One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1599: Not Close to Female

The red peony was originally the cultivation base of Taiyi True Immortal Peak. As the radical of the Eight Heavenly Dragons and Yasha Branches, his spirit and spirit is more than that of the Demon's Four Generals.

He had already cultivated into a golden core before, and under the waste of work, he broke the golden core directly, and all the energy contained in the golden core dispersed into the body. Although the cultivation technique had absorbed part of it before, most of it, All are still hidden deep in the body.

At this time, Yuan Ying was 10%, and all the essences that had escaped from the broken golden core were all swarming toward the Yuan Ying.

Roya saw this scene with a smile on his face. After studying the Qing Lian Jue for a long time, he realized how much tea was consumed in the Qing Lian Jue. It was so powerful that it was definitely the top of the Three Realms.

The formation of this Nascent Infant only absorbed the pure essence, energy and energy, and the Buddha power was completely excluded, but the blood evil in the origin of the red peony itself was absorbed a lot.

When Yan Chixia broke through, Yuan Ying absorbed her original Jian Yuan and formed a unique green lotus sword qi. At this time, the red peony had obviously formed its unique immortal power.

This kind of power is an extremely pure killing thought. Yasha was born to kill, and practiced Buddhism, taking the path that things must be reversed. The Qinglian Art directly magnified it several times.

Under Luo Ya's Zhoutian starry sky pupils, a red peony, which has shrunk countless times, has a clear eyebrow, and looks like an immature baby, sits in his dantian.

"Red peony was cute when I was a child." Muttered to himself, Luo Ya had already let go of his heart, with a smile on his face. Calculated based on the energy absorbed by the red peony root infant, it won't be long before it will be restored. Ranked in the realm of Taiyi real fairyland.

Yuan Ying’s light flowed and fed back to the body of the red peony. After a short time, its physical body was filled up and reappeared in its original state. It was just the way of the Yuan Ying. The Yuan Ying was the fundamental. It must also be refined, or else don't want to break through the golden immortal at all.

The handprints of Hong Shao's hands were linked, and the Yuan Ying sitting in the dantian instantly rushed out of it, his body was stagnant, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Is this Yuan Ying? This state feels weird." Yuan Ying Hong Shao stopped in front of Luo Ya, with a slightly twisted expression on her small face. The palm-sized figure looks quite To be affectionate.

"I think it's very cute." Luo Ya said when he saw Hong Shao stretch out her small body uncomfortably with a smile on her face.

"Oh," Hong Shao snorted, obviously dissatisfied with the word cute, but this small appearance only makes it look more cute.

With an uncontrollable smile on Luo Ya's face, he turned his hand and took out the re-refined medicine of the One Yuan Fushi Pill produced by the previous imitation system from the system warehouse.

This Westward Journey version of the One Yuan Fushi Dan has almost the same effect as the system produced. Some of the medicinal materials that are not available in the Westward Journey world have also been replaced by other medicinal materials found by Luo Ya. To some extent, they are even more suitable for the physique of the creatures of this world.

"How long will this take?" Hong Shao moved his hands and feet uncomfortably, and sighed helplessly. When he couldn't help it, he could only change the subject.

"Because it takes about three days without your own true spirit." Luo Ya said to the red peony, and stuffed the pill in his hand into the mouth of the red peony's body.

The pill melts in the mouth, but without its own consciousness of refining the medicine, the One Yuan Fushi Pill can only slowly disperse the medicine, and it cannot be effective in a short time like Yang Chan did.

"Three days isn't that long." Hong Shao nodded. For a person who has practiced for thousands of years, three days is really nothing. It may even be a daze during cultivation and just pass.

Red peony's body overflowed with blood, and a little blood was discharged from the pores, and a blood cocoon was formed in a moment, which is no different from the scene where Yang Chan took it.

The power of mixed blood and Buddha that entangled Rao's body began to be discharged, and the body slowly returned to the state where it had not started cultivation.

Luo Ya was guarding the road while the Red Peony Yuan Ying floated in the air and waited quietly. Three days passed in a flash.

"It's done." Luo Ya detected from Zhou Tian's starry sky pupil that the transformation in the blood cocoon was completely completed, waved his hand and patted on the blood cocoon, and a crystal clear qu came out of it.

It has to be said that the red peony is indeed the color of the heavens and the country. Even if the soul is gone, the body also exudes amazing charm, especially the serene appearance, which is completely different in the weekdays.

Ask for flowers

"Does it look good?" Hongshao Yuanying floated in front of Luo Ya's eyes, blocking his sight, and the little face was clearly a little teasing.

"I want to laugh." Luo Ya almost couldn't help laughing when he saw the gesture of the red peony Yuanying. Think of a big slap, meaty little Nizi posing a cute gesture, how can make people It feels funny and tight.

"Hum" Red Peony Yuanying saw Luo Ya's unfavorable appearance, angrily stomped his feet, turned into a stream of light, and instantly entered the body from the heavenly spirit.

Now that the body has returned to the state where it had never started to practice, the Yuan Ying of Hong Shao had never participated in this process. This re-entering body was somewhat similar to Yuan Ying's seizing the house.

However, because it was originally his body, the matching degree and compatibility were very high, there was no repulsion at all, and there was no scene of primordial spirits fighting.

In just a moment, Hong Shao completed the process of Yuan Ying entering the body, and Luo Ya was completely relieved. For six days before and after, he had been tensed for fear of some accident.

Fortunately, the whole journey went smoothly. Even if the breakthrough was a bit difficult, but with the support of the Shushan air luck, the journey went smoothly afterwards, without any bumps.

"Does it look good now?" Hong Shao opened her eyes, with a somewhat natural intrigue on her face. His fingers ran slightly across his cheeks, while the other hand was blocking the fullness in front of him. People can't move their eyes when they come.

"That's not bad. You can use these magic weapons." Luo Ya scratched the tip of his nose, waved and took out several magic weapons from the system warehouse.

Among these magic weapons, one of them is called Hongshayu Jinshan, which was originally made specially for red peony. The whole body is big red and full of ultimate beauty. Under Luoya's spiritual thoughts, it will be beautiful. Covered it up.

After sending the magic weapon, Luo Ya did not stay at all, turned and walked out of the door. It was not that the red peony was not attractive, but his experience in the world of slashing the red pupils, which is still vivid today.

"Lao Tzu said it's not close to female sex in the near future," he kept firming his mind for himself, but Luo Ya didn't realize that Hong Shao had already followed up with an unhappy expression..

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