrated by this pervasive shock wave.

He was knocked directly into the sky, very high into the sky, tens of thousands of meters high.


Brett laughed and flew into the air. As he flew upwards, you could see that there was a huge flame cloud underneath him.

The clouds are filled with food.

The power that Bright has stored up must be realized through eating.

In addition to the energy required to meet its own activities, the excess energy will be stored by special organs in Bright's body.

In other words, after the energy is exhausted, you only need to continue to eat to replenish the energy.

So after Brett used his brain for a while, he came up with the current fighting method.

But the biggest trouble in quickly replenishing energy is not carrying food or eating food, these are very simple.

The real key is how to digest the food you eat quickly.

It is not easy to convert food into energy for the body.

But fortunately, this is not too difficult.

The digestive abilities of the monsters are very terrifying, especially the Straw Hat guy, who can even digest everything he eats in one go and then resurrect with full health.

Although Brett cannot do such a thing, he can assist in other ways.

For example, life is returned.

Brett originally didn't know how to do such a move, but now that he has good friends like Zefa and Garp, it is not difficult to master the six moves.

With Brett's strength, skills of the Six Forms level can be learned almost at a glance. Returning to life is a little more troublesome, but it doesn't take a few hours.

Then, the strongest strategy is completed.

As long as he carries enough food, Brett can replenish energy while fighting!

At this time, he had transformed into the dragon state again, and then gnawed a large amount of food from the clouds below.

The food enters the stomach and is digested instantly. Brett returns to his dragon form and his energy is fully replenished!

In the sky, Yin Mu, who had finally managed to stabilize his figure, turned pale.

Almost the entire surface of his body was covered in blood, and all the muscles in his body were trembling slightly.

Almost every cell in the body has been attacked mercilessly by Brett. Now, just taking a breath can feel the pain in the body, not to mention the damage to the internal organs.

To make matters worse, the machinery mounted on the body begins to fail.


At this moment, Yin Mu was not as calm as when he was chatting and laughing with Brett before.

He realized that it was already very difficult to defeat Brett.

And Brett didn't even give him any more time to think, as another shock wave struck again.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to a permanent operation as soon as possible. 】

While Yin Mu has completely fallen below, there is another world adjacent to this world but not connected to it, the mirror space that Bree's ability leads to.

The battle is over.

"Die, you disgusting guy!"

Tezoro viciously kicked an old man in the chest.

This commander of the Knights of God is most likely the strongest old man among all the Celestial Dragons. After experiencing rounds of siege, he was hit by Taizuo Luo.

The gold powder ground to the limit invaded his body with his breathing, and then his body gradually turned into gold.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't even resist at this time.

All he could do was stare at Tezolo with a pair of eyes that were also gradually saturated with gold.

Tezoro just sneered in response and snapped his fingers.

The Celestial Dragon, who had turned into a golden statue, was broken into pieces after snapping his fingers.

Taizuo Luozhi nodded proudly, and then looked around the entire battlefield.

The battle in this mirror space is completely over.

There is no doubt that their side achieved a complete victory.

To be honest, CP0 plus the power of the Knights of God is already very terrifying. There are five or six strong men at the general level alone, and there are more than ten weak cadres at the Shichibukai level.

But the power on their side is even more terrifying.

Five generals, two emperors, a great swordsman who is the best in the world, plus a group of high-level officials from major forces, and eight seraphs who are almost comparable to the generals.

In terms of high-end combat power, they have an overwhelming advantage.

Not to mention Uta.

The battle goes like this.

All the combat forces rushed to the battlefield. The enemy was beaten severely at first, and when they could barely support themselves, Uta activated her ability.

This is the final blow.

Even though he had roughly guessed Uta's ability before due to Gion, it was too late to defend himself now.

A large number of guys were directly attacked and then lost their combat effectiveness. The only lucky ones could not stop the more deadly siege that followed.

The final result is, of course, a complete victory.


Tezoro took a deep breath and said loudly, "Can we launch an attack on that ship next?"

He looked at Bree who was standing next to Katakuri.

Bree nodded, "As long as the mirror is not destroyed."


Akainu clenched his fists excitedly.

If you can directly attack the inside of that thing, then you can say that you are sure of victory.


"We don't even have to go in there ourselves!"

Tezolo curled up his lips and said, "Bree, I need to trouble you to go to Pluto and get the things that Brett put there!"


Bree nodded.

Although I don’t know what it is, it’s okay to nod now.

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