One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1535: Immortal Buddha's Eyes

Those immortal arhats who observed meticulously and noticed this scene inevitably despised the Jade Emperor in their hearts.The difference in cultivation is not terrible at all, but the most fearful thing is that there is no self-knowledge.

For qualifications like the Jade Emperor, the Three Realms know that the distance from the Kaitian Spirit is not a little bit less than a little bit. In this situation, I should have found an excuse, or humbly say a few words, or laugh at myself. Harmony passed the test, and now the behavior of fishing in such troubled waters is really cheap.

The Tathagata, Subhuti and others naturally noticed the Jade Emperor’s behavior, but they didn’t tell the truth, and their friends went on to do it. Although they also looked down on the Jade Emperor in their hearts, they didn’t show anything on their faces.

The position of the Emperor of Heaven on this Jade Emperor was given to the Jade Emperor by Dao Zu Hongjun through Heaven. He enjoyed the luck of the Three Realms and was recognized by the Heaven and Earth. Even if the cultivation base is not "200", it is always occupied. The position, in fact, is not small, and most people really dare not offend.

Even if the Tathagata wanted to move him, he had to think about the backlash under the Taoist position that day. After all, Buddhism is now on the verge of rejoicing, and the Tathagata has a lot of scruples.

The three emperors of Huoyun Cave were originally watching from behind the Jade Emperor, and saw that he stepped onto the ninth-level Sendai without a slap in the face, then walked around from the other side, looked at each other, and moved to the side passage.

Fuxi is the best among the three emperors of Fire Cloud Cave, a monk at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but in order to become the emperor of the human race, he was reincarnated as a human race, and lost his innate roots and feet. It's the limit, he knows it, but he doesn't have the ability to set foot on the ninth level.

Fuxi was still like this, and the later Shennong and Xuanyuan were even more frustrated. Under this circumstance, stepping onto the stage without self-reliance would only laugh generously.

"It is worthy of the place where the five divine beasts gather together. This high threshold can only make people look up." Hu Qingrong, the ancestor of the fox tribe, gave a wry smile, and under the support of Hu Ningzi, he came to the stage with his side, lagging behind. Wait for someone to stand still.

"Let you all laughed, please." Luo Ya apologized, and once again invited him. It's really time for the four beasts to break through, as he did it for everyone.

"Don't dare, I also ask fellow Taoists to go first." Tathagata gave in, whether it was the saint's own drop of gold scrolls or the gathering of the five beasts, it made his heart alert and his face was more easy-going.

"Daoist, you should take the lead, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get in the door today." Zhen Yuanzi said with a slightly ridiculous smile on his face, directly speaking the voice of everyone.

The scenes that just happened after another shocked everyone, and now who would dare to walk in front of Roja?

"So, please don't blame me." Luo Ya performed a door etiquette, and after a few words, he turned and walked toward the inner door. The immortal Buddhas behind him followed him in order according to their status.

The Shushan Fairy Gate not only integrates the nine palaces and eight trigrams, the five elements and four images, but also the various magnificent buildings and wonders seen by Luo Ya in his previous life.

As far as the gate is, the gatehouse on the fifth floor with four legs and red lacquer is very extraordinary. The two characters Shushan on the gate were written by Luo Ya condensed and written with a magical pen like God and Danqing some time ago. It has the blessing of heaven. Nowadays, it is even more integrated with the entire mountain of Shu, and the rhyme of the word is flowing, and people with a lower realm can't help but sway in their hearts.

After the first gate tower, there are twelve gate towers. Each gate tower is nine feet away from each other. During this period, there are also nine steps. The twelve gate towers are arranged in sequence, like a ladder to the sky.

Behind the gate, the first gate is upstairs with the book concentrating, the second gate is upstairs with the book to accept the gods, the third is upstairs to refine the gods, the fourth is to transform the gods, the fifth is to disperse immortals, the sixth is true immortals, and the seventh is impressive. After a change, it became Yuanying, the eighth path was the fetal photo, the ninth path was dongming, the tenth path was ridiculous, the eleventh path was divided infants, and the twelfth path was good fortune.

Many monks have a sense of understanding, but they are afraid that the twelve gate towers behind this gate symbolize the cultivation realm of Yuan Ying Dao.

After the true immortal, Taiyi Sanxian's step of condensing the golden pill became the condensed Yuan Ying. After that, the Taiyi true immortal was the fetal photo, the golden immortal was the Dongming, the Daluo was the exorcism, the Hunyuan was the Fenying, and that The good fortune of the twelfth gate tower corresponds to the realm of saints

Yuan Ying Avenue can be practiced to the saint

Many monks were awe-inspiring. Daozu Hongjun preached in a prehistoric way, and there were only a few avenues for saints. Although it is said that there are methods of sanctification in the religious, elaborative, humanistic, and Buddhism, the truth is that the heaven and the earth no longer allow the saints. appear

In the hearts of a group of immortal Buddhas, this twelfth gate tower, I am afraid it is similar to a few teachings, is a gimmick for people to get started, no matter how advanced the technique is, it will never become a saint.

As for whether or not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be achieved, this kind of thing is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. Anyway, in this Shushan, there is already a demon cultivation at this time, and it has already achieved the Daluo Jinxian, but I don't know whether it is the Daluo Jinxian.

Connecting to the twelve gates, the eyes of all the immortals and Buddhas shined. On it, there was a corridor with a width of more than ten feet, the platform, and the surrounding magnificent buildings. This building is integrated with the entire Shu Mountain, as if the sky is natural.

The stars flow, the inner merits, the hearts of the immortals and Buddhas are clear, and the monks who practice here will definitely not slow down in their cultivation.

Whether it is the Tathagata or the Ksitigarbha, or the three emperors of the Fire Cloud Cave, you can feel that this strong spiritual energy is unreasonable at this time, and there are two hidden veins under the Shu Mountain.

This unique condition is really rare in the Three Realms. Even in the land of the Western Heavens, the two powers can be raised and taken in, and countless spirit gathering formations have been laid. With the Seven Treasure Tree as the foundation, it can attract a million yuan of aura and aura. The richness is only as different as here.

The Hall of Hospitality is located under the main hall of Mount Shu, which is already a high-lying place. Before standing on the platform, many fairy Buddhas can get a general view of the 58 scenery of Mount Shu.

Xuan Ting Lei Pond, Fading Golden Pond, Jiuyao Star Pagoda, and Jianping Ping, each of them made the hearts of many immortals and Buddhas coveted, and some of them even wanted to betray from the teacher's gate at this time and switch to the Shushan gate.

At this time, Ao Cunxin and the others had already prepared in the hospitality hall, a dazzling array of fairy fruit wines, enlightened immortal teas, and many monks entering the hall felt that their eyes were not enough.

Luo Ya's heart moved, but once again he felt that someone was coming to congratulate him at the mountain gate. This time he shouted from the Three Realms, it seemed that he was really going to have a big party.

Ao Lie cast a wink at the little white dragon on the side and pointed out a divine thought. The little white dragon bowed and saluted, and in a flash, he separated dozens of clones, and several clones went straight to the mountain gate to welcome the new guests..

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