One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1561: Give Heads

Esther's idea is actually very easy to understand. In his thoughts, Roja called her because of her strong combat power.

This combat power can do many things that others can't do. After all, no matter what kind of world it is, in the end, it is the last word to have a big fist.

And now, Roja's strength has even risen to a level that Esdes can't predict. With this huge gap, she will inevitably be worried.

Is it because her combat power can't keep up with the pace of her own man? Does it also mean that she is useless?

All women are almost the same in nature. When one day finds that in front of their own men, their once proudest point disappears, they will suffer from gains and losses.

When Roja once called Esthers, it was indeed because of his powerful combat power. This is undeniable, but when later, his combat power has completely separated from Esthers, he still remembers it. she was.

The relationship between them is not about employers and thugs. Since Esther is a woman from Ro13, it is not that important whether she is actually strong or not.

For a long time, all he asked for was that the women had enough strength to protect themselves. Of course, if they could take advantage of the situation to become stronger, then it would be better.

After all, they were once the proud daughters of heaven. If he changed himself because of him, he would feel sorry for the daughters in his heart.

Cheers resounded in the capital, and the Queen, who had been single for decades, unexpectedly had a partner before them knowing it. It was really a heart disease for them.

Some people are happy, and others are naturally unhappy. Asides is beautiful and white, and strong, and he holds the authority of the empire, but is the supreme existence. There are not a few people who love her secretly. At this time, it is naturally envy and hatred.

In the crowd, several eyes stared at Luo Ya, the shadowy bird in his eyes did not hide at all.

When Roja's mind swept away, he saw the source of these gazes. This look of eagerness to eat his flesh and blood is really familiar to him. If there is such a murderous intent, it also proves that the other party really hates him. .

Esdes has a domineering look and feel, and he can naturally perceive this malice, frowning, and just about to take a shot, Roja grabs his little hand.

"It's just an ant, there is still work that I haven't done today." Roja spoke in Esther's ear, and the breath squirting from the nose made his body soft, and he responded in a low voice.

The king was caught in a carnival, and Queen Esther finally found her belonging, and quickly spread to every corner of the empire. The huge countries started spontaneous carnivals.

As for the two parties involved, they didn’t have any time to deal with the messy things at this time. In the depths of the palace, in Esther’s bedroom, Roja had been conquering endlessly, completely incarnate as a piledriver, and began to compensate for years without rest. The debt to Esters.

At the beginning, Esdes had also thought about striving for the upper position. He wanted to fight for the dominance several times, but he was defeated in less than half a day and let Roja toss.

This tossing was terrible. It lasted from the evening to the dawn of the next day. Xiaobie wins the newlyweds, and it is the situation of the two of them.

As soon as the exhausted Esdes was over, he lost his lingering rhyme. The weak and boneless body trembled from time to time. It was obvious that the stimulus was too strong, even if it was over, it had not completely receded.

Roja hugged Esdes and slowly relieved her exhaustion with immortal power, while divine consciousness was scattered throughout the imperial capital. For him, the origin power of this world was quite easy to obtain.

There is also a fairy treasure chest where Esdes is. After all, he is also the demon god showing the essence of the devil and the fruit of the sun. The strength of Esdes is completely beyond the level of this world.

The remaining treasure chests are only diamond-level, while the others are mostly golden treasure chests. This level of treasure chests is somewhat despised by Roja.

After all, he was already a monk in the late Jinxian period, and those treasure chests had little effect on him, and even the more precious things in it were of no use at all.

The level of the treasure chest proves the level of the strong here. The highest in this world is about the same as the original Pirate World. Collect 25 pieces of the supreme treasure chest and obtain the power of high-level origin. It can be done in minutes. To.

Now that the dangerous species that Roja rode back has pulled up a cordon, the huge size has attracted countless people in the imperial capital to stop and watch, but the power of the dangerous species, they dare not approach.

This dangerous species is also honest. After knowing that there should be no danger for the time being, it actually lay on the ground and rested, with the high-grade magic weapon stuck on its head. It had no idea of ​​daring to escape.

In the crowd, two powerful men with astringent aura slowly approached the Super Dangerous Species, and their respective imperial implements were hidden in their wide robes.

"Wan Li Fei Xiang and Thor's anger are a bit interesting, are they planning to arouse dangerous riots and cause trouble for themselves?" Luo Ya muttered a few words in his heart, with a playful look on his face.

The one flying Mestima holding thousands of miles should be the Lan in the original, but at this moment he seems to be not in the same camp as Esthers, and he actually stood with General Bud 217 in the original.

General Naboud is the owner of Thor's Wrath Adel Miller in the original book. As a staunch supporter of the former empire, he is even more unlikely to take refuge in Esdes.

And looking at that scary scar, I am afraid that he was lucky enough to escape his life at the beginning. Now that the empire of Asdes is in the lead, this general Bud must have no good things here.

"They are all good, I should be able to get two pieces of the supreme treasure chest." Luo Ya felt the breath of the two, with a smile on his face, these two goods, there is a way to heaven, he will not go, there is no way to hell Barge in.

Luo Ya Ke never had the habit of letting it slip away from the fragments of the supreme treasure chest sent to him. With a heart move, the demon-killing spear that was kept in his dantian flew directly towards the place where the two of them were.

After the refining, the Demon Killing Spear was not only more powerful, but also spiritually increased. There was no need to say anything at all. After going up, it turned into a black light, a straight thorn in the mouth.


The emperor and the high-grade Houtian Lingbao were not at the same level. The man named Lan had not had time to make any response. The protective emperor was shattered directly under the cloak, and a huge cavity appeared in his chest..

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