Andrew's kingdom

, in the royal palace

, King Andrew and Queen are only in a weak state,

but they may be weak forever.

The two of them don't welcome Navy and Toka, but the three of them can't take care of these two anymore.

The oracle is still hanging on the palace, and he is still needed, and

if the ability to kill him is lifted,

the palace guards may become the ones who get in the way.

After a three-way exchange of information, the three obviously did not get a satisfactory result.

Tina also said that she had only heard the bits and pieces of information about Joker

, and in fact she didn't know more useful information than Toka

, and this incident did not indicate that there was a direct connection with

Joker, and if you wanted to investigate Joker, you had to go through the upper echelons,

which was said to be deeply involved.

Toka's clue is broken, and there is no antidote

, and the doctor on the Tina warship is sent to study in depth to see if the antidote can be researched

, although Saas and Tina are still optimistic,

but Toka feels that it is not so easy.

The guards are still patrolling, including the navy brought by Tina, who also went to help

, because last night the palace square could not gather

everyone, and it would not make everyone believe Sas's words,

and the people of Andrew's kingdom were re-monitored to prevent anyone from going out and

being killed.

"We seem to be doing the same thing!" Sass

sighed, his voice a little hoarse after a sleepless night.

"Put the people of Andrew's kingdom under house arrest and

prevent them from traveling during the day, whether they live or work in the dark at night.

"You are too extreme, how can it be the same, we are here to prevent the emergence of victims,

and they are for their own selfish desires and interests.

Shika directly interrupted Saas's self-pity, what is the matter with this navy always taking the responsibility on himself?

Tina nodded in agreement and said

, "Miss Night Knife God is right, this matter is not Sas's fault

, even if we are the navy,

we will eventually encounter things that are beyond the reach of manpower."

Sass continued, "Will the people of Andrew's kingdom live in darkness in the future?"

At noon,

Shika, Sas, and Tina sat down until now after dawn

, and after chatting a few words, because of Sas's depression, Shika and Tina looked at each other and looked at each other without saying a word, at

this time,

the doctor came over with a team of medical soldiers.

"Report to the chief, the sampling of thirty cases has been completed. One

of the medics came up to Tina in three steps and two steps and said.

"How's that!"

"How's that?"

Sass and Tina got up at the same time, looking at the medic expectantly.

The medic shifted sideways, and the old doctor came to the three of them.

"It's hard. The

old doctor shook his head and sighed.

Sass held his breath in his heart, and Tina motioned for the old doctor to continue.

"That pathogenic agent has taken root in the patient's body over time, and

the internal organs, blood,

and bones have been infected, and even have fused together

, and if you want to create an antidote

, unless Dr. Vegapunk personally studies it,

it ......."

Speaking of this, the old doctor shook his head, this is obviously impossible.

It is impossible for the world government to agree, because the importance of the begapunk cannot be used to cure the sick and save the ......

At this time, Shika suddenly interjected and said,

"Where is that Vegapunk?

And Dr. Vegapunk's research direction is probably not in the manufacture of antidotes.

Moreover, Dr. Vegapunk's whereabouts are the top secret of the world government, and

it is impossible for us to find him. The

old doctor recognized Shixiang and quietly changed his tone.

Toka glanced at Tina, who nodded, and Toka believed.

The sun was shining, but the huge kingdom of Andrew seemed to be empty.

Now Sass didn't know how to explain to the people of Andrew's Kingdom, and

lay on the ground dejected,

looking at the sky in a depressed state.

Tina, on the other hand, put on sunglasses and smoked on the side, one after another not knowing what to think

, leaning on the pillar in front of the palace,

with a melancholy queen style.

However, during this period, both of them heard a long phone call

from Shika, and it seemed that the golden lion was on the other side, and Shika's tone was very tough

, asking that something must be sent to Andrew's kingdom before dawn

next, but the two were not curious about it, but Shika did not hide her volume,

and they just happened to hear it.

Now nothing is possible to change the fate of Andrew's kingdom.

New World

, Sword City

," the captain said something simple, but she didn't know how far

away it was!" Golden Lion Shiki smashed a table with a punch and looked at the assistant next to him

, "

What are you looking at,

don't hurry up and prepare! I'm going to see something after drinking this pot of wine!"

The assistant was blasted out and scratched his head,

"Where can I get on with a pot of wine...... Or use that shipment!"

the assistant slapped his wit in the



As the sun set

, the people of Andrew's kingdom flocked

to the palace, eager to know the result, whether the Lord of the Night Sword God in the mouth of the navy had received the antidote

, what to do with the divine envoy,

and whether King Andrew was still there

This time it was Saas and Tina standing on top of the palace, and the half-cut stick hanging from the statue did not count.

Sass looked at the increasingly dense crowd, no one spoke, and

tens of thousands of people really couldn't hear questions.

Because the results have already been obtained from the face of this navy.

The whole square was silent, and the depressing atmosphere continued to lower everyone's

tears, I don't know who started to cry, one after another,


they didn't cry, but the tears couldn't be stopped.

Sass fell to his knees, and Tina was silent.


a brisk voice echoed throughout the square, and

the moonlight in the

sky was obscured by a behemoth.

"That'...... Miss Night Blade?

" Tina said in surprise as she looked at the "

big ball" in the sky, and

then saw the big ball in Toka's hand fall on the open space that people had vacated.


Night Sword?"

"It's Lord Night Sword God!"


Shixiang didn't know why the people of Andrew's Kingdom, who had been closed for a year, knew

her, this was not the time to dwell on this

, Shixiang clicked her index finger, and the big ball burst open,

flying out countless small black balls.

"Listen to me, everybody!"

"Actually, the guards are just like you, but they can walk in

the sun, because there is no direct sunlight,


I have prepared clothes for everyone to keep out the sun.

"But I'm not sure if it's working.

Shika took apart a small ball with her own hands, and the ball was a set of compressed clothes, divided into several pieces,

and after putting it on, she became an airtight "Arab".

Under everyone's curious gaze, Shika looked at the top of the palace and shouted:

"Sas, do you see my appearance? Is there anyone in the navy willing to gamble for the people of Andrew's kingdom? Standing in the sun for a day dressed like this,

maybe you will be crushed!"

Under the watchful eye, SASS gave an affirmative answer.

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