The Eternity conference room

, the round table, there were a few bounty orders on the table,

and the newspaper that the newspaper delivery gull had just handed out.

"Sword Demon - Night Sword God, bounty of 4,598 million. "

The Sword God of the West Sea defeated the three major generals in a row in the top war

, which directly caused the general Qing Pheasant and the general Yellow Ape to lose their combat effectiveness

, weakened the top combat power

of the navy, suppressed the morale of the navy, and connived at his subordinates to make trouble in Marin Fando,

and behaved extremely badly.

Because the world government forced a change in its title, the bounty order changed the god to a demon. "

The evil dragon sword hero - Edson, the bounty is 1.965 billion. "

The sword hero Hadson destroyed the Navy Headquarters Building, intending to help the Whitebeard Pirates

, and turned into a black dragon with the intention of slaughtering the naval elite of the headquarters, but was stopped by the naval hero Karp and the Admiral Sengoku, and

was finally defeated by the three major admirals of the

Navy. ""

Cat Cat Fruit Ability - Meow Meow, Bounty of 632 million" "

Unknown ability, poor swordsmanship, live broadcast of the navy to encircle and suppress the Whitebeard

Pirates, help Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, escape the pursuit, is powerful,

and has resisted the attack of the

admiral. "

Tomahawk tortoise - Alexander, bounty of 245 million. "

Participated in the blowing up of the Navy headquarters building, stole the Navy's strategic materials, and dug through the ground of Marinfando, resulting in Marinfando being unable to rebuild. "

Toka, Hudson, Golden Lion, Alexander, Joe Elle Bonnie.

Meow Meow loses the right to meow and curls up in Shika's arms as a pillow.

But when she heard Hudson utter the word "clumsy swordsmanship," she nearly flipped the table.

"The bounty is going up so fast!" said

Edson, who had been forced to become a wanted man.

As one of the few real pirates among several people, he cares a lot about the bounty

, from 20 million, directly 245 million, directly more than 12 times

, the comfort in his heart is almost irrepressible, but what about this meeting,

he will die if he laughs~

"Now that the bounty is over, let's talk about the escaped prisoners in the city. "

Ten incense gets straight to the point, otherwise she won't be able to consume this group of guys.

"So...... Does the captain have any orders? Won't let me, an old man, go after those criminals?" The

golden lion leaned on the old man and sold the old man so that Meow Meow wanted to give him two paws, and Meow Meow still remembered the old

man's hateful appearance when he saw death and

could not be saved.

Haldson and the Golden Lion don't seem to have a crack,

but they don't speak, acting as a relentless task machine.

Immersed in his own little world, Alexander couldn't extricate himself, and

Joelly Bonnie had a other question that she didn't know whether to say or not

, but she still mustered up the courage to ask,

"My crew......

Nothing, I don't have a crew.

When Shixiang looked over, Xiao Pink Hair instantly froze, and lowered her head to wipe her tears.

"Halderson killed four, but the rest don't know where to hide, so they can only talk about it later.

"The pointer will reset the cooldown in seven days, but the next location should be easy to guess.

Toka rubbed her meow a few times, waiting for the crew to react.

"Ahahahaha, if the next old man is not mistaken, it should be Mary Joa, the holy place of the Celestial Dragon people. The

golden lion had been waiting for this day for a long time, and he had never dreamed of making a big fuss there.

Haldson, Alexander, and Joelle Bonnie looked at Toka

to see if the old thing the Golden Lion was joking.

Looking at Toka's expression, all

three of them thought in their hearts, "I'm going crazy!" Just after making trouble with the Navy Headquarters Marin Fando, I was going to stab the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

However, Hedson is absolutely confident in his own strength, and has some expectations, and

Alexandre began to plan to win another MVP after being surprised,

to see if he can make his bounty go up again.

Xiao Fan is the one who is really panicked, although she used to be a pirate who is not afraid of heaven and earth, and she is still a supernova this year

, but it is not such a thing to throw her little sea monster into a group of sea kings!

" Edson,

take Meowth to exchange the bounty of those prisoners.

Toka stood up to leave the conference room and threw Meowth on the table.

"Oh, is the captain short of money?" said Haldson, curious.

"I don't need it, you keep it for the bar. Meow, don't forget what I told you.

Shixiang waved her hand and disappeared behind everyone.

Meowth is pitiful at the council table.

Edson asked, "Why are you crying again?"

Meowth sobbed, "Reluctantly." "


Marin Fando is hopeless, the navy has recently been hoarded in the Chambord Islands, and it

will take time for the

sea headquarters to be relocated.

Haldson and Meowth made their way to the naval base in the Chambord Islands.

"Mr. Sengoku. "

Edson didn't expect the Admiral to be here

himself, "Edson, did you execute four prisoners so quickly?"

Sengoku was surprised by Edson's efficiency, and the two began to negotiate,


Meowth signaled himself to go somewhere else.

"Huh, why can't you find ......

" Meow Meow walked all the way with the Red Phoenix Sword

, "Excuse me, do you know where the Red Inu is?"

she saw a pink-haired navy hurriedly stop him.

"Akainu...... You're Meow Meow!That 632 million wanted criminal!

" Meow Meow hurriedly covered his mouth

, "

Don't bark,

I've got something to find Akainu." "

Kirby felt that the other party was sick in the brain, and a wanted criminal would go to the most cold-blooded and ruthless admiral Akainu, wasn't she afraid of death?

At the strong request of the other party, she pointed out a dead end for the wanted man - Akainu's office.

Meow thanked him and went straight away, and when he was done, he restored the right to bark.

"Knock knock!"

"When you go to someone's house, you have to knock on the door first." Meow

meow talks to herself.


After getting an affirmative answer, Meow Meow pushed the door in, but didn't dare to close the door

, after all, this one is quite terrifying,

and he still has a sense of crisis instinctively.

Akainu was in the office, and I thought it was the navy that was reporting work, but I didn't expect it to be the sister of the night sword god.

"What are you doing here!" Although

Akaiu is absolutely righteous, the navy still needs the Night Sword God and his gang.

"What are you doing so fiercely?" Meowth

was a little dissatisfied, but still handed the knife in her hand.

"No, it's my apology, I saved the Straw Hat Boy

, I think I'm right,

but my sister has to apologize. Meow

Meow looked unwilling, reluctant, I was not wrong, and then continued:

"Sister said that this knife is very suitable for you, I don't think it's right

, you are obviously using magma, what's the use of a knife?"

He drew his sword blade and looked at it for a moment, showing a rare hint of nostalgia.

"Hey, hey, hey

!" "Talk!" Meowth

bounced around on Akainu's desk,

but she noticed that he looked like he had lost his soul.

"Hey, Navy, are you alright?"

Meow shook in front of his eyes again, and Akainu came back to his senses.

"Take it back and tell the Night Sword God that I won't be a swordsman again.

Akainu shoved the Red Phoenix knife back into Meowmeow's arms,

grabbed her by the

collar and threw her out of the office.


the door shut.

Meowth got up and patted her ass and shouted, "That's rude!".

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