One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1622: Previous Protagonist

After making the decision, Roya counted the locations of the highest-level treasure chests on the system map. Shushan is undoubtedly the place where treasure chests are piled up. Not only are there Shushan monks, but there are countless powerful monsters in the lock demon tower. Family.

And there is still the entrance to the demon world, and there are indispensable strong people in the demon world. It is not too much to say that the treasure chest is piled into a mountain, but this treasure chest is also a pit enough to be seen by Roya.

Luo Ya recalled the golden golden fairy treasure chest, and couldn't help but grinned to himself. Nanzhao country had water monsters that made life charcoal, and there was also the big boss who worshipped the moon cultist. They only refreshed a Taiyi treasure chest.

This unreasonable Golden Immortal Treasure Box is definitely a big guy, and this guy, if you look at the story of the fairy sword, I am afraid that it is the legendary Demon Respect Building.

The Demon Respect Building is the supreme demon realm. The Demon Realm is different from the God Realm that has been completely separated and formed an independent world. Luo Ya is clearly visible on the system map. The area is roughly only one-third of the local area of ​​the fairy sword world, which is not considered How big.

But the Demon Respect Building is a golden fairy

Scratching his head, Roja muttered in his heart. When he was playing the game, the Demon Lord was the ultimate boss, a completely strong existence. In order to get a perfect ending, I don’t know how many times he fought and how many he did. Mobs, in the end, there was no way, but the modifier was used to cheat.

This kind of boss that almost made him crazy back then was actually just a golden fairy

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Ya thought about it and was relieved. After all, this world is not as good as Westward Journey World Hongdae, and the wine sword fairy Situ Zhong is only the cultivation base of the true fairy peak, and the Demon Respect Building cannot be too strong. Outrageous.

After all, according to the inference that Situ Zhong's cultivation base, he should probably be at the same level as the elders of Shushan. Even if the elders of Shushan are slightly higher, they will die of Taiyi Sanxian.

The evil thoughts of the five Shushan elders had formed the Evil Sword Immortal before, and they could directly kill the Shushan Elder. Although the Evil Sword Immortal was defeated by Chonglou, he still had the power to escape.

It was deduced from layer to layer that his Golden Immortal cultivation base was also normal. Luo Ya slapped Zui, with a sneer on his face, and in another half a month, he went to Shushan to teach that demon respect upstairs.

Damn, it was so difficult to clear a game that year. If you don't repay the heavy building, he doesn't like to find opponents, so if he claims to be defeated, let him taste what it is like to be abused.

Roja didn't care that the heavy building in the previous game was completely different from the current heavy building, and he directly made the decision to completely abuse the heavy building and make him want to die.

"If you don't go to Mount Shu, let's go here first v." Muttered in his mouth, Luo Ya wrapped Zhao Ling'er with the power of space, and immediately urged him to disappear in front of Jiang's.

Zhao Ling'er hadn't reacted yet, her head dizzy slightly, and the scene in front of her changed, from the hall of the fairy island to a lively market.

"This guy hasn't died yet. Anyway, he is the protagonist of the previous generation. I am afraid it is not so easy to die early." Luo Ya looked up at an antique pawnshop in front of him, and the three characters Xin An Dang on the plaque showed a trace of clarity on his face. .

The location of this Taiyi Treasure Chest is the reclusive retreat of Sedum, the protagonist of the Three Immortal Swords. In the previous life, there were several endings in the game of Immortal Sword III. However, in Luo Ya's mind, the ending of Sedum is probably the worst. A crowd.

Like Li Xiaoyao, the hero of Xianjianyi, not a single woman died. In the end, only the hero was left, living alone. Although his appearance was still optimistic, his heart was already dead.

Jing Tianxin, who was dealing with the ledger in Xin'andang, felt a little bit. After scanning his mind, he found that Zhao Ling'er, who had already made the mirror, was originally puzzled, but he accidentally noticed Luo Ya's figure.

The aura is not exposed at all, and it is easy for people to ignore it, but it is precisely this that does not reveal the slightest aura that makes Sedum alive. The things of that year have passed for more than 30 years. His cultivation level is probably the best in this world. Among them, apart from the heavy building, there has never been one person who can make him feel the depth.

With a vigilant mind, Jing Tian put down the writing pen in his hand and walked out of the room quickly.Seeing Yuzhou Jujia's own master, who is already a rich and enemy country, hurriedly walked out, the child couldn't help but put on a puzzled look.

"Oh, what the wind is blowing today, my shop unexpectedly ushered in distinguished guests, come here, please come inside."

Sedum strode to the door, with a spring-like smile on her face, and she looked full of merchants' breath.

Zhao Ling'er glanced at Jing Tian's slick face, and slightly hid behind Luo Ya. She had been living with Jiang on Xianling Island for nearly ten years, and she had become a little afraid of life.

"It's not a distinguished guest, it's probably a villain." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face, and after a few words, he stepped into the new Andang.

Sedum couldn't figure out Luo Ya's cultivation base, and even couldn't figure out the meaning of these words, his brows wrinkled slightly, and the seemingly kind smile appeared in a flash.

Originally, Sedum was just a young pawnbroker before embarking on the path of cultivation. Later, he experienced many things, returned to the world, and cultivated his feelings, but he did not return to the original appearance.

"I don't know why the distinguished guests came here. I'm just a businessman now. The previous things have nothing to do with me." The guest and host were seated, Jing Tian made tea for Roya by himself and spoke.

His words directly explained that if it is about saving the world, or destroying demons and demons, don't tell him about the cultivation world, he doesn't care.

There is no woman left to die, and good and evil are empty at first, saving the common people, but can't save themselves, but Sedum doesn't want to care about the mess that seems to be messy now.

"I have experienced more promises. It seems that it can really make people different. No matter what, I will give you some more choices." Luo Ya saw the appearance of Sedum, shook his head slightly in his heart, pointed out a god Nian flew out slowly.

As a monk in the early days of Taiyi True Immortal, Jingtian naturally knew that divine thoughts were harmless, frowned, but never avoided it.

"How would you treat Chonglou and Xu Changqing?" Jingtian finished reading the content in Divine Mind and was silent for a long time before speaking.

Today, in this world, only Chonglou, who is also an enemy and friend, and Xu Changqing, a close friend, are worthy of his concern. The rest of the people are dead or alive, which has long been irrelevant in his heart.

Luo Ya Fangcai's spiritual mind not only tells about his origin, the general situation of the Journey to the West, but also says that he will return to this world. Finally, he also gave two options for Sedum.

One followed him back to the immortal world and served him, and the other abolished his cultivation base and became an ordinary person ever since..

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