One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1575: Convene the World’s Top 50

The situation of Esdes said that it is complicated and not complicated, and that it is simple and not simple. The reason is the result of the combined effect of the devil fruit and the emperor demon god showing the essence of the devil.

The appearance of the devil fruit is the appearance of the fruit, but in fact, the special energy law is hidden on the fruit, which makes the appearance of the fruit change.

This kind of energy law, like the pure demon power that Roja had seen in the Pirate World, is biased towards that kind of deep and gloomy energy, and switched to the world of Journey to the West, which is the turbid power of the Land of Darkness.

The Emperor Demon God reveals the essence of the devil more simply, and is made of the blood of a super dangerous species that is said to live in the extreme north.

Dangerous Seed is a creature that grows on turbid energy. It refines blood. In fact, it is somewhat similar to the blood of monster beasts in Journey to the West. It is forcibly changing the bloodline of human beings.

With his own will, Esdes forcibly surrendered the blood of the dangerous species in his body, putting it in a state of surrender.

But the two superposition of Devil Fruit and Teigu resulted in a weird change. This thing was like an evil ghost manipulating armor, and it became a living thing directly.

Of course, although this thing is alive, it is still controlled by Esther's strong willpower, but if things go on like this, Esther's might become like the peaceful Taoist master, half human and half dangerous. Kind of creature.

Switching to Journey to the West, it is roughly equivalent to a half-human, half-demon race, but considering the ugly appearances of danger, Roja really doesn't want Esders to be infected with that stuff.

"It's a pity that the sun is fruit." Asides frowned slightly, she lay on Roja's shoulders. She didn't feel any pity for the demon god to show the essence of the devil. The only pity was that her own man sent it. Give her the fruit of the sun.

"That kind of ability can only be strong for a while, when you have cultivated into the Qinglian Art, I will teach you stronger ability." Luo Ya held Esdes with a bit of helplessness on his face.

Once the queen fell, her feelings were more direct than normal women, she would only remember the other person in her heart, but she didn't care about herself at all.

"Yeah." Esdes nodded lightly, and bit on Roja's shoulder with one bite, but with its tickle strength, it hurt her own little white teeth.

"Don't make trouble, eat this, it hurts a bit." Luo Ya patted Asides's little ass, turned his hand and took out a bone-plasticizing pill and a drop of Nine Spirit Essence.

After the combination of Bone Sculpting and Marrow Pill and Nine Spirits Essence, Esthers cleansed the blood, and directly eliminated all the things that did not belong to her.

With the greatly improved aptitude, Qinglian Jue's cultivation is also on the right track, because it has a certain foundation, and the spiritual power is very outstanding. The first practice of Asides is exactly the same every day.

During the night, Luo Ya took the time to quietly go to the courtyard where Najiexitan was, and with a sharp and neat hand knife, he obtained the eighteenth piece of the Supreme Treasure Box.

Na Jie Xitan, the woman who was supposed to be the biggest winner in the world of Slashing Eyes, but because Esther was summoned to the Pirate World by him, her fate has changed drastically.

For this kind of change, Luo Ya didn't want to make any changes. He could come to kill the world of Crimson Eyes and change it from a dim dungeon to a sunny palace.

After all, she is just a woman who has nothing to do with him, and now a lot of troubles are behind him, he really doesn't have so much time to care about Na Jie Xitan.

Esdes cultivated so fast, and his progress was quite gratifying. After waking up on the third day of his practice, he took time to issue an order to Crimson Eye, summoning the top fifty in the world.

Excluding the 19 people in the dungeon and Generals Ran and Bud who were killed by Roja before, the newly built empire has twenty-five top fifty in the world.

As for the remaining four people, they are all wanted criminals at large. Even in the heyday of Esthers, it is not easy to find the four people hiding in the corner. Now he is in such a state of rework. There is no other way.

However, Roja didn't have much thoughts about the remaining four people. He could make up twenty-five or thirty pieces of the Supreme Treasure Chest. It would be unrealistic to count on fifty pieces.

Moreover, some of the previous group of people did not explode the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment. It was obvious that the combat power did not meet the requirements of the system. This also proved that the world's top fifty, I am afraid some of the combat power still does not meet the standard

With the order of Esders, the top 50 of the world scattered throughout the empire rushed towards the direction of the imperial capital, and another news spread quickly to all parts of the world.

General Bud and Lan, two wanted criminals, were ordered by Esthers to hang outside the imperial capital for public display. As the last hope of the original empire and the small bits and pieces hidden in the dark, their deaths undoubtedly caused Not a small wave.

It is said that the trapped beasts are still fighting, and after despair, there is hysterical madness. After Esders strongly unified the empire, some small things hidden in the dark began to move around.

"My lord, with the exception of the Queen, his subordinates, and Akitou, all of the 22 world top 50s belonging to the Imperial Army are already in place on the newly-built ranking platform."

Leonai walked into the training room quietly and whispered in Roja's ear. At this time, Asides was still immersed in the training, she did not dare to interrupt.

"Well, let's go over." Roja looked at Esders shouldn't encounter any problems for a short time, said to Leo Nai, got up and walked towards the newly built table.

The position of this ranking table is where the original palace dungeon is located. Without the prisoners, the dungeon is naturally useless. Roja looked at the large 44 open space and directly turned it into a huge dungeon. Ring.

At the edge of the ranking platform, Hei Tong proudly stood on the head of the Super Dangerous Species, showing off to his colleagues around him that he could control this Super Dangerous Species.

This half-sized little loli had fed the Super Dangerous Species twice and found the top-grade magic weapon inserted above her head. After some threats and lure, she successfully made the Super Dangerous Species recognize one more owner.

Will squatted aside and felt depressed with a dead expression on his face. After he took Brand back to the barracks and found that he was not obedient to discipline, and after gritted his teeth and ordered the people to use the method taught by Roja, he found that the atmosphere in the barracks had changed. Up.

The kind of affectionate eyes cast by the man made him cry without tears. Such a change directly caused him not to take off his armor and sleep at night..

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