One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1615: Two Generations of Protagonists

Li Xiaoyao felt Ling Ran. Although he heard his fate for the first time, there was no doubt in his heart. After all, Luo Ya had no reason to deceive him.

Aunt Li on the side heard this fate, her eyes showed a bit of bitterness. In the early years, Li Xiaoyao's father asked the ancestor to calculate his fate, but it was exactly the same as Luo Ya said.

The Li family counted on Li Xiaoyao's inheritance. Even if she knew it before, she didn't want to admit it. She just wanted to marry Xiaoyao as soon as possible and give birth to a son.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit selfish, it is natural in this age of extremely heavy incense. However, Li Xiaoyao has now stepped into the path of immortality. It is not known whether he will live for a long time or not. There is still a guarantee of a long life. Aunt Li thought. After a long while, it temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

"The disciple understands that in the future, when chasing the immortal path in his life, the "one six three" virtues of the world will not harm the one he loves." Love between men and women is human, but Li Xiaoyao directly promised to step into the path of immortality. Promised.

"Since you like to be a sword immortal, I will teach you Qinglian Sword Art and give you a Qingming Sword." Luo Ya nodded and pointed out, a divine thought penetrated into Li Xiaoyao's mind, turning his hand again. Take out a superb magic weapon flying sword.

This Qinglian Sword Art is also part of the Qinglian Art Yuanying Avenue. After returning from the Ghost Story World and watching Yan Chixia's practice, Luo Ya once deduced the fusion of this sword repair and Yuanying.

This kind of integration is much simpler than expected. Yuan Ying is really a newborn baby, with strong adaptability and learning ability, and what to teach and learn.

Just like someone who has just been born, teaches good for good and teaches evil for evil. As long as the person who cultivates before becoming an immortal is Jian Yuan, after becoming an immortal, he can also be a sword immortal.

However, in comparison, this sword immortal had a bit more sharp-cutting intention. Although the speed of cultivation has greatly increased, the human body has a bit less energy for warmth and nourishment.

Even after becoming an immortal, you have a long life, but after being injured, people who practice the normal Qinglian tactics can recover from the injury in ten days, and fall on the sword immortal. There is no month, not to think about it, it is also advantageous. There are drawbacks.

Where does Li Xiaoyao know so many things? He just likes the sword fairy and the pleasure of Yujian Jiutian. Even if he knows the other things, he will not care.

The Qing Ming Sword flew from Luo Ya's palm and let out a crisp sword sound. It seemed that he was quite satisfied with Li Xiaoyao, the master, and released a Taoist light in the air. After a few laps around Li Xiaoyao, it converged its charm and fell into his hand. .

The eyes widened at this time in a group of villages watching from afar, with horror on his face, and unstoppable admiration in his eyes. A nine-year-old kid with a peach head on his head clenched his fists. I was trembling with excitement.

This child was wearing a coarse cloth shirt. Although he was still young, his eyes were full of determination, obviously with extraordinary will. Luo Ya noticed this gaze and turned his head to look directly.

"Wang Xiaohu, the protagonist of the Second Immortal Sword II" murmured in his heart. Seeing this Zhuo Ran's aptitude is different from ordinary people, Luo Ya had already determined the identity of this kid. After all, Li Xiaoyao was in the same village, except for Wang Xiaohu.

Seeing Luo Ya's gaze, Wang Xiaohu gritted his teeth secretly, walked out of the crowd, and came directly in front of him, with firmness on his immature face, kneeling on the ground respectfully and knocking his head before speaking.

"Fairy, do you think I can be your disciple"

It is undeniable that the protagonists of the fairy sword in the past have their outstanding qualities. Although Wang Xiaohu has never practiced the Shushan exercises in his life, but later practiced the magic knife method of that side door, his aptitude is not worse than Li Xiaoyao. In the words of Journey to the West, the aptitude of the two is the difference between a practitioner and an enlightened person.

"Yes." Luo Ya had a smile on his face, and it was not clear about fate, but sometimes everyone's fortunes were all in their own hands. Since Wang Xiaohu has come over, it shows that he does have this opportunity.

One sheep is released, and two sheep are driven. There is no difference at all. Since people with good qualifications are here to be apprentices, the more such things are naturally the better.

Luo Ya has already figured out the structure of Level 9 Sendai, but he can easily judge how strong Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu are.

Terran is the spirit of all things, loved by heaven and earth. These two people are the protagonists of heaven and earth in tandem. They were born with luck and luck. If they are in this world, even if they have top-level techniques, they can only stop there in the future. Taiyi real fairyland

But if you go to Journey to the West, you can only describe it in terms of boundless future, but if Wang Xiaohu walks the path of the road, it is destined to be much more difficult than Li Xiaoyao's enlightened person.

"Meet Master" Wang Xiaohu heard this, and he immediately came to a big gift of three knees and nine knocks. The woman who was in charge of serving tea, saw that there was another person who could worship the immortal gate in the village, and hurriedly brought it again. Had a cup of apprentice tea.

The onlookers in the township are considered exploded, and no one wants to rush forward to see if they have the qualifications to worship the immortal gate. It is just a light curtain glowing with golden light that directly isolates them.

"Your aptitude can only take the path of the path-walker. The combat power of this path is especially strong than that of the sword fairy, but the difficulty is even greater. When practicing, the worms stepped on and burned. You are willing."

"Disciples are willing"

Although Wang Xiaohu's voice was immature, it was extremely firm. His natural character was like this. He was never afraid of hardships. It was just that Wang Xiaohu's father, who stood far away, had an unbearable expression on his face when he heard the pain of cultivation.

It is the expectation of every parent to hope that his son will become a dragon. Wang Xiaohu has had his own opinion since he was a child. His father gritted his teeth, but he chose to silently support his son.

"Then today, you will sit down for my six disciples. After Xiaoyao, I will tell you the eight-door divine ban and give you 27 Tiger Soul Knife."

With a smile on Luo Ya's face, he once again pointed out a divine thought, and passed into Wang Xiaohu's mind, and took out a long-handled sword that resembled his original Zhanpoku sword.

This Tiger Soul Knife was refined by the old Black Mountain demon to drive the shell. Luo Ya took it easy and sealed a black tiger soul in it. Its spirituality is compelling, and it is also the best magic weapon.

The Tiger Soul Knife volleyed and danced, and there was a faint sound of tiger roaring in the mountains and forests. Wang Xiaohu was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself. Looking at the Tiger Soul Knife, he only felt that he loved it very much.

Unlike the Qingmingjian, this tiger soul sword is a warrior’s weapon, weighing five thousand three hundred jin, and it is not something that Wang Xiaohu can hold now. Luo Ya directly allocated a Sumi for the two disciples. Quit..

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