One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1549: This is your home

More than ten years of perseverance, ten years of painstaking search, and rushing west to the Middle East of the Three Realms, it is a journey of hundreds of millions of miles. The red peony has traveled almost in most places of the Three Realms.

The original residence of the long live fox king Huang Qi in Moyun Cave of Jilei Mountain has been turned upside down, but the guy who is the long live fox king, since he learned from Luo Ya that Jilei Mountain is the place of opportunity, he regrets his life. Left long ago.

Relying on the relationship between Hu Yuer and Ao Cunxin, the guy Long Live Fox King Huang Qi has become a guest of Xihai Dragon Palace within ten years, enjoying the top-level guest treatment.

The old guy had only a thousand years of life left. Hu Yuer, a Nizi, was worried about his father. Before Zhenyuanzi gave Queer Lengjing a ginseng fruit. After making many promises, she exchanged it with him and gave it to Long live the fox king.

Now that guy has no worries about his life, he is enjoying a light blessing in the West Sea, and he doesn't even bother to go out and see no strangers. Although the red peony is the peak of Taiyi True Immortal, where can he find it.

That Caiyuanzi Zhang Qing is just a temporary fake name. She even went to the underworld and never asked about this name's exchanges, only when she was out of the mortal womb, not into the six realms, and might even be gone.

For more than ten years, she had also suspected, maybe it was just a dream at first, but the scene of life and death, every time she was surrounded by her heart, that little doubt was instantly forgotten.

It wasn't until a few days ago that she heard Luo Ya's announcement of the Three Realms in the northernmost part of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and she stopped searching for the most dangerous place in Beiju Luzhou.

Although she hadn't heard the voice again for more than ten years, she was absolutely sure and would never make a mistake. The voice that made her awakened in practice has appeared thousands of times.

Roja knew that he could not hide. The debt that was jokingly owed back then was now time to repay, and he gritted his teeth and spurred him to appear in a place less than ten meters away from Hongshao.

The immortal force in his hand shielded the eyes of the creatures on the ground. The creatures on the ground knew that there were some things they couldn't see, so they shrank their necks and focused on the little white dragon.

The four eyes were facing each other, Hong Shao's eyes held Wuwei Chen's mixed emotions, and the murderous aura erupted, mapping the surroundings into scarlet colors.

She was deceived by a pseudonym, and once deceived, she gave up the buddhist status for more than ten years, gave up the opportunity to be promoted to the golden immortal, and deviated from the expectations of the eight Tianlong Zhong Yasha tribes

Roya's eyes were slightly dodging, after all, he turned his cheeks to the side, with a little guilt in his eyes. God knows why the original jokes turned into what they are now.

The wind and frosty expression of Hong Peony has already explained everything. Compared to the Buddha's energy-infused, peaceful and peaceful face more than ten years ago, she seems to have returned to the appearance she had seen for the first time in the Hokage World Trial Tower in the past ten years.

Cold, glamorous, with a murderous look on his body, a slightly exhausted face, and the lack of celestial power in his body, which proved that he might come here non-stop after getting news.

"Why?" Hong Shao stared at Luo Ya's face for a long while, his murderous aura disappeared, his body was much thinner than ten years ago, and his voice was a little helpless.

"I'm sorry I told a lie at the time." Luo Ya gritted his teeth. He was never the one who dared not be, even if he did something wrong, he did not lack the courage to bear the consequences.

"Wow wow wow" Hong Shao shrugged her shoulders when she heard the words of apology, sobbing in a low voice, like a helpless little girl, her whole body disappeared, and she changed from weeping to crying.

With a guilty look on Roja's face, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. Because of a joke, the other party's destiny was deviated, and he suffered all the hardships. It was his fault.

When Roya was worried, Hong Shao’s cries stopped abruptly, and his soul was turbulent, but he passed out in a coma. After more than ten years of painstaking search, when the real result is suddenly in front of him, I am afraid that no one can accept it. .

The clouds under his feet dissipated, and Hong Shao's body fell directly toward the ground. There was a full kilometer from the ground. It was Taiyi True Immortal. Without the power of immortality, he would break bones and tendons if he fell.

Luo Ya flashed and hugged the red peony in his arms, and after a sigh in his heart, he promptly returned to the Supreme Immortal Mansion and placed it on his soft couch.

Various spirit pills were fed to Hong Shao's mouth. After being in a coma for three hours, he woke up, but he had never opened his eyes, let alone moved a little.

Ask for flowers

Roya didn't know how to speak, so he could only pretend to meditate on the sidelines. Such a dull atmosphere lasted a full day.

"I want to be your woman, do you want to."

The atmosphere of silence was suddenly broken by the red peony, and he still hadn't moved. If it wasn't for his keen senses, Roja would still suspect that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes", whether it is Hongshao's infatuation or Roja's own guilt, the word is absolutely clear. A woman who has been in the Three Realms for more than ten years will soften her heart.

"Is it very curious?" Hong Shao still closed his eyes, and his body had not moved, but his body suddenly became more popular, as if he had let go of his heavy burden.

"Yeah." Luo Ya replied softly. He wanted to say that it was fake that he was not curious. The murderous aura at the first meeting was awe-inspiring, but the weak and helpless later, and the peace and tranquility now, he couldn't figure out why the change was so great. .

"At first, I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't do it. I wanted to hate you, but I couldn't hate it. Now I lie here, I feel at ease"

Hong Shao spoke softly, with a moving face and a calm smile, she has been running around for more than ten years, this is the first time she can lie down in peace.

Luo Ya was taken aback for a moment, and he already understood why Hongshao looks like this now. For more than ten years, Hongshao has never stopped thinking of him day and night.

Time and time again, she strongly hinted that she had regarded Luo Ya as a beloved love, or the kind of love to her bones. This kind of paranoid love allowed her to ignore anything.

"This is your home." Luo Ya took a deep breath and said to Red Peony, but in his heart it was a decision to make up for the debt of more than ten years in the future.

"Yeah." Hong Shao stretched out a little lazily, lying sideways on the soft couch, falling asleep after a long time. Luo Ya could clearly see that the demon who had been entangled in his soul, roared and disappeared. Without a trace.

"That's fine." Luo Ya heaved a sigh of relief, got up and pulled the 10,000-year silk quilt on the side, and covered it on Hong Shao's body. The current situation is already the best result..

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