One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1550: Advanced Cleansing Lotus Robe

After Ao Cunxin, Chai Miaoling, Hu Yu'er, and others learned about the story of Hongshao, they gave Roya countless eyes. The look that seemed like a sad man made him completely ignorant of how to stay on the Shu Mountain.

The painful experience of red peony can undoubtedly arouse the sympathy and love of all women, and a group of women directly formed a united front.

After he woke up, the spirit fruit, spirit tea, various cultivation resources, and various precious magic weapons were all stuffed into the hands of the red peony. He was cold and warm all day long, leaving the red peony at a loss what to do.

Before becoming the Eight Heavenly Dragons, she killed all day long for the sake of slaughter. After that, she entered Buddhism. Buddhism is the most taboo to move that desire. Where has she ever been cared for like this.

However, this feeling made Hong Shao feel warm in his heart. Although it was rather restrictive to deal with, but knowing the good intentions of the people, he tried to get along with them in the "one nine three" force.

Luo Ya was stunned, and it was a relief to see the red peony gradually blending into the group. A man, he wouldn't lose a piece of flesh when he was stunned, as long as his own woman had a good life.

In Naruto World, Nara Lu married a Nara Yoshino for a long time. He was neither beautiful nor gentle. All day long, he kneeled on parallel bars or instant noodles, and even knelt durian later.

I am sitting on so many beautiful family members, one by one, to the outside world, they are the existence that can make countless monks salivate. What is so insatiable?

I comforted myself for a moment, but Luo Ya stopped thinking about it, and separated dozens of clones to deal with miscellaneous things, and after comprehending a series of exercises such as the golden medal of good fortune, the sword formation of Zhuxian, the body began to concentrate on strengthening Repair for.

Previously, when the mountain was founded, merits were given from the heavens, and his cultivation base was forcibly pushed to the late Jinxian stage. This improvement was not a big one. All of a sudden, it made the three flowers gather at the top. Although it was not consummated, it directly saved him. How many years of penance.

The Three Flowers Consummation is the peak of the Golden Immortal. Now that we know the blue, gold, and white of the sea, the three flowers of heaven, earth and people are turning endlessly, slowly consolidating the realm after a substantial increase.

The golden pill rotates endlessly in the pubic area, and the fifty Daoyuns resonate with the three flowers of heaven, earth and people. The place of cultivation slowly forms a cloud of celebration, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura swarms.

Luo Ya has a deep foundation, and he is really cultivating for the great Dao, but it doesn't have the situation of sudden improvement and unstable realm that ordinary cultivators do. Such cultivation is nothing but perfection.

Two days later, there was a slight vibration from the Ten Thousand Worlds Spirit Garden in the dantian. You don't need to guess that it was Doudou who saw the end of the world and the black lotus matured and came to inform him.

Doudou knew the importance of this world-destroying black lotus to him. After laying down the nine-day breathing soil, she began to squat by the side and concentrate on taking care of it.

There was a smile on Luo Ya's face, and when his divine thought moved, he entered into the world spirit garden map. After maturity, the world-destroying black lotus is now in the eighth rank, although the eighth rank is slightly smaller than the others. Circle, but this level has already made him extremely satisfied.

After taking the black lotus from the world, Luo Ya produced a map of the spiritual garden of ten thousand worlds and came directly to the retreat of the Supreme Immortal Mansion. The thick soil around this retreat was even more guarded. Even if there is any movement, it will definitely not Will spread out.


The Jingshi lotus robe kept humming, sending out a kind of impatient emotion, Luo Ya did not delay seeing this, and directly started to swallow the eighth grade lotus platform with the Jingshi lotus robe.


The Eighth Stage Destroying Black Lotus has not yet given birth to spiritual wisdom, and it is not like a spiritual treasure.

Eight-Rank does not enter the innate, but Haolai is the seed of the innate Lingbao, and its effect is also extraordinary, and the absorption speed of the Jingshi lotus robe is not very fast.

It took three full days for this entire world-destroying black lotus to be completely absorbed, and the halo on the lotus robes of the pure world was flowing, but the appearance was more black and gold lines.

Although this pattern is not particularly conspicuous, invisibly, it adds a domineering aura to the Jingshilian robe, which is undoubtedly more violent and direct than the gentle aura before.

"Are you the best Houtian Lingbao?" Luo Ya frowned and muttered to himself, seeming to be dissatisfied with the current level of this Jingshilian robe.

This world-destroying black lotus was planted from the lotus seeds of the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus. The proper top-quality Houtian spiritual roots only allowed the Jingshi lotus robe to be upgraded to the level of the top-quality Houtian spiritual treasure. How can this be? Satisfy Roja

With a move in his heart, two small lamps appeared in his hands. This lamp was the low-grade Houtian Lingbao that contained the six divine fire and the purple fire.

The flames on the Jingshi lotus robe surged, and Luo Ya input a little bit of immortal power into the two small lamps, and the flames in the small lamps grew to more than a foot high in a moment.

Closing his eyes and knees to the ground, he directly urged the lotus robe to absorb the two kinds of flames, and now it has become the best posthumous spirit treasure. These two flames can no longer hurt the lotus robe at all. This absorption process is also divided. Smooth outside.

After spending two days absorbing it, the breath of the lotus robes of the pure world skyrocketed, soaring to the level of the acquired treasure

At this point, it is already at the top of the acquired day, and even Luo Ya can feel that the power of the Jingshi lotus robe far exceeds the scope of the acquired spirit treasure.

This level is surprisingly at the same level as the Houtian Merit Supreme Treasure Wheel of Heavenly Punishment, and even closer than the level of that Congenital Lingbao.

"Xiantian, do you have to absorb the level of Xian Lingbao to advance?" Luo Ya frowned, and couldn't help but mutter.

Xiantian Lingbao is rare in the Three Realms, and it has all kinds of wonders, and it has not been a simple matter since ancient times to turn the nurture into the innate. This pure world lotus robe has reached the limit of the current level, and wants to enter the Xiantian Lingbao. Column, I’m afraid I’m going to collect a congenital level, the congenital thing left directly by the Creation Qinglian.

Most of these things are now in the hands of the saints. Want to obtain them requires long-term consideration. However, the seeds of the twelve-rank merit golden lotus were planted in the world spiritual garden some time ago. After they mature, they can help the Jingshi lotus robe. It doesn't matter if you rush into the innate, even if you don't get other things.

Now the Jingshi lotus robe has also become the level of the acquired treasure. It is at the same level as the Wheel of Heavenly Punishment, and even faintly beyond. The assassin that was passed back after the Wheel of Heavenly Punishment was advanced can already be used.

"Assassin, big assassin, use it, I am afraid it can scare others to death." Luo Ya muttered, very satisfied with this ultimate move..

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