As the losses of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group became more and more frightened, Doflamingo was also more and more frightened by Di Mu’s methods, strong strength coupled with excellent assassination skills, Di Mu was simply like a ghost lurking in the dark, constantly harvesting enemies under the undetectable sight of others.

Although the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce fell silent, when the war between Di Mu and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group became more and more fierce, the eyes of the whole world were now focused.

“Dad, who do you say will win this war!” On a whale-like Moby Dick comparable to a large warship, Marko, with a golden punk head, looked at the latest newspaper in his hand and said curiously.

“Who knows, maybe there will be a surprise this time!” On the staircase, a burly and tall white-bearded man sat with a golden knife, poured a large sip of wine in his mouth, and said without care.

“Captain, you can’t drink so much anymore!” On the side, a hot nurse in charge of infusion for Whitebeard persuaded.

“Don’t laugh, this won’t damage my body!” Whitebeard laughed loudly, strong and powerful, giving people a strong sense of oppression just sitting there.


“This bastard actually went to war with Kaido, hmph, really a madman, but if you die like this, who will I seek revenge in the future!” On Cake Island, after reading the newspaper in her hand, Smoogie threw the newspaper to a subordinate next to her, and sitting on the luxurious chair, she cocked her two super white legs and muttered very unpleasantly.


In the Devil’s Triangle in the first half of the Great Voyage, a group of pirates who broke into an island ship were easily defeated by a ghost bomb released by a woman, and then surrendered to this woman, and at the same time, when cleaning up the pirate ship, they also got the latest newspaper.

“It’s not enough, I have to be stronger, sooner or later, I will definitely take revenge!” The woman shredded the newspaper hysterically and let out a scream.

“Here it is again, as long as every news of Dark Sword Hao appears, Captain Perona will be particularly terrifying!” Nearby, several pirates retreated in fear.

After screaming, Perona could barely find the anger in her heart, and her chest rose and fell.

After being tortured by Di Mu, Perona took over the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, in addition to continuing to cultivate for revenge, she would also rob the pirates who had been tricked into the ship as before.

However, because of the lack of moonlight Moria’s ability, Perona did not kill the pirates who came here, but took them in, and even specially captured Hoguguak, and the submitted pirates were transformed into human bodies and animals, just like the former Abu Salom.

Today’s Perona is not so much a ghost duke. It is better to say that the ghost queen, whose power is stronger than the former moonlight Moria, and has absolute control in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Of course, in addition to the strength and power, I don’t know if it is because of Di Mu’s torture at the beginning, even the figure seems to have entered the second development, becoming extremely bumpy, and the posture of walking is also swaying and charming, which makes the pirates obsessed.

However, these pirates dare not really show any thoughts, otherwise they will definitely die miserably, which can be seen from the fact that Hogubak’s human test materials are almost unable to put down.

Perona returned to the castle not to cultivate, but to leave the Devil’s Triangle and travel to the New World, where she could become stronger and seek revenge on the man.



On a small island in the New World, fierce and violent battles continue to occur, in this place that was originally a town, but is now in ruins, you can see the corpses of pirates everywhere, and in the center, two figures, one large and one small, are fiercely impacting.

“Dark Jianhao, you actually dare to attack Lao Tzu, this time Lao Tzu will definitely not let you go!!!” The roar shook the void, and Jack, who turned into a human and animal form, swung his scythe and slashed madly, causing the earth to be severely torn apart every time.

“It’s ridiculous, this sentence should be what I said, the last time I was beaten into a dead dog, I actually dare to be presumptuous here, kneel for me!” Di Mu drank coldly, jumped up abruptly, cast the ‘Dragon Cone Flash’, raised his right foot, and kicked down like a battle axe.


The top of Jack’s head was suddenly kicked by the ‘Dragon Cone Flash’, and the terrifying smashing force made him instantly break his head and bleed, let out a scream, and was also forcibly suppressed by Di Mu, kneeling heavily on the ground, making the radius of tens of meters cracked and dented.

I have to say that Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are really too arrogant, or underestimate Di Mu’s strength.

In order to capture and kill Di Mu, who fought back, in addition to a large number of combat powers, the Hundred Beast Pirates were sent, and Jack also joined them, wanting to seek revenge on Di Mu.

But the situation is like now, Di Mu has also been waiting for this opportunity to appear, and when he learned of Jack’s whereabouts, he not only did not hide, but directly found Jack.

At this time, after some fighting, the mammoth pirates led by Jack had all been destroyed at the hands of Di Mu, and even he himself was seriously injured by Di Mu.

Forcibly suppressed by Di Mu and kneeling on the ground, Jack’s eyes immediately became blood-red, his face was full of hideousness and madness, and the elephant’s trunk immediately swelled and enlarged, wrapping (wrapping) towards Di Mu like a giant python.

‘Shav~! ’

Brilliant electricity erupted above his feet, and Di Mu flickered and disappeared, causing Jack’s elephant trunk attack to fail, and the strong force rolled down, causing the air to burst into bursts.

‘Magnetic Slash Hollow Marks~! ’

The ‘ink blood’ produced an overclocked vibration, and Di Mu, who was forced back tens of meters away, rolled back without the slightest pause, and a sword slashed through Jack’s side like a shock. _

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