One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1600: Visit the Jade Emperor

Roja had just entered his room, and before he could hold down the thoughts in his heart, Hong Shao pushed open the door and walked in, putting away the unhappy expression on his face, putting his hands together and closing the door.

Leaning halfway on the door leaf, Hong Shao gently bit her lower chun, raising her neck slightly like a velvet, and tilting her leg slightly to the inside.

Even though he knew that this girl was deliberately mischievous, Luo Ya also had to admit that the red peony roots are now suffocating in beauty, and it shows amorous feelings, even if it is full of gods and Buddhas, I am afraid it will be unable to hold it.

"I tell you, I can't help it if you are like this." Luo Ya held his forehead with one hand, his face full of helplessness.

God knows where Hongshao is a virgin to learn this kind of thing, is it true that women who are born with this thing will want to be like this?

"No one wants you to bear it." "Two, five, three" Hong Shao's eyes showed a hint of joy. Just now she thought she was not attractive enough, or Luo Ya hated her, now it seems that she is also trying to endure it.

Turning from worry to joy, Red Peony walked up to Luo Ya with a pair of jade feet bare, with his hands around his neck, his legs hooked up to his waist.

The slightly heavy breathing shows that the red peony is actually not so calm on the surface. After all, it is the first time. These things were all seen in the spirit of the nation while offering sacrifices to the nation. When I used it for the first time, I don’t know the effect.

Do you know if you will get caught like this

Roya thinks about it, just now that he vowed to say that he is not close to women, at this time, I really want to get a special palm on his face. In this situation, a man can't help it.

With a mouthful of the red peony earlobe, Luo Ya's big hands began to wander freely, and the red gauze jade shirt he was wearing was also directly taken into the system warehouse.

As soon as the Jing Shi Lian robe was closed, he held the little butt of red peony in one hand, and walked familiarly with all the senses of her body in the other.

"Don't you sleep on the couch?" When Hong Shao spoke, it was revealed that it was just a preliminary test, and there was a faint tension in his pupils.

"It's okay to stand, I'll teach you." With a smirk on Roja's face, he ignited his body, talking about the situation of red peony. Since it is so active, there should be an active gameplay.


With a muffled hum, Hong Shao handed himself to Luo Ya completely. After a while, there was a soft, suppressed hum from the room.

Five hundred words are omitted here

Above the nine heavens, in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor was holding a jade slip for transmission, with an uncertain look on his face. Just now, the spies he sent to Shushan began to make routine reports.

Of the 13 people sent in total, only one succeeded in mixing into the Shu Mountain, and the twelve were still wandering outside the mountain gate at this time. The ninth-level Sendai was not the only remaining twelve who could go up.

Among the thirteen people, although one person successfully mixed into the mountain of Shu, the jade slip of the transmission was never lit up, and the guardian formation of the mountain of Shu was even cut off from the jade slip of the transmission.

The Jade Emperor printed the instructions on the jade slip for the twelve people to come back first, but he was already thinking about how to detect the current situation in the Shu Mountain.

In his mind, as long as he can learn more about the situation of Shushan, he may be able to find the defects and weaknesses of Shushan. In the future, whether it is used as a bargaining chip to explore the conditions with Luoya, or to find out the means to target, it will be no small usefulness.

This kind of thought is the kind of thought that is generally owned by deep-minded people. Although it is understandable, it is indeed difficult to be elegant.

If Luo Ya knew what the Jade Emperor was thinking at this time, I'm afraid he would just throw a look of contempt at him. Instead of staring at others how to become stronger, he might as well think about how to make himself stronger.

The Jade Emperor has been the ruler of heaven and earth for so many years. If he has determination, ambition and perseverance, with the identity of the Emperor of Heaven, there will be no shortage of capable people around to follow.

It's just that he always thinks about the tricks of ghosts, and he can only tolerate things. Even if the emperor sits for a long time, few people can willingly follow.

"Report to your Majesty, Shushan Luo Shangxian is visiting." While the Jade Emperor was thinking, the guardian heavenly soldiers rushed in to report.


The Jade Emperor trembled in his hands, saying that he was a guilty conscience, and suddenly heard the statement from the heavenly soldiers that if the city was not deep enough, the Jade Emperor almost jumped up on the throne that day.

"Hurry up, please." After regaining his senses, the Jade Emperor hurriedly said to the heavenly soldiers, stood up from the throne of the heavenly emperor, and hurriedly greeted him personally.

Roja’s identity has long since been different from what it used to be. Now when he visits Heavenly Court, he, as the master of this place, dare not sneer at all. .

The Jade Emperor hurried out of the High Heaven Hall, and halfway through, he saw Luo Ya, who was guarded by the crowd, walking slowly.

The four heavenly kings, Li Jing, the guardian, a few of the twenty-eight stars, two of the seven stars, and even the gods of the Thunder Ministry and the Gods of the Fire Ministry, have many flattery by their side.

The Jade Emperor twitched his cheeks, and Yu Guang swept away the few people who followed him. It was really exhausted. In this situation, it seemed that he was the visitor, and Luo Ya was the master of this place.

"Friends of Taoism, it's polite." Luo Ya deliberately left the Jade Emperor for a few breaths before speaking, and made an understatement in his hands, obviously not taking it as a thing.

Seeing this sluggishness, without putting it in his eyes at all, although the Jade Emperor gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, he was unable to attack, and his heart was greatly suffocated.

"Friend Luo Dao is polite." No matter how unhappy, the Jade Emperor still has to salute Luo Ya. Seeing so many immortals gather to compliment him, he is really mixed.

He has been in the position of the Emperor of Heaven for tens of thousands of years, and has never received such a level of treatment. The gap between people makes the Jade Emperor totally wonder how to describe his feelings.

Many immortals saw that the two of them seemed to have something to talk about. One side was their immediate boss, and the other was the new nobility of the Three Realms. They could not offend them, so they all hurriedly stood aside.

"Shu Mountain is now prestigious, and the disciples of the disciples who have been apprentices are like waves. I don't know why Luo Daoist has time to come to my heaven." After seeing the ceremony, the Jade Emperor put on a hypocritical smile, and raised his hand to invite Luo Ya to enter the inner hall. While talking, he began to test the purpose of his visit this time.

"I am busy, I came here specially, but there is a deal, I want to talk to fellow daoists." Luo Ya also smiled on his face, nodded slightly to the many immortals who were no longer moving, and then went to Ling with the Jade Emperor. Xiao Baodian left. .

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