One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1655: Dying Struggle

The expressions on Xu Changqing, Chang Hao, and Chang Yin and Chang Shou are not very good-looking. Whether it is suppressing the volcanoes in the earth veins, sealing the cracks in the demon world, or repairing the hole in front of the Shu Mountain gate, it is nothing to them. Simple things even require a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

But this kind of thing that seemed extremely difficult to them, in the hands of the monk in front of them, was just a matter of waving his hands, and it was all done without the slightest smell of fireworks.

There was also the Zen Master Qianye on the summit of Taiyi Zhenxian, who quietly escaped not a short distance, but when Roya moved, within a few tens of seconds before and after, he had already stopped bundled into zongzi and threw it in front of the mountain.

Monks who are powerful to this level, even if they are not the ancestors of the Shu Mountain, they will crawl over and hold their thighs. In everyone’s minds, Dugu Yuyun is completely overwhelmed with a pig’s brain, and will actually be the enemy of his "20 20"

Xu Changqing, Chang Hao, and Chang Yin and Chang Shuo are all Taiyi True Immortal cultivation bases, and even Xu Changqing's cultivation base is slightly higher than that of Zen Master Qianye.

But Xu Changqing thought to herself that facing the dozens of magic weapons drawn just now, he would definitely not be much better than Zen Master Qianye. I am afraid it was also a face-to-face, so he could only get hold of it.

"What are you running, did I allow you to run?" Luo Ya stepped up to Zen Master Qianye and looked down at him blankly.

Zen Master Qianye was frightened, unable to move his hands and feet, he could only struggle backwards in vain like a chrysalis, and the magic rope tightly tightened in his mouth made him only make a whining sound, and kept asking everyone around him for help.

But at this time, the three thousand disciples of Shushan vomited blood and were internally injured. After Xu Changqing and others had seen Luo Ya's shocking methods, faced with this situation, they felt overwhelmed, where they would step forward to intervene.

"It's in vain that you have lived for so many years, do you think it is useful to ask for help now?" Luo Ya had obvious contempt in his eyes, and looked at Zen Master Qianye at his feet without the slightest pity on his face.

Not to mention that this guy jumped out to look for things, or if he didn't jump out, I'm afraid he would also go to look for him. After all, there is a piece of the supreme treasure chest on his body, and the other is that this guy is very ambitious. What's the trouble.

Zen Master Qianye's expression stagnated. As an old-fashioned fellow, he didn't know how, everyone in Shushan would have been scared at this time, and all his requests for help were in vain.

With a bit of bitterness in his eyes, a bit of unwillingness, Zen Master Qianye stopped struggling, his face was gray and defeated, and his heart was extremely regretful for the bird who had just made her head.

Roya's heart moved, and the restraint magic weapon that tightened his mouth loosened the restraint, turned into aura and merged into the heaven and earth. This magic weapon was transformed by him, and it was controlled by him. It only needs a thought.

"I don't know how Shangxian plans to deal with the poor monks." Zen Master Qianye took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and started to gain the last chance of survival.

Perhaps this opportunity is very slim, but it is like a life-saving straw for drowning people. No one can do nothing and let it slip away.

"Peel the skin and bones, the real fire will burn the soul, and finally let your spirit be destroyed." A smile slowly appeared on his face, and the words Luo Ya said made the people around him shudder and shudder, and his heart was so cruel. .

Just taking out the magic weapon and wanting to take a picture of the girl behind her, and she hasn't taken it at all, so she has to face such a fate. This behavior is really overbearing.

Qingyun carrying Zhao Ling'er slowly drifted behind Luo Ya, Zhao Ling'er heard that the old monk in front of him was peeling and tearing his bones, and a trace of unbearableness appeared in his eyes. Just about to speak, he suddenly remembered that he had dealt with small stones before. The matter, stuffed the words back into the stomach.

My sweetheart sometimes acts a little bit fiercely, but he will never aimlessly. Since it is said that the old monk in front of him is punished in this way, there is absolutely a reason for the matter, or the old monk is a wicked person, or he has done something unforgivable.

Trust in this kind of thing is sometimes accumulated bit by bit in life. Zhao Linger's trust in Luo Ya has gradually deepened as the time between the two of them gets along.

"The poor monk asked himself if he had never done anything that hurts the heavens and the sense of reason. He recites the sutras and leads people to goodness all his life. Just because he acts upright, he will suffer this karma and dare to ask the immortals. Isn't he afraid of the cycle of reasoning that day and harm him?"

Waiting for death is not the style of Zen Master Chiba. He doesn't want to die. Facing the fear of death, he is calmer than anyone at this time. He has a sharp turn in his mind and can only think of this way of putting death and resurrection. He looked like a fearless holy monk and asked

Zen Master Qianye’s method is not shrewd. As soon as this sentence came out, whether it was Xu Changqing or Dugu Yuyun, a kind of sorrow rose in his heart, and he sighed that the right way did not exist.

The Shushan disciples around, although they were afraid of the power of Loya, they also had a sense of sympathy. The education of Shushan from their childhood gave them a strong sense of identification with people who slayer demons and defend the way and do good deeds. .

Since ancient times, people's hearts have been difficult to accept. If Luo Ya killed this Zen Master Qianye because of a small matter, it is inevitable that even if there is fear in the hearts of Shushan disciples, there will be an irreparable gap.

Zen Master Qianye wanted to take advantage of this, so that he could save his life. As long as he could pass this time, he had more ways to convince Luo Ya to trust him, and more ways to retaliate.

"That's right, God is so clear, never let anyone go, but Chiba, you know that in this world, there is a gossip deduction technique, practiced to the depths, everything can not escape deduction, I ask you, four days ago In the evening, what did you do in Ganges Village, what did you do in Baisha Village nine days ago late at night, and what did you do in Fanli Town 14 days ago?”

Luo Yasi didn't mind what Zen Master Qianye said, so she could not stop with her left hand. In minutes, she deduced the 16 things that Zen Master Qianye had done during this time.

This world does not show the way of heaven, and the avenue is not visible, but it belongs to the world of immortals, and there is no five elements and gossip. Luo Ya's fuxi and gossip spiritual mystery, although it has not reached the realm of all things, it is deduced in this world without the barrier of heaven. , The difficulty is directly reduced by dozens of times.

With just a simple calculation in his hand, it can be clearly estimated that at these times and places, the karma of Zen Master Qianye is soaring. If this kind of guy were in the West Journey world, he would have been killed by the sky.

"The poor monks and the poor monks have been doing things to remove demons and defend the way for the past few days." The cold sweat on Zen Master Qianye came down, and he spoke weakly to defend.

Xu Changqing and the others just heard the words, and there were some doubts in their eyes. The appearance of Zen Master Qianye is really lacking in confidence..

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