Of course, it is impossible for dynamite rocks to really have the power to compete with ancient weapons. After all, no matter how powerful they are, they are still only one blow, and there is still a big gap compared with ancient weapons that can continuously attack.

But being able to be called an existence comparable to ancient weapons is not groundless. Even if it is only a momentary explosion, at least at this moment they have the power to shake the world.

When the five explosive rocks exploded at the same time, the small space was instantly enveloped in intense light.

The extremely terrifying white light swallowed up everything in an instant, and the roaring flames completely destroyed the entire floating ship in the blink of an eye.

Outside this huge floating ship, in mid-air.

The red-haired man standing on Ouranos' head was ready.

The hand holding his beloved knife couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The outcome of this war will be clear in the next moment.

As long as Taizuoluo and the others can succeed in their actions, this big ship that has been floating in the sky and has never fallen for eight hundred years will fall, just like the hegemony of the Tianlong people is gone forever!

Although the red-haired person is a Celestial Dragon, he has no sense of belonging to this ethnic group.

Being outside the World Government, he actually saw the true appearance of this ethnic group more clearly.

They are not qualified to rule this world.


The red-haired man saw that the huge floating ship in front of him suddenly began to shake violently at this moment, as if there was some monster inside it that was about to break out of its shell.

boom! !

A loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth.

The red-haired man's eyes widened because he saw on the side of the huge floating ship, a white beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, directly penetrated the sky, and disappeared into the deepest part of the sky.


The redhead was stunned.

what is happening?

In the sky ahead, Brett, who was chasing and beating Yin Mu, turned around in surprise.

"Can the shield even be used inside the cabin?"

he said in amazement.

The power of the dynamite rocks is undeniable. If the five of them are put together, even if compared with Pluto's all-out main gun bombardment, it will probably be superior to it.

That was an explosion that was enough to completely blow the aerostat to pieces from the inside.

But the final result was not like this.

Others may not know what happened, but Brett heard it clearly.

The shield that originally surrounded the aerostat to defend against attacks from multiple directions suddenly appeared inside the aerostat.

What exaggerated technology did the Bika people possess back then?

It's really a headache now.


Yin Mu didn't answer, he was just breathing heavily.

He had become quite miserable at this time.

There was almost no good piece of meat left on his body, and blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Brett's shock waves that penetrated his whole body had caused huge damage to his body and internal organs.

Not to mention the equipment he installed on his body to improve his physical functions, were almost completely destroyed at this time and could not play their original role at all.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to a permanent operation as soon as possible. 】

Even if Brett no longer uses his shameless tactics, if the two of them are facing off head-on now, Yin Mu may no longer be his opponent.

"However, the shortcomings are still obvious."

Brett laughed.

Now he finally understood the reason why this floating ship had not entered the sea before.

Simply put, the protective shield consumes a lot of energy to form.

This is a matter of course, and the conservation of energy is true even in most of the world.

If you want to block the bombardment of Pluto's level, then the energy shield must of course be offset by energy of the same scale.

But the problem is that the scale of the energy shield is a bit exaggerated.

If you want to dive, you have to wrap up the entire ship. In that case, it will be a huge burden even for this floating ship, right?

Therefore, the floating ship floating in the sky at this time, fighting the two Plutos and the King of Heaven, only deployed its protective shield at the moment before it was attacked, and did not maintain this huge consumption of things all the time.

If you really dive into the water and maintain such a shield, you may not be able to attack normally at all.

Even a power furnace with infinite energy can only output a certain amount of energy at the same moment.

As for why this problem was not discovered in the past, it is probably because the aerostat can suppress Pluto and Uranus with its firepower alone, and there is no chance to significantly consume his energy through the protective shield.

So the question is, how much energy does it take to create a shield that can barely block or even surpass the attack of Pluto's main gun?

When such a huge amount of energy is used to build a shield to block the explosion in the body, how much energy can the aerospace ship squeeze out at this moment to do other things?

Not to mention, there is no way that the explosion just now had no results at all!

Looking at the scale of the light pillar rising into the sky, it is quite astonishing.

Although I didn't succeed in one shot, now is the best chance!

Brett grinned, and he turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared directly in front of Yin Mu's eyes.

Even before Bright opened his mouth, the beam of light on the side of the floating ship was at its most glorious.


The long sword in the red hair's hand slashed hard, and the dark red slash flew out instantly.

"hold head high!!"

The king of heaven at his feet, Uranus, roared with all his strength, and a ray-like breath penetrated the air and landed directly on the front of the floating ship.

At the same moment, below, the remaining muzzle of the broken Hades fired with all its strength, and the beams of light converged like a heavy rain and hit the same position as the King of Heaven's roar.

Even the people inside Pluto pressed their hands on the wall at this time, and their domineering energy flowed along the wall to Pluto's gun barrel.

This blow also carries their belief that they will win!

Higher up in the sky, Hades flipped in the air, the main gun already lit up with a dazzling white light, and then the next second the all-out maximum output bombardment suddenly turned into a stream of light.

Pluto, Hades, and Ouranos, the attacks of three ancient weapons fell on the front of the airship at the same time.


Almost instantly, the originally indestructible protective shield dented.

The brim of the floating ship close to the protective cover was directly shattered.

The shield was still denting downwards, as if the ship was about to be penetrated.

However, I managed to hold on, barely!

At least for this moment it was holding on, and then all we had to do was wait until the opponent's attack gradually weakened——

"The days of being on top are over!"

Above the floating ship, lightning fell, "Fall for me!"

Trailing a long thunder and lightning, Brett fell like a meteorite and kicked his right foot.

The newly replenished strength poured out again without reservation this time.

boom! !

He hit the energy shield with his kick.


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