One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1562: The Able Estes

With a slight muffled sound, Lan's body fell to the ground. Her body was originally slightly thin. At this time, it seemed like a corpse, but under the spirit-devouring formation, the essence of the whole body was abruptly sucked away.

General Bude, who was on the side, was about to take a shot at the ancient dangerous species. Seeing the silhouette of his companion falling suddenly, his pupils instantly shrank to the extreme.

The Demon Killing Spear is a high-grade Houtian Lingbao. With the support of Luo Ya's huge celestial power, it moves on its own. Even the Golden Immortal must be guarded carefully. He didn't even see its shadow.

The body was instantly covered with cold sweat. General Bud did not dare to move at all at this time. The thunder god's anger on his arms, Admiral, gave out a trembling, which trembling with obvious fear.

The emperor is made of various materials mixed with the flesh and blood of the dangerous species. Thor's wrath, Admiral, and the evil spirits are like an armor, it is a living emperor.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the remnant party orchid of the empire and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

The system's prompt sound came, Luo Ya in the palace raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face, with a movement of divine thought, the demon-killing spear that passed through the orchid's chamber uttered a clear cry, and appeared in a circle. In front of General Bud.

"What kind of emperor is this?"


There was no decent resistance at all. The Demon Killing Spear was alive. Seeing that General Bude actually called it a trash thing like Digu, it instantly penetrated his chest and absorbed the essence of it.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the remnant party Budd of the Empire and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

"Tsk tusk, it's really easy." Roya murmured, Shen Nian once again issued an order to the Demon Killing Spear, which provoked the bodies of Bud and Lan, and flew to the palace with two pieces of imperial equipment. Place.

The guards that were originally guarding the Super Dangerous Species just woke up like a dream. Seeing the death of the two cloaks, they had no time to do anything.

"I seem to see that one of the cloaked men is a sss-class wanted criminal, Bud”” A guard turned around after Lan died, but he noticed General Bud's face, and said in a daze.

The surrounding garrison soldiers immediately started to make an uproar. The shadow of the famous tree of man, as one of the former iron walls of the empire, was the only one who escaped from Esders's life, Bud's strength was obvious to all.

"Will it be the king?" A soldier opened his mouth and said his guess. They had never seen Demon Killing Spear. There was no record of this thing in the imperial capital. Now after killing the two people, he took the corpse and flew to the palace. It seems that there is only this possibility.

The garrison soldiers nodded their heads in recognition of this speculation. A man who can subdue the super dangerous species, God knows how strong he will be.

The Super Dangerous Species lay on the ground, opened one eye, and saw the Demon Killing Gun far away, with a trace of heart palpitations in its pupils. On the way it came, it was disobedient and didn't know how many times it was shot by the gun.

And on the road, when a dangerous species of the same special grade happened to pass by, the Demon Killing Spear only flashed with black light, turning the special dangerous species into a corpse. To it, this black spear was completely nightmare.

The Demon Killing Spear flew slowly into the palace, and descended from the sky under the watchful eyes of the guards. The Red Eye, who was the chief guard of the palace, lifted the sword forward, guarding the Demon Killing Spear.

"Don't worry, it's my weapon." Luo Ya's Spiritual Sense transmitted directly to Chi Tong's mind.

The girl with long black hair and red pupils was taken aback for a moment, and then she figured out whose voice it was, turned around and paid a military salute to the palace, then waved back the guard soldiers who had surrounded her.

"Crimson Eye is the King", a woman with golden hair and a proud upper circle, with a pair of lion ears on her head, hooked Chi Tong’s neck, tucked it above her magnificence, and asked in front of her. The red pupil.

"Well, Leonet, you'd better go and see what happened outside the palace." Chitong nodded, not at all uncomfortable with the closeness of the blond woman Leonard. At first glance, the two are the one who has a good relationship .

"Really, next year next year is much younger than me, so I have to order me." Although Leone complained, he walked out of the palace.

Since the black spear brought back two corpses just now, someone must have died in the royal capital. Even if the king did it, they have to check it out. After all, they must give an explanation to those who saw it in the royal capital.

When Roja hugged Esdes and spoke to Crimson Eye, Divine Mind naturally saw the existence of Leo Nai. He also had a deep impression on the owner of the lion king in the original work. .

Born in a slum, he has a bold and cheerful personality like a big sister, and takes great care of the people around him, especially the magnificence in front of him.

In the original work, Leo Nai ended up tragically after Tegu lost the effect. Such a person naturally impressed Roja. At this time, he was surprised to see him alive and still playing in the palace.

"Esdes, I am very capable." With emotion in his heart, Roja lightly engraved on the sleeping Esdes's forehead, let go of a little spiritual thought, and scanned every one in the palace carefully. people.

Tsk tsk, this is the Ma Yin, Tsundere double ponytail, the owner of the Emperor's romantic fort pumpkin, the cute spectacle girl who got into trouble in logistics, will not be the Emperor Hill who carries a big scissors shape every day, no Tired?

Roya scanned for a long time and found several people who had impressions in the original work again. They were about to withdraw their spiritual thoughts, but saw a place like a dungeon.

This place is located at a depth of one hundred meters underground. The unscanned underground that he merged before, but almost missed it. When he explored the dungeon, many people who seemed to have a little impression appeared in the divine mind.

The first unshaven middle-aged man with sharp edges and corners, but his whole body covered with scars, was very desolate. He should be the owner of Brand's ghost-ridden armor.

Later in the prison there is also Na Jiexitan, the supreme officer of the Night Strike Organization in the original book. At this time, her mechanical arm has been removed, and it looks like she is dying.

Afterwards, it seems to be the four ghosts of the Rakshasa, and Loya seems to have such a little impression. The people in these dungeons have one common feature, that is, they are strong enough.

This strength is naturally relative. Although it is not as good as the general Bud, but the owner of the Flying Mostima, Lan, is between the two, that is to say, they are all owned by the ready-made treasure box fragments. By..

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