The kingdom of Deanru

, under the scorching sun

, led by Sas, the navy originally stationed in the kingdom of Andrew walked in the streets and alleys, sonorous and powerful, and the fighting spirit was high.

They were all covered with a black cloth

, with a headscarf on their heads, all of them, and the only difference was the two words they were carrying behind them.

And the people of Andrew's kingdom are all watching indoors

, some are happy, some are sighing, some are helpless, and some are relieved.

Then a craftsman uncle also wrapped himself tightly and walked out of the house to join the team.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and with the first person, there will naturally be a second and a third ......

"Tina was surprised, she couldn't imagine the unexpected kindness of Miss Night Blade?" Tina

lit another cigarette and glanced at Toka who had been eclipsed to the side.

She looked at Toka with a blank face, pretending not to hear and sneering.

What is this woman laughing at

? Could it be that she is tired of being alive

? Shika secretly poked and poked Tina's belly again, this naval colonel is not afraid of himself

, doesn't he know that the sword god of the West Sea has three children in one meal?

Shika is now immersed in the loss of her own personality in the collapse of Andrew's kingdom

, and the image of a transcendent master is gone, I hope this Tina can be a little more knowledgeable and not publicize it everywhere.

"So this is the uniform of the disciples of Sword City?" said

Tina, looking at the uniformed navy in surprise.

"What Sword City uniform?" Toka

didn't know what Tina was talking about.

"No, isn't that right?"

Looking in the direction of Tina's finger, Shika realized that the back of this pitch-black "Arabic costume" actually had two big characters on the back.

Toka wiped her eyes and wiped them again to make sure she was not mistaken.

"Sword servant? Is it the meaning of the sword as the master? It doesn't quite look like the style of the golden lion, and it doesn't look like the style of Edson.

Tina tilted her head, and Mumu said something that shocked Toka.

"Isn't that what it means to be a servant of the Sword God? It is said that only by wearing this dress can you truly join the Sword City.

"Plus, join Sword City?" Tina

said when she saw Toka stammering

, "yes, I thought this was a legend, but I didn't expect it!"

"It should just be a coincidence. I just asked them to get their clothes ready as soon as possible.

Toka struggled, though she felt that the Golden Lion was indeed that kind of person.

Tina took another puff on her cigarette and put on a good-looking pose to see that Toka didn't speak.

Under Tina's suspicious gaze, Toka wanted to pick out a castle in the sky with her toes.

At this moment, more embarrassment came.

Sass actually pushed Toka directly to the front desk.

"It was the Night Sword God who defeated the god stick who was pretending to be a divine envoy and smashed his plot

! It was the Night Sword God who destroyed the evil and gave us freedom! Or the Night Sword God, let us get rid of the darkness and stand in the sun! The Night Sword God

is the savior of our Andrew Kingdom!" Sas's

impassioned statement made more and more people travel, and

everyone flocked to the direction of Shika,

Looking at the countless people sitting under the soil

, maybe it's dense phobia, maybe it's social fear, in short, now Shixiang is messy in a gust of wind, I

don't know where to put my hands and feet, my face is full of embarrassment

, I am not a light-hearted outsider at all

, but fortunately, there are not many people here who know me, and the person will collapse if it collapses.


[System: Congratulations to the host for completing the task (1/7)

] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first stage reward, Transfiguration: You can become what you imagined, no CD]

"Hey, is it so bald?"

So leaving footprints means becoming a savior?

but...... It doesn't seem to be very troublesome.


Night Sword God!" "Lord Night Sword God!" × heard

the people of the entire kingdom calling out their names, and Shika's train of thought was interrupted.

Tina looked at the depressed Shika next to her and was puzzled

, "What's wrong with Miss Night Knife God?"

Shika buried her face, her voice was very unclear,

"The character has collapsed!"

Tina shook her head:

"Tina doesn't understand.

At this time, Shixiang suddenly got up and approached Tina

, Tina only felt that Shixiang milk at this time was fierce

, "You haven't seen the Night Sword God in Andrew's Kingdom, and the Night Sword God here is impersonated by someone else, understand?"

Shika knew that this was a bit self-deceptive, but there was no way.

Tina looked at the posture as if she would die if she said no, and

then she saw a scene that made her jaw-dropping

, Miss Night Sword God turned into a beautiful woman with long pink hair, sunglasses hanging on her head

, the same navy uniform, the same sunglasses,

"Tina saw Tina!"

If you leak what I'm doing here

, I'll find you, knock you unconscious, and use this skin to beat up the Draconians with Maryjoya.

Tina nodded, and the consequences seemed to be serious.

"So, I'm retreating, leave a call, tell me if the matter of Joker is investigated

, if it's inconvenient for your navy to make a move, let me go,

I don't allow anyone in this world to be more vicious than me!"

Shixiang hurriedly waved his hand and said:

"The most vicious person in the world, this is my new character!

As for the righteous and unjust, let's talk about it, it's just the task of the system." [

System: The host never seems to have the system and its tasks in mind.]

"I want you to talk more!" said

Toka was annoyed and embarrassed.

"Miss Night Blade?"

Tina looked at Toka as the clouds turned and she didn't know what was going on.

"No, no, no, I'm talking to something I can't see.

After speaking, Shika soared into the sky and disappeared into the kingdom of Andrew under the gaze of everyone.

Flying aimlessly in the air, the system rarely transforms into a chatterbox.

[System: Where does the host go on the next trip?]

[Journey of the Seven Kingdoms Progression: (1/7)] [

Second Stop Reward: Permanent pointer to the Joker coordinates.

"What is this? I've heard for the first time that you can make a permanent pointer out of a person's position!"

[System: This system can do anything.] Shika

: Hehe, then send me home

? [System: Withdraw a message] Shika: Do you have a grudge against that


This system feels the host's killing intent towards the joker, so the reward has been adjusted. Toka

: Yes.

[System: The host's new character is the most vicious person in the world?]

Shika: No, the character is too easy to collapse, I decided to do whatever I want and be a normal person.

[System: That doesn't seem easy!]

Toka: It's okay, I can be someone else's face.

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