One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1576: Your opponent is only me

Will swears that he is really a pure man. He doesn't want to explode other people's chrysanthemums, let alone being exploded, but the atmosphere of the military camp really makes him awake at night.

And the only good news is that Brand is really obedient and obedient as Roja said, even when teaching the combat skills of the soldiers in the barracks, it can be said that there is no private possession.

"I really want to sue my old man and return home" Will murmured to himself, with a deep helplessness on his face. He was really afraid that this would go on and his reputation would be lost.

"My lord is here, quiet." Chitong saw Leonai who came first from a distance, and quickly spoke to the crowd on the platform.

Hearing Chitong's words, Heitong slipped off the head of the Super Dangerous Species. The depressed Will also hurriedly stood up straight. The remaining twenty people also did not dare to hesitate at all.

The news that the ss-level wanted criminal Lan and the sss-level wanted criminal Bud were killed after dozens of miles, these few days are familiar to everyone.

And after these people arrived in the palace, they heard all kinds of horrible rumors about Roja, and every rumors were enough to make them tremble.

What to surrender to the dangerous species, surrender to the Queen, single-handedly, only use one finger to fight the seventeen fortunes in the world with one finger, and have not moved a step, created the qualifying platform underfoot with a wave

All sorts of rumors sounded like deification of Roja to everyone, but no matter which person in the palace was asked, they were surprisingly unanimous.

Based on groundless ideas, how can they be unreasonable, these people have already developed a deep fear of Luo Ya, who has never met, after all, the super dangerous species cannot be faked, and more than a dozen people cannot be faked.

Roja walked unhurriedly behind Leo Nai, stepping over a distance of tens of meters. These methods are easy for him, and for those who slash the world of red eyes, they are directly shocked. For heaven and man.

Under the seemingly slow but fast pace, Luo Ya came to the front of the crowd in just a few breaths. Shennian slightly sensed the breath of these people, raised his eyebrows, and showed a smile on his face.

There were three people in the middle, and he still clearly remembered that when he first came to this world that day and embraced Esders, it was these three people who showed strong emotions of envy, jealousy and hatred.

If he hadn't stopped him at that time, I'm afraid that Esthers would be pulled out of the crowd, and they would be snapped off.

Looking at the three people slightly, Luo Ya had a bit of disdain on his face. These three guys were obviously the kind of toads who wanted to eat swan meat, and they had an unreasonable desire for Esther.

However, the strength of these three people, not to mention comparable to Esdes, or even Leo Nai, is a bit inferior. It would be strange to see this kind of rubbish Esdes.

At this moment, there was no slight difference between the three people's eyebrows, as if the things that day had never happened before, but Luo Ya clearly saw a trace of guilty conscience in the eyes of the few people.

"The purpose of calling you here this time is very simple, to re-set the ranking of the top 50 in the world. Of course, congratulations to you first, because there are fewer competitors, your worst should also be ranked 25th. ."

Roja hugged his arms, with a somewhat playful look on his face, he directly excluded the four fugitives from the top 50 most wanted criminals in the world. He was already prepared. After he got these people, he first turned out the four people. Slaughtered.

Excited expressions appeared on the faces of all the people present. It has been a long time since Estes established the top 50 in the world. For the people in the empire, this is a kind of supreme glory.

Becoming a member of the top 50 in the world, in the previous life, that is the person in the Forbes World Rich List, for ordinary people, it is definitely an existence that can only be looked up to.

Reputation, to a certain extent, also represents money and power. If it can go further, even if it returns to the original place, the degree of respect will increase significantly, and the corresponding benefits will continue to flow.

This kind of temptation is not something ordinary people can refuse. Even these people look at each other, thinking about how to beat the people around them.

The only people who didn't think so much were probably the three people who were showing evil intentions to Roja that day. These three people are now thinking about how to get through the blunder, but they don't want to stay in the palace for a minute.

"You have only one opponent today, and that is me. I will rank according to your offensive strength, timing, and combat experience. If there is someone who wants to challenge a higher ranking in the future, I will proceed on this table by myself. If someone encounters an accident, the ranking will adjust by itself."

Roja finished talking about the rules, and then added another sentence. The three guys with ghosts in their hearts couldn't help but shudder, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

Under the ring, Chihitomi and Leo Nai both found something wrong with the three of them. They looked at each other and exchanged glances, but they didn't know why.

As an assassination unit, even if they worked under Asdes, the two had performed many assassination missions. They naturally had their own judgments about this abnormal behavior.

"So, let's start now." Luo Ya's Zui Jiao raised a scornful smile, and immediately gave the order to start. The three guys are no different from the ants in his eyes, and they can just send them away.

After obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragments, it is of no use. Afterwards, Crimson Eye or Leo Nai will execute them privately, and it is completely impossible to kill them in front of so many people.

He doesn't care about it himself, as Esther will rule the world for a long time, and there are things that should be paid attention to.

"The Incarnation of Shura" As an imperial general, Will used his imperial equipment, holding the long-handled weapon attached to the armor in one hand, stomping under his feet, and rushing straight towards Roja.

"Eight Room Liberation" black pupil has seen Roja's strength, and naturally he will not release the water at all. He also used all his strength to directly release the eight super dangerous corpses controlled by the deceased in the eighth room.

Although the release of eight corpses at the same time has a great load on her, the strength of the eight super dangerous species is strong and terrifying, and the various abilities are complementary to each other. Compared with her loss of strength, it is completely worthless. mention.

When everyone saw Will and Black Eye coming up, they went all out, and they also took out their own means of pressing the bottom of the box, and rushed towards Luo Ya who was standing in the ring..

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