One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1621: Good or Bad

It’s just that I didn’t wait for the scream, but Luo Ya saw a scene that made him laugh and laugh. Zhao Linger had already reached the last moment of screaming. Suddenly, he suddenly seemed to think of the events of last night, and he turned his head slightly in confusion. .

Luo Ya couldn't help showing a smile with that cute look, a kind of lovely aura, and the girl's immature feeling.

Zhao Ling'er's movements continued unabated, like a little hamster, holding the quilt with both hands and gently lifting it open, seeing the clothes that were still intact, he let out a long sigh, and re-covered the quilt.

But before this breath was over, Luo Ya saw that Zhao Linger's breathing was stagnant again, and his face was flushed, it was obvious that something else was thinking of that little head.

"You are a good person and a bad person." After a long while, Zhao Linger turned his head and looked at Luo Ya. After saying a word, she deflated Xiao Zui, obviously a little unhappy.

Luo Ya's eyes twitched, and he didn't know what to say about Zhao Linger's evaluation. Good people have accepted it, but what does it mean to be both good and bad?

"I know I'm a good person, but why do you say I'm a bad 13?" Roja asked with a silly and sweet idea, but in his heart he thought to himself that death was not the killing that was revealed yesterday outside the fairy island. Yi, let this girl feel it.

"You, you, you hugged me last night" Zhao Ling'er wrinkled her cute little nose and spoke out directly after a long while, with a more angry expression on her little face.

"Hug you" Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, and a large group of South American alpacas flew in his heart. This is so terribly slanderous. He didn't move a finger during the whole process. He held a hammer.

"Don't you admit it, you didn't hug me, then how did I come to chuang." Zhao Linger saw Luo Ya's expression, thinking that he dared not act, and sat up aggressively from the couch. The little appearance was obviously somewhat Short of breath.

"Chih" Luo Ya was frowning and thinking. Hearing Zhao Linger's words, he couldn't help but laugh directly, and when he pointed out, Xianli wrapped Zhao Linger and dragged him from the couch.

"Yeah, let me down quickly" Zhao Linger exclaimed a little, stiffening her body and daring not to move at all.

"Don't let go, answer one of my questions first, and I'll let you down after I answer it." With a smirk on his face, Luo Ya started to tease Zhao Linger, damn, he was almost fucked by this silly white sweet. Up.

"Then ask quickly." Zhao Ling'er saw herself flying around the house, high and low, and quickly closed her eyes, obviously very scared in her heart.

"Well, tell me now, am I a good person or a bad person"

"Good people, good people, good or good," Zhao Linger replied hastily, but she became more sure that she was a big bad guy. Although she didn't touch her last night, she was definitely bad.

"What's going on?" Luo Ya continued to tease Zhao Ling'er, with a movement of immortal power in his hand, he had already landed on the soft couch.

"Don't you just let me down when you answer a question?" Zhao Ling'er still closed her eyes tightly, her body stiffened without realizing that she had returned to the couch.

Roya couldn't help laughing when he saw this interesting scene, opened the door and walked out. Then Jiang had already woke up, he was not interested in being heard from the corner.

"Hey, don't go, you are fine, everything is fine, teach me the exercises, give me the candy, and pay it back" Zhao Linger closed her eyes tightly, heard the door door ringing, her heart was anxious, and she quickly recalled Luo Ya it is good.

"Cough cough" Luo Ya gave a light cough, walked outside the door, looked at the lotus pond pavilion in the distance, and felt very comfortable. This silly girl was really fun.

"Hey, hey," Zhao Linger didn't get a reply for a while, and cautiously opened one eye, wanting to see if Luo Ya was still there.

But seeing that he had already returned to the couch, his face was red, and his heart was suffocated, his little face was bulged into two little buns, and he whispered the words "big bad guy" in a low voice.

After a night of cultivation, the Jiang family originally had the foundation of Southern Xinjiang Witchcraft. At this time, he could touch the gate of the Concentration Realm. When he woke up from cultivation, he saw the funny scene of Luo Ya and Zhao Ling'er. Smile.

What she fears most is this immortal, simply because Zhao Ling'er is a descendant of Nuwa, she wants to take him to the immortal world. If the relationship between them is indifferent, even if they go to the immortal world, their lives will probably not be better.

After Zhao Linger and Jiang Clan had a simple breakfast, Jiang Clan went to practice again on his own, while Luo Ya directly shared the interpretation of the Qinglian Jue's second-level exercises into Zhao Linger's mind. .

He has already become a cultivator at the peak of the Concentration Realm, Zhao Linger's soul has risen, and simple divine thoughts will no longer hurt him in the slightest.

Originally, Luo Ya was planning to advance to the God Realm in Zhao Linger. After his cultivation speed slowed down, he first fetched the five spirit orbs. By the way, he searched the world for a few pieces of supreme treasure chests. Who knew that after one night of training, the next day, Then again broke through to the peak of Nashen Realm.

This kind of strong bloodline power is really beyond his expectations. When will the enlightened person practice cultivation, and joking can generally play a realm for a day.

"Nuwa bloodline, it's too much." Scratching his cheek, Luo Ya was helpless, and once again taught the training notes of the third layer of refining the 163 mirror, and by the way, he was a guardian by his side.

The blood is too strong, and the training speed is faster than the rocket, and sometimes it can cause people to be troubled. The biggest treasure chest on the fairy island is by Jiang's side. It's just a silver treasure chest, and Zhao Ling'er is such a weird one. The speed of cultivation really cannot make people feel relieved to leave.

Fortunately, when he woke up on the third day, Zhao Ling'er's cultivation finally stopped in the middle of the refining mirror, and he jumped to the top without a single night, but the blood power in his body was still surging and surging continuously.

According to the strength of this bloodline power, Luo Ya estimated that unless his character can't keep up, he might become immortal along the way.

The pain in his heart was so painful that he could only give up the idea of ​​letting Zhao Linger stay here for a month and wait for him to return, and proposed to take him on the road.

Jiang readily promised that she was hoping that Luo Ya could cultivate more relationships with Ling'er. With such thick thighs, it would be an opportunity to hold tight. If Ling'er could become a confidante, or to please her, Then everything will be worry-free in the future.

Although Zhao Linger didn't want to give up her grandmother, she was afraid of her cultivation speed, the second knew that Luo Ya had something to do, and the third also wanted to go outside to see. Under multiple reasons, he hesitated and nodded in agreement..

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