One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1545: Sage Disciple

Just now, Luo Ya had already checked with his divine mind. Among nearly ten thousand creatures, there are indeed several good seedlings. Although they are not comparable to the blood of Ao Cunxin and others, they are considered good when placed in the Three Realms.

After all, nowadays Buddhism is sweeping West Niu Hezhou. Many monster races are rushing to come after knowing that this place is a place to avoid disasters. This 10,000 li radius has really gathered many monster races.

Some of the monsters watching the fairy Buddha left and couldn't wait to come, and there were more monsters who chose to wait and see. Among the nearly ten thousand creatures, Luo Ya actually saw a few human youths and girls.

There are many demon races nearby, but no demon race dares to harm the human race, and even many demon races will spontaneously guard. After all, this is the last piece of pure land destroyed by the Buddhism. They don't want to provoke the Shu Mountain. The immortal was disgusted, "One Six Zero" lost this last place to live.

Although there are a large number of nearly ten thousand creatures, those who can reach the golden immortal are rare. Even most creatures get to the second stage, and then the third stage is bounced out, so the speed of this test is still quite fast. of.

With the passage of time, countless creatures climbed up from the side of Sendai in despair and retreated to the side. So far, it was just a creature that looked like a donkey stepped onto the fifth level and was thrown away.

Seeing this male donkey, Luo Ya couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Apart from gender, this donkey was exactly the same as the mount of the girl in purple clothes that he saw in Qingqiu that day.

This strange beast looks like a donkey. It is recorded in the Shanhaijing. It is naturally proficient in earth escape, and its escape speed is not inferior to the earth escape technique in the thirty-six changes of the day.

As a sect person, he is not qualified, but if he is a disciple mount, it should be pretty good. Luo Ya sent a message to Xiao Bailong, and he went straight to the place where the donkey was.

Nearly ten thousand creatures have been to Sendai with nearly half of them, but so far no one has reached the sixth level. There have been great changes in emotions. Many creatures who think that their talents are not good, have not tried it, they are sad. Retreat.

At this time, a thin and thin looking young man who had just passed the famine, he brought an eight-year-old child to the ninth level of Sendai. There was a smile on Luo Ya's face, but he saw the pair quite well.

The thin young man is a spiritual pillar to become essence. This spiritual bamboo is also extraordinary. It is a blue-patterned bi-bamboo. It is a fairly good material for making treasures. It is definitely a great opportunity to become refined. , I think I should be able to achieve something.

And the eight-year-old child, with a faintly tired cheeks, was an ordinary human teenager. He should be a resident of a nearby village. Seeing the look of expectation in his eyes, he was obviously very enthusiastic about asking immortals.

The green bamboo spirit nodded to the young boy. The young boy was firm, and stepped onto the ninth level of Sendai without being affected at all. After that, he froze step by step and reached the seventh level.

And looking at his face without changing his color, his appearance was unobstructed, he clearly had the potential to continue upward, and he reached level seven with ease, Luo Ya's body was slightly shaken, and without a word, he directly brought him to his side.

This kind of aptitude is absolutely compelling to be able to reach the eighth level, and even the ninth level says that wealth is not exposed, and talents are also not exposed. If you let others know that there is a sanctified youth under their sect, they must not blow up. Days

The green bamboo spirit saw the young boy standing next to Roya in an instant, with a hint of surprise on his face. Needless to say, he passed the test for such behavior.

The more than four thousand creatures remaining in front of the Shu Mountain gate exploded in an instant. After a few hours, one person finally passed the examination, and he was still a young man who seemed to be weak, which gave them a glimmer of hope.

And many monsters are wondering, is it because of this test, the requirements of the human race are weak, or why a young boy can reach the seventh level, and before, even Taiyi true immortals failed to reach the sixth level.

"What's your name?" Luo Ya suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, completely ignoring the intention of the group of blood-sucking creatures, and asked the infant.

Although he just saw that this young man has extraordinary aptitude and should be able to reach the sixth level, he never expected that he would reach the seventh level so easily. Not surprisingly, the remaining two levels, for him, It's not difficult

"Return to the ancestor, I, my name is Hongyu." The boy said, with a somewhat dazed expression on his face, as if he had not recovered from this sudden change.

Hong Yu, Hong Yu, Ma Dan, there is such a person in the Journey to the West, making a joke, I have never heard of it.

Roya muttered in his heart for a while, but the smile on his face did not diminish in the slightest. A young man with saint qualifications, this is definitely a treasure.

"Today, the deity Roya, Hongyu, a young man from the income tribe, ranks third as a disciple who enters the room." Roya raised his voice and said to many creatures, directly shaking these creatures.

This disciple of the room is completely different from that of the inner disciple, ordinary disciple

"Brother Green Bamboo" boy Hong Yu was stunned for a moment, and also realized that he had succeeded, and turned to look at the green bamboo spirit under the steps.

Green Bamboo smiled on his face and stepped onto the ninth-level Sendai. The first four-level faces did not change. The fifth-level was under heavy pressure, and the sixth-level was dripping with cold sweat. The seventh-level tried his best, and he was bombed halfway. Get out.

Luo Ya raised his hand and pulled the green bamboo spirit to his side, with a bigger smile on his face, a green bamboo spirit with mid-term qualifications of Luo Jinxian, very good, very good.

With his body and talent of the blue pattern and bizhu, although he has only practiced the Mirror monk now, he will definitely be outrageous quickly when he cultivates. It can be said that he can become a Da Luo within a century.

We must know that the green bizhu is somewhat similar to that of Loya's previous life. It only grows four centimeters in ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, it can grow more than ten centimeters a day. The foundation is deep, and it has been consolidated as early as ten thousand years. It's almost the same as the big Luo Jinxian sent to the door

"first name."

"Biqingzhu." When the green bamboo spirit heard Luo Ya's question, his face also had a surprise look, enduring fatigue, and hurriedly answered, then Hong Yu trot to his side with concern.

"Biqingzhu has an extraordinary aptitude, and he can be a disciple of the Shushan Inner Sect to build Yuanying Avenue."

Thousands of creatures heard Luo Ya's words, and their faces raised a strong expression of excitement. One after another, they worshipped Shushan and they were still demons.

These creatures are excited, Luo Ya is also very excited, Mad, I want to teach a saint disciple and also picked up a semi-ready Da Luo Jinxian luck, the Three Realms can not find a second.

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