After exchanging the bounty, Hudson and Meowth Meow, who failed the mission, returned to the Eternity

, and Hudson brought a lot of snacks to

Shika, and was inviting credit, Meow meowed her head and silently lowered her sense of existence, but Shika had her eyes in her eyes,

"What's wrong? Doesn't he accept it?"

Shika said when she saw the red phoenix sword hidden behind Meow Meow.

"Oh...... Oh, sister, aren't you surprised?"

Meow Meow saw that her sister didn't blame her,

and it rekindled.

"It's quite unexpected, but it seems to be quite normal, but it's a pity.

Toka sighed first, then stretched out her hand towards Meow.

Meow Meow cooperated and turned into a kitten and jumped up.

"Sister, why don't you hate Akainu?" Meow Meow

was curious, that was a cold-blooded and ruthless guy.

"Why should I hate him?"

"But he's not just an enemy

, he's also a companion!" Meow Meow

remembered the navy he had killed, and quickly closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to throw out that miserable image.

"The methods used to deal with deserters are a bit tough, but no matter where they are

, even in my hometown, deserters, especially soldiers who have escaped from battle,

will not end well.

"The morale affected by a deserter can cause more casualties and may even be the trigger for the defeat of the war."

"Toka never gets tired of instilling her own worldview

in Meow, and she knows that she may not be right, but shouldn't my cat be like me

?" "Sister, why do you hate straw hats

?" asked with a question mark on her head, "When did I hate him?"

Meow Meow's little head arched Shika, first licked his little paws, and then said,

"But you don't like him!"


"What is the reason? Is there only two attitudes towards a person: liking and hating?"

Meow Meow looked at Shika with slippery eyes. ( ̄ー ̄)

"Yesterday, the shipyard of the Kingdom of Thielman was bloodied by a group of pirates

, who were the prisoners who ran out of the city,

and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Even if it weren't for the most vicious people hidden in the sixth layer, they

were a great threat to ordinary people.

"Those criminals were able to get out, and half of the credit went to the Straw Hats. "

However, the Straw Hat was also there to save his brother. Meowth felt that the straw hat was wronged.

"And he also liberated the kingdom of Alabastan. "Ten incense for meow meow supplement basis.

"Yes!yes!" Meow (=^▽^=)

"So I just don't like him, and if I hate him, I'll help the Navy

, you should know,

it's pretty simple for me."

"Of course, sister, I'm not a good person, especially in the top war, which obviously magnified the casualties

of the Navy, and as a bounty prisoner of more than four billion I feel hypocritical to talk about kindness,

but I like stability.

"When we lived on the island of the West Sea, although you wanted to go to the outside world, weren't you still very happy?"

"You want to hunt for treasure, I agreed, and then we set off from the West Sea.

"As a result, we came to the first stop of the Great Voyage, and until now we don't know what you are controlled by, and

even I can't solve the secrets of the underwater city. "

On the second leg of the treasure hunt, we went to Whitsunday Island

, where Alexander's men were killed,

and you were badly wounded and dying. "

The third leg of the treasure hunt has a lot of responsibility on me, and the damage that Hudson and Alexander inflicted on the navy is ultimately caused by my willfulness.

Maybe you think I'm right to save Haldenson, but aren't the Navy innocent?

They are indeed controlled by the Draconians, and the Draconians are mostly bastards

, but many people in the Navy have some justice of their own, at least they protect most of the civilians


"Our recklessness is likely to have far-reaching consequences

, for example, if I wound a member of the navy,

without him, his post might have been exploited by thieves.

Meow Meow was a little depressed, lying on Shixiang's lap and not speaking.

"Edson. "

Hey, Master?"

"You go to the Kingdom of Thierman and clean up those prisoners.

"Those little ones aren't on our mission. "

Recently, I don't go to the Holy Land Mary Joy, but march into the New World to quell the rebellion

, take over Whitebeard's territory,

and find those who take advantage of the opportunity to do evil one by one.

Let those arrogant pirates know that there is a price to be paid for doing evil. "

Ah...... Master, you ......"

Edson was stunned by Toka's decision, and he had the impression that Toka was not that kind of person.

"From today onwards, pirates who bear the lives of innocent civilians will see one and kill one without mercy.

In the shortest possible time, calm the turmoil of the new world and give them a stability. "

I will personally take action, all the people are assembled, including

the golden lion, you can go and inform him now, if his actions do not satisfy me, then I will eliminate the harm for the people, the

legendary sea thief golden lion has committed many crimes,

and it is not unjust to clean him up."

Hudson looked at Toka's expression and knew it was serious, though he didn't know why it was so sudden.


World Economic News

: Three days later:

"The Sword God swept through the New World, announcing the takeover of the Whitebeard Pirates' territory. "

The legendary sea thief Golden Lion has reappeared, and he is actually a subordinate of the Sword God!" "

The Golden Lion and the Evil Dragon Sword Hero came together, and the Blackbeard Pirates were defeated and fled. "

Five days later:

"The Blackbeard Pirates have revealed their location as the Devil Fruit Hunting Ability

, and they have been hunted down by the evil dragon sword hero Edson again, and

his whereabouts are currently unknown.

"Sword City fell from the sky to the center of the New World, and the territory of the Four Emperors was squeezed, but there was no conflict at the moment. "

The Golden Lion Bloodbath Ten pirates led by the Lucas Pirates, all of whom are notorious for their slaughter of civilians. The

red-haired Shanks intervened and was severely injured by the sword god. "

Nine days later:

"The sea areas under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates have been pacified by the Sword God

, declaring that there is no jurisdiction, no taxation, and that each kingdom is autonomous, but retains the right to supervise the


According to incomplete statistics, within ten days, more than five figures of pirates died at the hands of the Sword God, and the

number of pirates cleaned up by the Sword God's camp this time cannot be counted. "

Twelve days later

," the evil dragon sword master Edsen declared: From this moment on, Sword City will rule the new world,

and anyone who slaughters civilians will be killed. "

The meaning is simple, pirates and pirates, pirates and navy. We can't control how you fight, but ......

In the past few days, the actions of Shika and his party have affected the nerves of the entire world,

whether it is pirates or the


But at this time, Shika took Meow Meow on a trip that was just about to go

, whether it was Halderson or the Golden Lion,

they couldn't find anyone at all.

I only saw the message left by Shika

, "I don't care what method you use, if there is any turmoil,

I will ask you"


At the Chambord Islands Naval Base

, Admiral Sengoku looked at the action of Toka waving his sword in the newspaper and sighed,

"Is this your compensation?".

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