One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1537: Speaking of the Earth

"What do you want to say?" Luo Ya raised his eyebrows when he saw this unique Ten Temple Yama, and asked him actively. Apart from the Tathagata and others who have woken up, only these few people are awake. It's generally kept hanging, which is somewhat inappropriate.

Even for the sake of the gift, it didn't matter to ask the last sentence. Anyway, these guys were afraid of being beaten by him, so he definitely didn't dare to ask too much.

"Shangxian, the ancestor witch manifests his spirit. I hope that if he is free, he will go to the place of the six reincarnations to meet with him." Ten Temple Yama looked at each other, and King Qin Guang stood up with a nervous expression on his face, bowed and bowed. Later, he said respectfully.

The many great abilities present here really make Yama of the Ten Temples feel like they can't be straight. A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is an existence they can only look up to.

When the Tathagata and the Ksitigarbha King heard the ancestral witch’s manifestation, they couldn’t help but frown. The Hou Tu was melted into the Six Paths. I’m afraid it’s almost time to be eroded and annihilated by the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Loya is invited to go , So why is it because Tuogu wants him to take care of the witches, or other

The six realms of reincarnation have great authority, and countless forces want to hold them in their hands. The words of the ten temples of Yama had to be thought-provoking. In an instant, countless thoughts were already in their minds.

"Can she do it?" Luo Ya nodded and directly agreed. When he left from the underworld earlier, he obtained a soul-cultivating tree that was not inferior to the innate spiritual root, which was clearly able to preserve the land.

I won't say more about that girl's appearance. The power blessed by the heavens is really coveted. If she can put her to death and resurrect, and get rid of the shackles of the six realms, it will definitely not take long to become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.

Even if Roja continues to make up for the Dao of Heaven and increases the position of sanctification under the permission of the heaven and the earth, he must become the one who first obtains the position of the holy. After all, the blessings of the day and the earth are really too big, almost not weaker than the saints.

Now, since I was invited, it is almost impossible for him to have some changes. If I go there, I will end my thoughts.

Ten Temple Yama heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, Qi Qi stood up and bowed to Luo Ya before sitting on his seat and drank the enlightenment tea.

After Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, more than an hour passed, Daluo Jinxian also woke up one after another, congratulating Luo Ya again.

Roja did not know how many compliments he had heard before and after, and his face was a little stiff, and he secretly remembered a group of people who came to congratulate. These people may be grassroots, but sometimes they might as well. One use.

In five full days, all the talents on Demon Killing Mountain woke up one after another. Tathagata, Subhuti and others, in five days, either talked about the avenue, or secretly formed gangs, the Jade Emperor rushed frequently. Among the monks, I want to draw more helpers.

Roya entertained everyone for five days, and he was already annoying. He was not the ancestor of the fox tribe, Hu Qingrong, because of Bai Ji's affairs, he could host a banquet for five days.

It's just starting a sect, and there are not even a few apprentices. No matter how fancy compliments, I'm tired of listening.

During the period, I talked about the difference between Yuanying Avenue and Jindan Avenue, but there were many immortal Buddhas. I was already thinking about whether my descendants would have the ability to worship immortal doors.

After all, the level 9 Sendai at the gate is not commonplace. After the Tathagata and the others climbed, some people already went to experiment, but they found out that the innate, non-golden aptitude, is not at the sixth level at all.

These standards for accepting disciples, I'm afraid that the huge Three Realms have already smashed ninety-nine of the monks abruptly. Moreover, with the golden celestial qualifications, it is an ordinary disciple who worships the mountain gate. Many people have already doubted that this mountain has repaired this. How many disciples could be received in such a huge gate.


The reception came to an end. Many immortal Buddhas saw that Luo Ya already had the intention of seeing off the guests, and secretly prepared to say goodbye in their hearts, but before they could speak, the spirit of the fairy spirit in the Shu Mountain vibrated, and the sky was surging.

The auspicious sky is full, the golden lotus rushes violently, and there are endless auspicious scenes in a radius of thousands of miles. Countless birds, spirit beasts, or the generation in scales and armor, or the wet-born eggs, all bow to the auspicious center.

In that central place, yin and yang converge, and the power of extreme yin is especially strong, but after the three-legged Wu Peng received the gift of heaven, the cathode produces yang, and the yin and yang are combined.

"Good aptitude, good opportunity, such talents are rare in the three realms." Zhen Yuanzi said with emotion, with a bit of envy on his face. The three-legged Wupeng does not exist in this realm, but he can see that it is extraordinary. Although the matter is not pointed out, it is very clear in my heart.

"It's really extraordinary." Tathagata echoed, with a glint in his eyes, breaking through the realm of Da Luo, and attracting thousands of beasts to worship, and thousands of monsters bowed. This qualification is probably enough to compare with the ancient monster emperor.

"When you come, five auspicious parties will welcome each other, and when you go, thousands of souls, birds and beasts will be given away. This kind of treatment is ashamed of the poor." Subudi smiled, and in the past five days, he quietly beat Luo Ya An agreement was reached, but it was a good time.

"The Taoist friends in Subhuti have said so, and I will leave today, and once again I wish the Taoist friends to be full of the Three Realms." Zhen Yuanzi set an example and said goodbye.

"Xinzi cloth nine days." Subhuti also sent his own blessings. This guy was robbed by Zhen Yuanzi last time, but now, the two have discussed in advance.

"Great goodness." The Tathagata clasped his hands together and echoed, feeling like a flow of kindness. The Ksitigarbha king on the side was not happy to show off, and at this time he just saluted again.

The four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian went out to leave the mountain gate first, and the following Daluo Jinxian also began to leave one after another. Bai Ji quietly gave Luo Ya a letter and left with the ancestor of the fox clan.Okay

Seeing that Queer Leng Jing was well, the old mother Lishan let go of her worry, and after saying goodbye, she turned and left with her two apprentices.

"Friends of Taoism, don't forget your and me agreement." After the other great powers left, the Jade Emperor interjected, smiling on his face, turning and leaving, quite fascinating when he walked.

In the past few days, he deeply felt that he had gained a lot. When he was close to Luo Ya, he received one of his promises. In the future, the Shushan disciples will go to the heavenly court for experience.

It was called Lilian, but it was equivalent to sending someone off to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor consciously had the opportunity to find a way to consolidate himself, and Luo Ya was fighting for the idea of ​​infiltrating the heavens.

The two have their own calculations, and are well aware of the other's thoughts, but the specific result will depend on who is better.

After the Jade Emperor left, the heavenly celestial immortals and Buddhism Arhat and Buddhism also gathered together into a farewell..

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