One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 13: conflict

This chapter has more than 3,000 words, which can be regarded as making up for it.

If there are more updates, will there be more tickets?


On the street with people coming and going, Serak was standing in front of the gate of the Three Seconds Healing Hospital with an angry face.

After the doctor's treatment and his excellent physical fitness, Serak didn't have to lie in bed all day to recuperate his body, but he couldn't perform too violent movements, and Beharie and Celt were both out of danger after emergency treatment. The state, the rest just need to feel at ease and recuperate.

Aside from that, Serak was annoyed that there had been no news from Simon for three hours, and he didn't know where the **** died.

If you rent a Citroen, it will only take less than half an hour to get to the central town. Besides, there is only one hospital in the central town. Even if there is no message left, Serak has reason to believe that Simon will know how to come to the hospital to find himself.

However, it had been three hours, and not even a ghost could be seen.

"I hope he doesn't mess around." A trace of sadness appeared on Serak's face.

Although I am not at all worried about what will happen to Simon, the pirates in this central town are not small characters, and if they pull out a bounty of tens of millions, I don't mind it very much in normal times, but they are injured now. In this case, it is a soft persimmon that is kneaded at will.

"finally reached."

Simon looked at the building complex in front of him and let out a deep breath of cold air.

Simon, who did not know that there was a means of transportation such as Citroen, walked to the central town step by step. Even if he knew that there was such a convenient means of transportation as Citroen, Simon could not rent it without Bailey on him. Unforeseen circumstances.

Ice Iceland can almost be said to be a huge block of ice. If you walk, you can only take sliding steps. In fact, people in Ice Iceland have specific means of transportation. The common ones are sled-style shoes, but Simon doesn't know that.

After entering the town, there were suddenly more people. The streets were full of people dressed in luxurious clothes. The expressions of these people were vaguely arrogant, which made Simon very displeased.

Compared to these people in gorgeous costumes, Simon in a sailor's suit looks abrupt, especially the huge epee hanging behind him, which is particularly dazzling.

People in the past were surprised that people like Simon would appear in the South District, and more of them cast undisguised disgust at Simon, which made Simon very puzzled.

"these people…"

Simon frowned, his face gradually turned cold, and there were more and more disgusting glances around him. Even if Simon didn't want to care too much, a anger would inevitably rise in his heart. What a good mood.

"Hey, this is the southern district, not the place where a low-class person like you should come."

At this moment, a young man dressed in aristocratic costumes walked in front of Simon with his head raised high, his tone reflecting deep contempt.


There was already anger in his heart, and the naked contempt ignited anger. Simon glanced at the young man in front of him, his eyes showed a little murderousness, and asked briefly: "The reason."

This murderous aura is very light, but it is not something that noble children who only know how to eat, drink and have fun can bear.

Originally, seeing a commoner who did not understand the rules came to the southern district, Obi planned to have some fun, but he encountered a ruthless character.

Facing the slightly murderous eyes, Obi looked startled, and his body stiffened involuntarily. Obviously, he had never experienced such a battle. Looking at Simon's deep eyes, under the fear, he forgot to speak for a while.

A trace of disdain flashed in Simon's eyes, he withdrew his murderous intent, and stared at the young man coldly.

The murderous aura disappeared, and Obi suddenly came back to his senses, only to find that he was so frightened that he was speechless by the eyes of a commoner.

Obi, who has never been treated like this by the inferior, laughed in anger, suppressed the anger in his heart, and smiled at Simon with great self-restraint, but the evil in his eyes destroyed this hypocritical smile.

"The reason is that this is the Southern District, an area belonging to the nobles. It's not a place where a low-class person like you should come." A sneer appeared on the corner of Obi's mouth. He originally wanted to have some fun, but the result was not ideal. This made Obi feel in his heart. Very uncomfortable.

Simon, has been sentenced to death by him.

Not wanting to know that this central town is divided into multiple areas, Simon looked at Obi and asked indifferently, "Do you want to die?"

Obi's expression changed, the sullenness in his eyes turned into murderous intent, he took a deep look at Simon, who had a dull expression, Obi sneered, turned around in vain, and walked towards the four tall and strong men in black clothes ten steps away.

"kill him."

Passing over the four strong men, Obi's murderous voice sounded at the same time, but he kept walking forward. In his heart, Simon was already a dead man.


The four expressionless strong men responded in unison, and immediately formed a small formation and strode towards Simon.

"Murder for no reason?"

There was a lot of coldness in Simon's eyes, and he pulled out his heavy sword with his backhand, and for the first time in his heart, he was killing people other than pirates.

