One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1601: Talk to the Jade Emperor

The "Deal" Jade Emperor looked slightly stunned, glanced at the stopped immortals behind him, and said nothing, raising his hand again to invite, but it was a sign to enter into the discussion.

The Heavenly Court has many influences. Among them, Taoism and Buddhism are not in the minority. The real Jade Emperor's confidant is only a minority. It should not be a simple matter for Luo Ya to come to discuss the transaction. The Jade Emperor’s performance is clear. I don't want other forces to know what they have traded.

There was a faint smile on Roja's face. The purpose of his coming here, to put it bluntly, was for the flat peach trees, but there are not one and a half people looking at the three thousand and six hundred flat peach trees. , I am afraid the Jade Emperor also understands that this is what he depends on for survival.

Once this kind of thing is handed over to someone else and the beginning is started, I am afraid that there will be countless people who want to come to trade in the future. In the short term, it will naturally benefit the Jade Emperor, but in the long run, it will do more harm than good.

Carrying up and entering the High Heaven Hall, the Jade Emperor kept walking, and led Luo Ya into the back hall. 13 There is a cave behind the screen of the High Heaven Hall, which is also a place where the Jade Emperor meets private guests.

"Friends of Taoism, please come to your seat." The Jade Emperor raised his hand and waved back Xian'e who was the waiter at the door. This posture made it clear that he wanted to talk in private.

"No, just please." Luo Ya waved his hand and humbly said. Anyway, he has arrived at other people's territory. Now, if you want to maintain the seemingly harmonious relationship, things that are overwhelming, it is better not to do it.

The Jade Emperor nodded and sat on the main seat. He personally made a cup of tea for Roya. His attitude was already extremely low. You must know that the three realms all need dough and make tea personally. do.

"Just now the fellow Taoist said that I came here for a deal, I don't know what the content of this deal is." After making tea, the Emperor Yu sat in the main seat and asked straight to the subject.

If it were normal, the Jade Emperor would definitely be polite with the Snake Committee before discussing the deal, but when he had just dealt with the undercover case of the Shushan faction, Luo Ya would visit him. He was not guilty that it was fake.

"Friends of Daoist are very profitable today. Forget it, let me just say it straight. I want ten nine-thousand-year-old purple-striped flat peach trees in exchange for a three-foot-three-inch thunder bipolar treasure branch."

"Ten Peach Trees" The Jade Emperor frowned upon hearing the words, and immediately refused, but the extremely deep city mansion made him temporarily hold back the words of refusal.

There are a thousand or two hundred flat peach trees with purple veins that ripen once in 9,000 years, but the gods and Buddhas all stared at his flat peaches. From beginning to end, the Jade Emperor dared not give anyone one.

This kind of thing, once you start, you can't stop the car. Those who have been staring at his flat peach tree by then will probably rush over like a hungry wolf and try to find one.

The consumption of flat peaches is so great that the Jade Emperor himself sometimes suffers from headaches. It is like the famous and powerful Tianhe naval forces in the Three Realms. Most of them are practitioners. If there is no flat peach, those fleshy mortals are made by training. People, Shouyuan is a big problem.

The flat peaches consumed by generals in the Tianhe navy alone are not a few, that is, the number of flat peaches in the Jade Emperor's generals is well controlled, and those who have not made military achievements and talents will not easily reward flat peaches.

And the flat peach conference held every 10,000 years is even more terrifying for the consumption of flat peaches, but this kind of thing is obviously the Queen’s mother’s birthday, banqueting Wanxian, but in fact, those fly-in-the-eyes are indispensable.

If you don’t want to see the Jade Emperor’s powerful people being there and don’t consume the flat peaches, how can they feel at ease and consume the flat peaches? In contrast, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother will receive compensation from the immortals. Things, this compensation is the so-called birthday gift.

The flat peach tree is the lifeblood of the Jade Emperor. It can be said that without the flat peach tree, his position as the Emperor of Heaven would have been unstable for a long time. On that day, the He Shui Army had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but he was an important bargaining chip in suppressing the Three Realms.

If it is 100,000 skirmishers, even the current Roja can ignore it, but don't forget that Journey to the West has a very buggy existence, that is the formation.

The ancient monster clan’s Zhoutian Star Fighting Array and the Jiejiao’s Ten Thousand Immortal Arrays were all tactics to win with more people, and the same was true for the Tianhe Water Army’s army.

The flat peach tree seems to be just a congenital spiritual root, or a very large number of congenital spiritual roots, but the implications are far from superficial.

"Dare to ask fellow Taoists, what is the treasure tree of the Thunder and Lightning poles?" The Jade Emperor pondered for a while, temporarily suppressed the words of direct rejection, and asked.

He was really curious about what exactly this two-pole treasure tree was. It was only three feet and three inches, and Luo Ya dared to speak, asking for ten flat peach trees.

"The high-grade innate spiritual roots contain the power of creation and destruction of the thunder, which can be used to cultivate the thunder two-pole treasure tree, which can be used for 100,000 years. After the tree is completed, if the treasure is used, it has infinite potential, if it is refined properly , You can get Xiantian Lingbao."

There was a smile on Luo Ya's face. As long as the Jade Emperor could listen to him to finish his words, today's deal would have become more than half of it. Not everyone can refuse the innate spirit treasure's confusion.

The treasure tree of Thunder and Lightning is very precious. Under normal circumstances, Luo Ya would naturally not take it out, but now it is planted in the Ten Thousand Worlds Spiritual Garden, and it does not take ten or eight years to grow up.

Cut a piece, and if the Jade Emperor used it for 140 planting, one hundred thousand years might really get a middle-grade innate spiritual root and thunder two-pole treasure tree that had dropped slightly by one level.

But does the Jade Emperor have a hundred thousand years?

The answer is absolutely no. After Journey to the west, I am afraid that the heaven will be weakened, and the time from that time is less than 800 years.

Besides, as far as Roja's current rate of improvement is, let alone one hundred thousand years, give him a hundred years, and the Journey to the West will definitely be his pocket. When the time comes, the Jade Emperor will only see a sprout from the treasure tree of the Thunder and Thunder.

In any case, Roja will not suffer from this kind of transaction. His real purpose is far more than just the few flat peach trees, the innate spiritual root copy card, but he is always preparing in the system warehouse.

When the Jade Emperor heard Luo Ya's words, an expression of excitement that could not be suppressed appeared in his eyes. If the city mansion was not deep enough, I am afraid that he would have jumped from his seat at this time.

After the initial excitement, the Jade Emperor quickly calmed down, with a little gaze in his eyes, staring directly at Luo Ya, as if he wanted to see his purpose.

"With such a treasure tree, I don't know why my friends didn't cultivate it by themselves"

It's nothing more than the Jade Emperor's question. It is really such innate spiritual roots that are too precious. I am afraid that 10% of the magic weapon can be comparable to the Seven Treasure Trees in the hands of the Western Two Sages.

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