One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1616: Wine Sword Fairy

For today's Roya, such things as Xumi Jie can be refined at will, but it is just adding Xumi formation to it, not to open up space, so it should not be too simple.

In the Shu Mountain, this Xumijie manpower is a standard configuration of the sect. In order not to show any privileges, the space is 100 meters long, wide and high.

This kind of space is not only for disciples' bags, but also for magic weapons. Alchemy and refining materials can be installed. Even if many disciples will travel the Three Realms in the future, it will be enough for a short time.

After finishing Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu, Luo Ya turned his gaze to the villagers who had been isolated by his formation. These village names were still crowded at this time.

Originally, Li Xiaoyao had been apprentice by himself. If they only regarded it as accidental, even though they were envious in their hearts, they were only envious. After all, even the entire Yuhang County had never heard of anyone worshiping the immortal gate.

But now Wang Xiaohu’s apprenticeship has given them a little hope. Even after being cut off by Xianli, they already know that this hope is slim, but their desire for longevity makes them cry out for 13 and many more parents hold themselves up. Children, hope to be admired by Roja.

"I have checked with divine thoughts, you are not qualified enough, and I have no chance of immortality." Luo Ya sighed in his heart, he could clearly feel the desire of these ordinary people, life is nothing but this.

Even if he were in his previous life and saw the real immortal, he might have to squat up. After all, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, this kind of thing is worth trying.

Roya's voice clearly reached everyone's ears. Under the influence of the immortal force, with a trace of the pure sound of the door, everyone slowly calmed down.

"Nian'er waits for life to be difficult, to celebrate the outstanding people in this village, today I will give you a rain of rain."

Seeing the many people who were downcast, or looking downcast, Luo Ya shook his head. Youdao was the hometown of Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu. The two of them had just been apprentices, so the whole village couldn't be lifeless.

With a light wave of the left hand, there were cool breeze in the sky, and the water spirit began to gather at an extremely fast speed. With another light wave, the clouds and rain accumulated, the blue clouds covered the top, and a little green raindrops began to fall from the air.

Among the green raindrops, there are abundant wood-attribute spiritual energy and vitality of all things, which are similar to the power of tranquility, but this spiritual rain is generated by spells, and the fairy power continues, and the spiritual rain will not stop.

The area of ​​spiritual rain enveloped the entire small village, and the misty spiritual rain fell on everyone and was directly absorbed in. The sick were directly removed from the disease, and the old dark diseases were a little easier.

In a fishing village, there are many people with rheumatic bone pain in this village. Under the rain, their illnesses were directly driven out. Many people suddenly smiled, regardless of the muddy underground, and bowed down and thanked them.

"There are still some things that need to be dealt with as a teacher. After January, I will pick you up and go back to the mountain. This month, you will spend more time with your relatives. Remember, the sect law must not be spread."

Seeing the reaction of many villagers, Roya sighed in his heart, turned his head and said to the two disciples who had just collected.

These two people are still very young. It’s no good to stay to manage this world. They can only bring back the teachings of Journey to the West. Together with the resources of Journey to the West, it can be used for a hundred years or 500 years. only.

"The disciple understands." Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu looked at each other and replied respectfully.

Using the technique of lifting the clouds and driving the fog, an auspicious cloud with a diameter of more than two meters rises from Roya's feet and supports it to the sky. As the god of mortals, it disappears directly in place. It is convenient, but in the eyes of mortals. , It is inevitable to lose a little bit.

This style can not only highlight the extraordinary status, but also warn some people who are plotting wrongdoing. After all, the temptation to step into the immortal way is too strong, even if he said just now, some greedy people still have ideas.

The technique of flying through the clouds and driving the fog can wake up some people who are plotting badly and let go of their greed. As for the rest, Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu have the best magic weapon to protect them. Whoever dares to move crooked thoughts deserves death.

The best magic weapon already has a certain spirituality. Although it is not as good as the acquired spirit treasure, it can have independent consciousness, but the ability to protect the Lord is not bad at all. Let alone mortals, it is Sanxian, I am afraid that Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu can't be treated as such.

And these two magic weapons were made by Roja himself. If something goes wrong, he can come here as soon as possible, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the two.

"Send the fairy." Many villagers saw Luo Ya leaving in the air, and they all bowed again. They all said that one person had won the Dao ascended into the sky. Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu worshipped into the fairy gate. They also received a spiritual rain, which is enough for those who are content. Thank you.

Just after flying out of the small fishing village, Luo Ya raised his brows, and a figure walked with his sword, flying towards him from a dozen miles away.

Even in the rapid flight, this person still drank good wine by mouth, and the good wine was under the strong wind, without any spilling, all was sucked into his abdomen, and he was a greedy person at first glance.

Wearing a saponaria robe and a pair of linen shoes under his feet, the randomly tied hair on that head is flying indiscriminately, not sloppy, but somewhat free and easy.

"Tsk tusk, how long have you just been here, celebrities come out one by one, you don't have to look for it." Luo Ya sighed in his heart 137, no need to guess, this is the wine sword fairy Situ Zhong.

Cultivators go fast in order to seek the way, and most of them abandon their desires. The cultivators who are addicted to alcohol like fate are scarce, and the cultivation of the peak of the true immortal contains the true meaning of Taoism and the sword intent. The entire world of the sword is probably Situ Zhong is just one.


Luo Ya's five senses are extremely keen. Even if he is far away, he can hear the sound of slurping alcohol. When he stops in the air and waits, he can pass a few miles away in the blink of an eye. This wine sword fairy Situ Zhong is quite free and easy. Zui horn, stepped on the flying sword and stood in front of him.

"Situ Zhong, the abandoned disciple of Shushan, met fellow Taoists."

It was the abandoned apprentice Luo Ya who raised her eyebrows again, and she couldn't help but think of Yan Chixia's second apprentice, and she muttered in her heart.

Slightly reminiscent of having watched the plot in his previous life, he vaguely recalled that the Jiujian fairy Situ Zhong seemed to be expelled from the teacher because he sheltered Nangong Huang in the Three Questions of the Immortal.

"Your friend is wrong. If you talk about qualifications and cultivation, you should call me a senior. If you talk about sect and generation, you should call me ancestor."

Luo Ya opened his mouth, remembering that he had thought about taking Shushan in this world as a branch subordinate before he opened his mouth and flicked the wine sword fairy Situ Zhong..

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