One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 586 The final showdown


A very, very slight sound, just like the slight sound that erupts when a balloon hits the tip of a needle and is punctured.

But at this time, in Brett's ears, this slight sound was simply the most beautiful movement in the world.

This ordinary voice was now more like the soft singing of the goddess of victory.

Brett felt his feet were empty, and the things that originally blocked him had completely disappeared.

Then keep kicking!

Almost the next moment, he was down to earth.

But it's not over, not by a long shot.

The thing blocking him shattered, and he continued down, and then he encountered something again, shattered again, and went down again.

Constantly encountering obstacles, constantly smashing them, and then continuing down.

Brett didn't know how far he had traveled, nor how many things he had kicked to pieces. In short, when he saw the blue sea again, the floating ship was already floating above his head.

The corners of Brett's mouth were raised high.

Because the speed was too fast and there were too many things he encountered, Brett didn't understand how many things he kicked to pieces.

But one thing is for sure, that is, it all ends here.

The shield that was still barely resisting the combined attack of the three ancient soldiers finally shattered at this moment.

Three merciless attacks landed on the front of the floating ship at the same time.

The indestructible shell of the aerospace ship made of special materials was shattered in an instant, and three beams of light drove straight in.

In just an instant, the huge floating ship was punched through, and a concentrated beam of light penetrated from the other side, and then shot straight into the sky.

Then, there was a shocking explosion.

It was probably that the internal power furnace had been blown up, and the floating ship was directly blown to pieces by the explosion from the inside at this moment.

The huge explosion turned into a giant sun in the sky.

The shock wave running down from top to bottom like a giant dragon directly knocked Brett into the sea.

The strong wind was howling in all directions, driving the sea and setting off huge waves one after another.

The next moment, Brett once again leaped from the sea into the air, watching from the side the entire process of the almost unrivaled floating ship's complete destruction.

It was indeed blown to pieces, and in the flames of the powerful explosion, only a few fragments were flying in all directions, causing huge waves to explode on the sea.


Above Ouranos, Shanks laughed excitedly.

Inside the ship Pluto, Pluto also condensed his figure, and his face formed by the convergence of light was also full of happy smiles at this time.

"Finally - finally succeeded!"

He has been waiting for too long, and the scene that Mr. Qiao Yin Boyin has been looking forward to has finally arrived!

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to a permanent operation as soon as possible. 】

It's over. Although Yin Mu is still alive now, everything is over!

Now it was his turn, but he had to face the siege of several ancient weapons alone.

Victory, when the explosion occurred, they had already won this war.

The dominance of Tianlong and Yinmu over this world has gone forever with the explosion of the airship.

Starting from today, the world will usher in real changes, and everything will move towards a new future.

"It's not time to celebrate yet, so let's get rid of the last guy first!"

Inside Pluto, although Mr. Zefa could not hide the smile on his lips, he still said loudly.

"That's right!"

Everyone also became serious again.

Yes, although the outcome of this war is almost certain now, isn't there another enemy?

Isn’t this guy Yin Mu still alive?

Isn't this Yin Mu, the culprit who played with the world and blocked its development for eight hundred years, and turned the originally vibrant era into what it is now, still alive?

Brett smiled, "Leave that guy to me, and I'll take him to see Qiao Yin Boyin."

Although Yin Mu was seriously injured, and the machine used to increase his strength was almost destroyed, his strength was still extraordinary and not something that other friends could deal with.

Brett turned into lightning again, and appeared in another sky in the blink of an eye.

Yin Mu was right opposite him. The man watched helplessly as the floating ship was completely destroyed, but he did not run away.

Brett stepped on the flame clouds at his feet, but he was not in a hurry to take action. "Is it because you didn't choose to escape because you knew you had nowhere to escape?"

The reason why he dared to leave with peace of mind before was because Brett had been focusing on Yin Mu with his knowledge.

Due to the gap in mobility between the two sides, Brett was confident that Yinmu would never be able to escape in front of him.

"Britt, you bastard—"

A look of anger appeared on Yin Mu's face, which was covered with blood and looked extremely ferocious, "I have ruined all the accumulation of eight hundred years in the past few years by you bastard!"

"Those who try to stop the advancement of the times will be crushed by the times sooner or later. Isn't this a matter of course?"

Brett smiled and said, "You are already behind the times, old man."

"Just a brat!"

Yin Mu shouted angrily, and he took the initiative to rush towards Brett.

Brett greeted him with a smile.

The stored power has been used up when it penetrated the floating ship just now.

But Brett was not in a hurry to eat to replenish energy at this time, because it was enough now.

The two once again launched a fierce attack and defense in the air, but this time the gap became more obvious.

Whether it was strength or reaction speed, Yin Mu could no longer keep up with Bright.

It was also a punch, and Brett had to throw several punches before Yin Mu could return a blow.

Moreover, Brett completely abandoned his defense and used his body to resist Yin Mu's attack, so that he could attack with all his strength.

Yin Mu's body seemed to be covered by a storm, and fists like meteor showers kept falling on him.

His chest was sinking, his arms were twisting, and even his shoulders were hit so hard that they collapsed.

After losing the mechanical amplification of his body, Yin Mu no longer had the power to compete head-on with Bright.

Even though his attack power was not much weaker due to his domineering power, the simple difference in speed and agility had already determined the outcome of the battle.

Everyone was quietly watching the confrontation between Brett and Yin Mu. Everyone knew that this was the end.

This determines the world's final battle, which seems so unpretentious.

Both sides didn't use any fancy moves, they didn't even dodge, they just kept punching, punching, punching.

Constantly withstand the opponent's attacks and constantly give the opponent attacks.

This is the simplest, like the playfulness of children.

But at this time, it is indeed the end of everything.

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