Doflamingo decided to contact Xiang Dimu as soon as he returned to Dressrosa, and he had to make his position clear, otherwise he would definitely be implicated in the war.

The situation was as Doflamingo expected, the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce and the Hundred Beast Pirates had a war, and after the negotiation battle, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates flocked to the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce in large numbers to wreak havoc on the industries spread out in the New World.

For this move of the Hundred Beast Pirates, many forces and navies in the New World were naturally shocked, and at the same time quickly launched an investigation.

Soon, information about Di Mu’s defeat of Jack and what happened during the negotiations quickly spread in the New World.

In the new world, the prestige of the four emperors is naturally far above the Seven Martial Seas, but it is also extremely shocking to the war between Kaido and Di Mu.

This was the first time after the birth of the Seven Wuhai that he had a head-on conflict with the Four Emperors, not to mention that it was rumored that Di Mu had also fought Kaido.

Although it was only a moment’s effort, the information that Kaido was broken by Di Mu still spread, which surprised many pirates in the New World, and Kaido’s defense was strong, but many people were desperate.

This is true in the new world, not to mention Paradise and the four seas, and some worried people are afraid all day long, fearing that war will expand and break out.

Qiwu Hai is an organization used by the world government to balance the power of the sea, the navy, the four emperors, and the seven martial seas, once any of these three forces has a problem, the balance of the sea may be broken, and then cause immeasurable war.

The World Government also attached great importance to this matter, and even wanted to contact Di Mu, but strangely, since the negotiation battle, Di Mu had lost contact, and even the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce was silently silent.

Although the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group wantonly destroyed Black Widow’s industry in the New World, they did not actually bring much loss to Black Widow’s business.

It has only been a year or so since the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce expanded its industry to the New World, and it is constantly too large, and even if it is destroyed, it does not matter.

As for the loss of personnel, except for some peripheral members, the official members of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce had already withdrawn before the Hundred Beast Pirate Group attacked, and turned from the bright side to the secret, and there were basically no casualties.

The Black Widow Chamber of Commerce would make such a move, naturally because it was ordered by Di Mu.

After Yukaido left, Di Mu sent a message to Betty, asking her to abandon the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce in the New World, and all the members were transferred to the secret and reorganized. Minimize losses.

As for Betty, she had already withdrawn from the headquarters base with the backbone of the Chamber of Commerce, and under Di Mu’s arrangement, she hid on the empty island of ‘Angela’ and stayed with Sheryl temporarily.

Concealment is not about retreating, it’s about fighting back better.

Although the current Black Widow Chamber of Commerce is fast, it is still much worse to confront the forces of the Four Emperors, and Di Mu does not want the strength he has created so hard to be destroyed, and is ready to fight back alone.

Di Mu, the contact of the world government, naturally knew, but he didn’t bother to care, so he wouldn’t care about the balance of the sea, since someone had provoked him, he would definitely not let it go.

When the Hundred Beast Pirates destroyed the industry of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce in the New World, Di Mu’s revenge also began, relying on the powerful mobility of the Dragon Slasher, he attacked the territory of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.


The war is raging, and the shelling is endless, but it cannot stop the brilliant sword qi slashes that appear from time to time, and you can constantly see a large number of pirates being harvested and chopped.

The bitter screams never stopped, on an island territory in the field of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the branch of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group stationed here quickly encountered destruction, hundreds of pirates did not have a living mouth, and even the distributed base was shattered by the meteor sword rain falling from the sky.

Under the light of the burning fire, Di Mu turned away from the base that turned into ruins, his eyes full of cold and coldness.

This is not the first time such a thing has happened, once it was the Navy, and now it is the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In just one month, under the war launched by the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, Di Mu began to sweep (sweep) the power of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Up to now, the distribution of six hundred beast pirate groups stationed on the island territory has been destroyed, and seven other pirate groups have been destroyed, with a loss of more than 5,000 people.

Di Mu’s counterattack and retaliation were both expected and unexpected in the eyes of many people.

Retaliation is certain, there has been an example of the navy before, and Di Mu is also a murderer, and his strength has been destroyed, it is strange if he does not retaliate.

However, everyone did not expect that Di Mu’s revenge would be so fierce, and he was completely desperate to destroy the power of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, leaving no room for mitigation.

Not only that, without the knowledge of others, the artificial devil fruit originally provided to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has also stopped, which is not that Doflamingo has the courage to resist Kaido, but Di Mu suddenly broke into Punk Hassad, directly kidnapped Caesar, and even let the people of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce empty all the research equipment of Punk Hassad.

For such a situation, Doflamingo was okay, since the failure of the negotiation he expected such a result, at most, he did not expect that as soon as the negotiation was over, Di Mu would rush directly to Punk Hassad, without giving any chance to react.

The artificial devil fruit could no longer be provided, and the forces were constantly being destroyed, Kaido was naturally extremely angry and launched a group of Hundred Beast Pirates to hunt down Di Mu.

But unfortunately, the Hundred Beast Pirates did not even find a single hair of Di Mu, but because of the dispersion of manpower, Di Mu took advantage of this to wipe out one by one, making the casualties even greater.

Doflamingo is actually glad that he did not participate in it in the first place, otherwise his own power would have been seriously damaged now. _

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