One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 12: peaceful

During this period of time, there is no free time to code words, and my code word speed is very slow, only 1500 words, uh, laugh at it.


The central town of Ice Iceland is the only town on Ice Iceland. It gathers all the people who come to Ice Iceland, but only the aborigines who do not have islands. From when Duflamingo planned to build a paradise on this island , it was already doomed that the aborigines could not live in the central town.

The area covered by the mushroom-like protective umbrella of Bingbingshu is the area of ​​the central town. The mushroom top that looks crystal clear completely blocks the looming sunlight in the thick cloud layer. It can be expected that under the mushroom top The town will be shrouded in darkness, however, that is not the case.

The town under the top of the mushroom is a beautiful world with rippling brilliance. The huge trunk of the ice tree has been cut out with countless small holes. Small holes were drilled out, forming light spheres that condensed and did not disperse, like blossoming cheerful elves roaming the town.

This cheerful elf is the main light source of the town.

These **** of light are wandering in the sky, among the pedestrians, among the noisy taverns and casinos, but there is no majestic building around under the huge tree roots, because those **** of light only need to touch this majestic building. It will be accepted by the round-shaped instruments, and those light spheres will eventually be turned into the energy needed by the majestic building.

The Supreme Paradise, built around tree trunks, is a building like a Roman arena. It is three-storey high, with a magnificent appearance and glittering golden light. So, this is Duflamingo's industry.

VIP room on the third floor.

In the luxuriously decorated and beautiful room, sitting at the moment is a tall man in a pink down jacket and purple sunglasses. Lean back, leaning on the sofa.

With his head resting on the sofa, under the cover of purple sunglasses, he didn't know whether the man's eyes were closed or not, and what he was thinking.

This person is the Shichibukai who holds a huge power, Don Quixote Duflamingo.

"Boss, I didn't receive Jonny's arrival information at the four major ports."

In front of the sofa, stood a man of about thirty years old with a gleaming face. This man bowed slightly and spoke at a clear and slightly faster pace, which made it sound like a breeze.

This person is the main person who runs Supreme Paradise, Kanyere.

"At this time, he should be standing in front of me." Duphraming rudely poured the red wine in the glass into his mouth, and then slowly placed it on the delicate table beside the sofa. Because of his purple sunglasses, he was good at observing Kanyeol, who looked at the color, couldn't see whether Duflamingo was happy or angry, and he didn't dare to try to figure out Duflamingo's thoughts.

As early as many years ago, Kenyel knew that the reason why Duflamingo wore purple sunglasses was that he didn't want others to know what he was thinking.

When drinking, it is extremely rude, but when you put down the glass, it is extremely gentle. This is a kind of contradiction. It will be bland and unremarkable in ordinary people, but in this person, it is a manifestation of unreasonable pressure. .

The goblet on the table remained unchanged, standing there quietly, but Kenyil knew that most of the glass had been cut into countless pieces. Although there was no fear in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a chill.

Bowing slightly, Keniel lowered his head silently and did not dare to For a moment, the luxurious VIP room fell into a kind of silence, which seemed to be the silence before the storm.

A few drops of cold sweat quietly slipped down from his forehead. Even after experiencing it many times, Kenyel still felt very stressed.

"Furfur..." Suddenly, Duphraming laughed loudly. This laughter broke out hastily, causing Kenyr to be stunned for a moment, and slowly raised his head, only to see a shadow shrouded in front of him.

Duflamingo stood up suddenly, and the tall body stood in front of Kenyr, forming a strong contrast.

"Forget it, although I'm very interested in the fruit, but it's gone if I don't have it." Duflaming shook the pink down, without looking at Kanye, and strode towards the VIP room, as if it was just Discarding a thing that was originally very interesting at will, the wind is clear and the clouds are calm, and I don't take it seriously.

However, Kenyr thinks otherwise.

"Boss, the garrison of Ice Iceland is still idle."

Duflamingo, who had already reached the door, didn't stop, didn't even say a word, and just opened the door and left.


In this way, Kaniel, who was watching Duflamingo walk out, suddenly heard a sound of glass cracking and shattering. He suddenly turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and saw that on the table where the goblet was originally placed, only A pile of glass debris.

Kenyr reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and watched the pile of glass **** quietly.

Having worked under the master of Duflamin for many years, at this moment, he has clearly received instructions.

"First find out whether the fruit was stolen by Jonny or plundered by others, but no matter what, no one who has anything to do with this fruit can keep it!"

Kenyr whispered to himself, his face was cold.


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