The four strong men look good, their strength should not be low, and they can form a small formation. In fact, the four strong men do not take Simon seriously at all, although they feel that Simon can be killed at will. , but the habit dictates, is to resort to the formation.

And from the time the four strong men didn't take Simon seriously, it was doomed that life could only come to this moment.

Under the disdainful gazes of the four strong men, Simon opened the empty door wide, withstanding the fists of the four strong men, his body remained motionless, and then he slashed out with a backhand sword. Under the unbelievable gazes of the four strong men, a The sword cut his throat, and before he could even let out a scream, he turned into a corpse.

At this time, Obi only took ten steps.

Looking at the corpse on the ground lightly, Simon stepped behind Obi and said coldly, "Just leave like this?"

The sudden voice came from behind, causing Obi's heart to skip a beat, and he turned around suddenly, looking at the cold black sword tip and the indifferent Simon.


Obi was shocked in vain, and saw the four corpses lying on the ground out of the corner of his eyes. For the first time, he felt that the four bodyguards were very incompetent. for intense anger.

He didn't believe that someone would kill him in the noble district.

"Do you know who I am? You dare to kill my bodyguard." Obi pointed at Simon and asked angrily.

Simon couldn't help laughing, his expression was flat, he lifted the epee, and in Obi's wide eyes, he slowly handed it forward.

"He wants to kill me? He dares to kill me?"

A doubt flashed in Obi's mind, and then there was a faint tingling sensation in his throat.

"He's really going to kill me!"

In vain, Obi became frightened, and no longer held fearless, a blood dripped from the tip of the sword.


At this moment, a voice came over, and the tip of the sword, which had been slightly pierced into the throat, suddenly stopped.

Simon turned his head to look, and a middle-aged man with many subordinates walked over like a stroll.

Ledwin first glanced at Obi's bleeding throat, and then looked at Simon, who had a flat face, with a slight frost in his eyes. He originally thought that the man with the epee would die among the four bodyguards. The subordinates, but did not expect the result to be like this, when it comes to the safety of the nobles, they have to come forward.

"If I remember correctly, the pirate's activity area is in the North District, not the South District." Ladwin said coldly.

"Sorry, first of all I'm not a pirate." Simon smiled lightly, looking at the middle-aged man and said seriously: "Secondly, I am very unhappy to be mistaken for a pirate."

"Ledwin, this person attacked the nobles in the southern district, you should kill this person on the spot." Obi suppressed the fear in his heart and hurriedly said to the middle-aged man.

"This idiot." Ladwin scolded secretly, and then said to Simon: "Let him go, you can go."

Simon hasn't answered yet, but Obi yelled with a grim face: "He can't go, he must die!"

"It's... unforgivable." Simon said lightly, the heavy sword in his hand advanced a point in vain, and Obi's clamor stopped abruptly.

Ledwin saw that Simon didn't take his own words into his eyes, his face sank, and he didn't express it yet. When his subordinates saw Simon so arrogant, they were already eager to move. Simon glanced at him lightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more prosperous. .

"Be quiet for me." Raidwin raised his hand, and the many people behind him stopped instantly. After stopping the movements of his men, Raidwin glanced at Obi, whose eyes were filled with fear: "The Carter kid? Can you keep your mouth shut for a while?"


Obi's face was flushed He didn't expect to know that he was a member of the Carter family, this is only the manager of the southern district, and Ledwin dared to speak to him like this.

"Whether you are a pirate or not, this is the southern part of the nobles. Remember, I'm not threatening you. If you don't leave obediently, then you will suffer the wrath of Qiwuhai."

It seems that he doesn't think that Simon dares to ignore Duflamingo's power, and Ledwin said calmly.

Seeing Leidwin say this, Obi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. When he felt a tingling in his throat, he had no doubt that the civilian in front of him would kill him mercilessly.

"Is it Qiwuhai?"

Simon's eyes widened, and the epee suddenly retracted. Seeing this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a smile, but the smile hadn't fully emerged, and then it suddenly stiffened.

"So what?"

Just listening to what Simon said indifferently, the retracted epee was swung forward very quickly, and under Obi's fearful gaze, the sword cut through his throat.


Obi clutched his bleeding throat and opened his eyes wide, full of reluctance and nostalgia, and finally turned into darkness.

Seeing Obi being killed in front of him, Ledwin's face instantly turned gloomy. The death of a nobleman was simply a trivial matter, at most it was a loss of money, but he was moving out of Duflamingo's name. Afterwards, this little devil in front of him still dared to do something, which is no small matter.

This is already a contempt for the boss, unforgivable.

"good, very good."

The middle-aged man said sternly, in his words, murderous intent pervaded.

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