One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1654: Reappearance

The demon was about to move, and the escaped devilish energy made the faces of the people in Shushan who were seriously injured changed again, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Some time ago, a demon head had already emerged from the underground crack, killing many disciples before being surrendered. At this time, the space cracks widened, and more powerful and more demons will inevitably come. Then there will be Their way to survive

"Roar" came a roar from the cracks in the space, a crimson-skinned, huge demons had already poked their heads out of the cracks in the space. The scattered devilish energy seemed to engulf the master in the haze, which shocked them. Fear very much.

"Go back." When many Shushan disciples were desperate, a majestic voice came out from the lock demon tower. The demons heard the voice, did not dare to hesitate, and went straight back into the crack. .

"The Demon Respect Building" Roja had a slight smile on his face. Unexpectedly, this blow was unexpectedly shocking the Demon Respect Building from the depths of the lock demon tower, but it happened to save a lot of things.

The heads of the thousand generations Xu Changqing, Chang Hao, and Chang Yin and Chang Shou are stuck in their feet at this time. They don’t understand why they haven’t asked about the world for so many years, and even ignored their demon respect building, and it will appear again.

"I want to fight with you." The Demon Respect Building still has that domineering appearance, a head of fiery red hair, with a somewhat unruly demeanor, and his words are cold, but what he said made Xu Changqing and the others stunned. .

When did the Demon Respect Building become so polite? As a first-class existence above and below, when did the Demon Respect Building not look like domineering?

"You are not an opponent." With a smile on Roja's face, he looked at the sudden appearance of the heavy building. It is undeniable that this guy is really handsome, but it is too dull. He has been in a high position for a long time and has lost too much. Things, except for the kind of nympho woman who sucks in the street, I'm afraid no one will like it.

"I know, but I still want to fight with you." Mo respect building was silent for a moment, and looked straight into Luo Ya's eyes, bluntly saying that he was not an opponent.

The Demon Respect Building is the cultivation base of the late Golden Immortal, while Luo Ya is the peak of the Golden Immortal. Although it seems that it is only a small class behind, the difference in combat power between them is terrible.

Roja has always been able to leapfrog a level, this kind of unreasonable combat power, just like the yin and yang divine light just now, can't be judged by common sense at all.

And the Demon Respect Building could clearly feel that if the divine light hit him just now, he would die without life.

The people in the Shu Mountain heard the conversation between the two, and many people were so scared that they slumped on the ground, Xu Changqing looked solemn, and Dugu Yuyun looked pale.

Zen Master Qianye is also bloodless. The devil respects the name of the building. He is naturally not unfamiliar after living for so long. Even the devil who is frankly inferior to him, he can't imagine how strong he is. He just knows, never Run, I'm afraid there will be no chance to run

"If you want to fight with me, you can, but if you lose, be my subordinate and go to the immortal world to work for me." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, looked at the fighting eyes of Chonglou, a smile on his face.

In the late Jinxian period, because of the limitations of this world, he could not continue to break upward, but it is undeniable that the talent of the Demon Respect Building was simply outrageous.

"Are there many strong people like you in the fairy world?"

"There are some who are stronger than me." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and said casually, Journey to the West, there are indeed people he can't deal with at the moment, but he can't deal with it now, and it won't be necessarily in the future.

"If I surpass you, you have to work for me." The devil squinted his eyes respectfully, and offered his own terms. He is a person who lives on war. How can he not be excited when he hears that there is a stronger existence.

And this condition seemed more like making a clear for himself and vowing to surpass Roja one day.

"Yes, but don't give up this ambition too early, you have great potential." Luo Ya raised a smile on his face. The Demon Respect Building has a strong talent. When you go to the Westward Journey World, your cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

But he has a system to help him, and in terms of speed, he is absolutely unmatched. The Demon Respect Lou wants to surpass him. This is no longer a matter of his life. However, as long as he gives up not too early and has the goal of catching up, he may have future achievements. , Will be higher.

"Time." Demon Respect Lou's face became more war-like, but he glanced at the Qianye Zen master who was trying to escape and a group of Shushan high-level officials, knowing that Luo Ya still had things to deal with at this time, so he said something first.

"Tomorrow." Luo Ya said casually, watching Zen Master Qianye who had quietly descended from the suspended mountain and was about to flee towards the ground, a sneer appeared on his face.

Ask for flowers

I took out the Qiankun Shanhe pen between my hands, as if it was deliberately demonstrating his abilities for the heavy building. The Luoya pen danced in the air, tying immortal ropes, tying monsters, cosmic circles, and diamond circles, all kinds of binding magic weapons, like The rain generally rushed towards the Zen Master Qianye.

With three or two such drawn magic weapons, Qianye Zen master can still handle it, and ten eight pieces can barely support it, but when the number of these magic weapons increases to nearly a hundred in a few seconds, almost instantly, He was tied up into rice dumplings and brought back to the gate of Shu Mountain.

The light of yin and yang that just penetrated into the depths of the earth veins just passed through the mountains of Shu, obviously penetrated the magma of the earth veins. After the power of the yin and yang divine light was exhausted, the magma spewed out, Luo Ya saw it, the brush in his hand was waving, and the water of Tianhe was born out of thin air , Gushing down against the magma.

The paintbrush kept on, and a tall altar was directly condensed into shape, suppressed on the huge void, and in the blink of an eye, the chaos of the earth veins was subdued.

Holding the pen in the left hand, the power of the space in the eyes rotates, and the right hand pinches two tactics, one point at the tip of the finger, and the power of the space shoots out, and the space channel connecting the demon world gradually shrinks and becomes the size of an ordinary portal. , The chaotic space is also stabilized.

When the paintbrush in the left hand was swung again, the golden chains formed an inexplicable formation like a formation, flew to the door that Naroya deliberately left, and bound it firmly.

He later said that he must not go to the Demon World anymore, this kind of thing was prepared.

Falling from the sky, he put away the paintbrush in his left hand, and pointed his right hand toward the hollow pierced by the yin and yang divine light. The earth and rocks rolled over, and the earth elements gathered. In a moment, the ground was restored as before.

At this time, the senior officials and disciples in the Shu Mountain were all stunned, and Luo Ya revealed the means, and he really responded to the phrase that turning his hand into the cloud and covering his hand is the rain, and all creatures should not feel it.

"This, this" Dugu Yuyun had already become dumbfounded when he saw this kind of terrorism, and he was speechless, thinking that he seemed to have made the worst decision ever..

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