One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1536: Open the door to welcome guests

Luo Ya put on a banquet, and the acquired spirit fruit in the map of the World Spirit Garden rushed to the outside. Although there was no dragon, liver and phoenix marrow, the corresponding spirit fruit almost dazzled many fairy Buddhas.

Houtian Lingguo Green Pear, Golden Mango, Carambola, Mediated Lotus Seed, Lotus Root, Amethyst Grape, Chaoyang Golden Sunflower, are completely unlimited supply.

Xianjiu Lingniang, there are Jinxiapai specialty products, Lingyun Xianniang that ordinary people can't ask for, and Qingqiu specialty, Firefox wine that is hardly available to the outside world.

What makes many immortals covet even more is the enlightenment tea. The enlightenment tea that ordinary people can't ask for a cup is actually served here for everyone in the room.

Under the clear water of Jiuxing Lingquan, the effect of Enlightenment Tea was fully stimulated. The ethereal celestial aura made many immortal Buddhas ignore the many spiritual fruits and swallowed the sea with their heads up.

Just for a moment, the slightly noisy hospitality hall plunged into silence. Luo Ya looked at all the monks who had fallen into comprehension, his face twitched.

This situation is weird at all. If someone who is unknown comes to take a look, I am afraid that he has drugged all the guests in the whole house, or why they all sit cross-legged and motionless.

Tathagata, Ksitigarbha, Subhuti, and Zhenyuanzi have a high level of realm, and they recovered in just a moment, especially Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti are fast.

These two old guys had already taken a lot of enlightenment tea from Roya before. Except for a little for the disciples to help them break through the realm, all the rest is reserved for their own enjoyment, plus their current experience. Realm is naturally the fastest to wake up.

Both Tathagata and Ksitigarbha have gained a little bit, and put their hands together to make a Buddhist ceremony towards Luo Ya. They did not expect that they would be able to receive this treasure as a treat.

Luo Ya smiled and replied, looking at the more than two hundred cups of enlightenment tea and full of spirit fruits, without the slightest distress. When these guys came, they all prepared generous gifts.

Enlightenment tea and Lingguo are both renewable resources. It will not take long for a large number of World Spirit Gardens to be produced. Naturally, he will not feel distressed. The rich gifts are much more valuable than Lingguo and Enlightenment Tea.

All the gifts presented by these immortals were handed over to Ao Cunxin. Although it was just a glimpse, Luo Ya really recognized a lot of good things.

After all, there are saints who give golden scrolls and send gifts first. The level of these people's gifts has actually improved a lot.

Take the Jade Emperor who is still in the process of comprehension. At the beginning, he asked Taibai Jinxing to prepare a generous gift. Later, he felt that the weight was not enough. He looked at the gifts from the Tathagata and others, and he did not want to lose face. A top-grade Houtian Lingbao.

Roja is completely satisfied with this pioneering move of faction, and he is really soft when receiving gifts.

And not only the Jade Emperor, but the immortals who came here, there are seven stars, twenty-eight stars, five directions revealing the truth, eight heavenly dragons, and all of them, all of which have presented gifts on behalf of each department.

The gifts from the fox ancestors and Lishan mothers are not small, and the three emperors of Huoyundong, in addition to presenting gifts on behalf of the human race, Fuxi once again sent ten cubic meters of soil.

You know, this nine-day breathing soil is an incredible thing. When people were created, they used this stuff as the main material. If they were used to plant spiritual roots, they would have infinite magical effects. Even if they were refined separately, they could become one. Pieces of acquired Lingbao.

The amazing value of the nine-day breathing soil gave out a full ten cubic meters at once. I have to say that it is indeed a big deal. The average person really can't take out this thing. The thing that the Tathagata gives is somewhat lower than the nine-day breathing soil.

Although Fuxi didn't say why he wanted to give this thing, none of the people here are fools. Naturally, they understand that this is a gift on behalf of the saint Nuwa.

There are six saints except Daozu Hongjun between the heaven and the earth, and now the four saints are indirectly or directly excluding the Western Interpretation.

Tathagata was embarrassed and didn't know what the two behind him were thinking. His identity was there, and without instructions, he could only give gifts according to the specifications lower than the saint.

The celestial buddhas fell into enlightenment, and would not wake up for a while. Although the Tathagata was troubled in his heart, he did not show any signs on his face. While talking and laughing with Loya, he discussed with Subhuti.

Subhuti has many magical powers in Buddhism, and there is a cause and effect between Buddhism and Buddhism. Pulling Zhen Yuanzi with him, the few people are talking very happily.

Little Bailong Ao Lie, who went out to welcome guests, brought a large group of people into the hospitality hall, but these people were more or less related to Luo Ya.

Li Jing, the guardian of the Heavenly Court, brought the four heavenly kings together. Nezha didn't dare to bring the generals of the Tianhe Water Army, but came alone, and the Four Seas Dragon Kings also came over.

What surprised Luo Ya the most was that the Ten Temple Yama actually came nine at a time. You must know that these guys had caused Luo Ya to beat him up, one by one, but he could come now, which is totally counterintuitive.

However, they are all guests who come to the door without hitting the smiley people. These guys come as gifts. Naturally, Luo Ya will not turn away, watching the seats, serving tea, serving the spirit fruit, Hu Yu'er and Xiao Wei's actions are Is very familiar.

Bai Ji also took the initiative to join the team of Ao Cunxin and others to help entertain the many guests who came. The eight-tailed spirit fox and the nine beautiful fox served tea. This kind of 200 treatment made the Four Seas Dragon King repeatedly bowed, but she did not dare to suffer. .

Li Jing, the Four Heavenly Kings, and Nezha saw that the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor were all present. They were also cautious in their actions. They came privately without reporting to the authorities. Their behavior was somewhat inappropriate.

Everyone had just handed in the gifts, but the Ten Temple Yama, who had been wanting to speak, had no time to speak in the future. Xiao Bailong's clone once again attracted seven people into the hospitality hall.

These seven people are Erlang Shen Yang Jian and Meishan six brothers. At this time, everyone is holding a gift box, and the Roaring Sky Dog behind Erlang Shen, meeting Luo Ya, subconsciously shrinks his neck. He remembers the memory of that day.

Yang Chan saw her brother coming, and rushed to greet him. As the first disciple of Luoya, she was also praised at the table just now. After all, it is difficult for practitioners and enlightened practitioners to reach the present in such a short time. But she also has something to praise.

The guests and friends were full, a cup of enlightenment tea went down, but it was silent, Luo Ya scratched the tip of his nose, this scene of waiting for guests, I am afraid that it is unique among the Three Realms.

Erlang Shen and Meishan Six Brothers, Li Jing and the Four Heavenly Kings, Nezha, after giving their congratulations, they raised their heads and drank the enlightened Dao tea after a few greetings. In the hall, there were only the ten halls of Yama, holding the tea cup with their faces. Still embarrassed..

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