One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1544: Shushan accepts disciples

The title of the ancestor of the Shu Mountain was naturally not spoken by Ao Cunxin and others. It was just that Luo Ya announced to the Three Realms before. In the eyes of ordinary monks and creatures, such magical powers are already the legendary ancestor level.

Most low-level casual cultivators, or low-level demon races, have no concept of Da Luo Jinxian, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they only know that powerful people are called real people, and stronger people are called Shangxian, and then go on On, it is the ancestor.

After the battle, the saints retreated behind the scenes, and their reputations were not obvious for ten thousand years. The living beings here live as long as a thousand years, as short as a hundred years, and even those with only a few years. I don’t know the reputation of the saint at all. It is the most lofty title in their hearts.

Luo Ya didn't know that he had already been crowned with the title of the ancestor of the mountain. At this time, he paced towards the gate of the mountain without rushing. Shennian had secretly checked the blood aptitude of the thousands of creatures at the gate.

Many things, even if you don't use Level 9 Sendai, you can see a general idea, like the mouse spirits and cow spirits with ordinary blood. It is completely impossible to become a golden fairy.

In the thirty-three heavens, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing sage Li Er sat next to each other, each with a bit of relief on their faces, and a bit of dignity on the other.

Although the Lord Tongtian had never sat with the two of them, after Li Er's mutual contact some time ago, the three of them probably reached a consensus again.

After all, Ji Jiao had been calculated so badly, the doormen fell apart, and the body of freedom was still there, and only the old Lishan mother was left.

Some time ago, the old mother Lishan, who finally stepped into the Golden Fairy Realm of Hunyuan Daluo, regressed in order to return to Heaven. Even if the Master Tongtian was open-minded, he did not let go so quickly.

It's just that the Taoism under the school is scattered, and now Buddhism is ready to go. If you really don't care, I'm afraid this Taoist stall will be completely disbanded. When the time comes to cut off the teachings, explain the teachings, and teach others, I am afraid that there will be no turning back. day.

The rise of Luo Ya was paid attention to by Yuanshi Tianzun some time ago. After that speculation, it was confirmed by many parties. However, Laozi contacted Tongtian and explained the interests, which finally attracted him to let go and made a series of arrangements.

Perceiving the dissipation of the formation on the gift box they sent, they naturally felt the original temptation. At this time, they got the most affirmative answer. Luo Ya used the power of the three teachings to easily open the gift box.

With such a result, they can say that they have not received any effect. It can also be said that the effect is terrifying. Dao Zu Hongjun preached the Three Realms and benefited thousands of creatures. However, there are three thousand avenues and the paths taken between different monks are different. .

At the same time, it has the atmosphere of the three religions, can it be said that Luo Ya is the longest of the three families, that Yuan Ying Dadao is really so powerful, or is it that guy?

Excluding the initial expectations and high hopes, a trace of fear uncontrollably rose in the heart of Taiqing Saint Li Er.

"Fine, let's do it and see." With a sigh in his heart, Li Er shook his head. If it was really what the original guess was, they would have to be more careful. They finally got rid of a layer of restraint. Who would want this restraint to come back to his head.

When it was really impossible to do anything, Li Er, the sage of Taiqing, didn't mind to erase one sentence before he became stronger. After all, such a threat was a bit bigger.

At the gate of Shu Mountain, nearly ten thousand creatures saw the figure pacing down above the twelve gates, with excitement and excitement on their faces. There are always those one or two sharp-eyed creatures who know the face of Luo Ya.

"Waiting to see the ancestors of the Shu Mountain" originally lived around the Shu Mountain and guarded himself. Seeing Luo Ya appeared, he shouted and bowed directly to the ground.

As for the creatures who came from other places in Hezhou, Xiniu, seeing the actions of these creatures, they knew that they had not hesitated to wait until the Lord was right, and they all fell to the ground and shouted.

"Meet the ancestors of Shushan"

Nearly ten thousand creatures shouted in unison, and most of them were somewhat cultivated. Such a sound directly lifted the nine-day cloud layer, and the sound could be heard in thousands of miles.

Relying on being louder than the voice and what the hell is the name of the ancestor of the Shu Mountain, I just created a school, and it is just the cultivation base of the late Jinxian, which becomes the ancestor

We must know that there is an unwritten rule in the Three Realms. Those who are known as the ancestors are at least the monks of the Daluo Jinxian level. In fact, the one who really calls this name must be the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Luo Ya doesn't care so much, but the name of the ancestor of the Shu Mountain is really hard to hear. It is directly named after the sect. There is no new idea and no artistic conception.

Ask for flowers

For example, Subhuti is named after the Taoist name. The monks of the Three Realms may call him the ancestor of Subhuti, or the ancestor of Subhuti. No matter how bad he is, he is also an ancestor of Bodhi.

There is also Zhenyuanzi. The outside world calls him the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the ancestor of the earth immortal, more respectable, and then the ancestor of the Zhenyuan ancestor, is basically named after the honorable name and the Taoist name.

Think about calling Subudi the ancestor of Lingtai, the ancestor of Sanxingdong, and the ancestor of Wuzhuangguan as Zhenyuanzi. Luo Ya is helpless. I really don't know how to make people complain about it.

But when I think about it, Luo Ya's affection is just a little bit stunned. It seems that he really doesn't even have a road number, and he is very clean and tidy. If these people are replaced by names, then it will be really embarrassing. .

What Luoya Patriarch, Patriarch Luo Ya, thinking about it can make people spew food, compared with the ancestor of Shushan, it really sounds much better, at least it will not make people feel tired and sleepless.

Ao Cunxin and the others were relieved when they saw Luo Ya's arrival. The general entry into the school was quite cumbersome, and it was a test of aptitude and character, and even more inexplicable curves, but they were not good. Substitute.

Nodding to several people, Luo Ya stood in front of the gate of Shushan, maintaining a calm expression on his face, watching these nearly ten thousand creatures slowly speak.

"Since you came to my door, you wanted to worship the immortal gate. There was a saying before that, those who climb to the sixth level of the 9th level of Sendai can enter the Shu Mountain. If you don't change this, you can go to the stage and try yourself."

Roya urgently needs to expand the gate of Shushan Mountain. The request of the disciple of the gatekeeper is only a golden immortal qualification, and he doesn't care about any xinxing issues afterwards.

Even the stubborn ones like Xiao Bailong were forced to break right, and now Xiao Bailong inherited his skill, and used it to set things right and train those who are not good at nature. It was completely just right.

"Xie Lao Zu Ende" nearly ten thousand creatures thanked him again, his face was very excited, with Roya on his side, the order did not dare to be the slightest disorder, lined up one by one, stepping onto the nine-level Sendai one by one..

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