One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1656: Killing Zen Master Chiba

"People can lie, but their souls can't, but I still remember the ghost fire that I just told you about." Luo Ya with a sneer on his face, his right hand spread out with five fingers, showing infinite suction, Zen Master Qianye lying on the ground, Guang Yoo's head was directly in his palm.

"No need" Qianye Zen Master was already horrified Liushen Wuzhu, only to feel that a catastrophe was approaching, the layers of bondage magic weapons on his body made him unable to move at all, and the original appearance of the pretending monk disappeared.

Except for the truly fearless person, who can not fear life and death, when the moment he feels that his soul is about to leave his body, Zen Master Qianye is left with fear and regret.


Luo Ya held the soul of Zen Master Qianye in one hand, and let his body fall to the ground like a rag. The bondage magic weapon on that body turned into a little bit of celestial power and dissipated in the world.

"How come?" Dugu Yuyun couldn't help but screamed. At first glance, he saw the soul form of Zen Master Qianye that was completely different from the outside. It was definitely not the 13 souls of human beings.

Chiba's body, who fell to the ground, slowly changed into the form of a demon after his soul was separated. His hideous face and blue-purple skin all revealed his identity.

A monster disguised as an eminent monk

Luo Ya saw the expressions of the people around him with a bit of disdain on his face. He had played Xianjian II roughly at the beginning. The time interval was too long and he had forgotten a lot of things. He just remembered that Zen Master Qianye won three. After the magic weapon, it became a new demon sovereign.

And just now at the gate of Shu Mountain, the reason why he used the yin and yang divine light for the first time was because Zhou Tian Xingkong had already discovered what was wrong with Zen Master Qianye.

At this time, only the prototype of Zen Master Qianye had appeared, and all the truth had come to light, Zhao Linger had a smile on his face, and Dugu Yuyun and others were only left in horror.

"Appearance can deceive others, but the soul can't." Luo Ya, with a sneer on his face, looked at Zen Master Qianye's karma, and the soul is full of filthy, more sullen demonic form. In one sentence, a group of ghost fires that had been diluted several times appeared in the palm of his hand.

Nether ghost fire descended, and the soul of Zen Master Qianye began to hiss as hard as he could. With the help of the special nature of ghost fire, even the disciple with a low level of cultivation above Shu Mountain could see his existence clearly.

Picture after picture appeared in the flames, which could reflect the ghostly fire of his life, mapping out the scene of his life.

He deprived people of their children and harmed the whole family, pretending to be that Taoist monk, in order to find the three magic weapons, self-directed and acted in countless tragedies, the two disciples under the school are all demons, eating human flesh and blood, and doing nothing.

It was such a demon who deceived everyone with his disguised goodness. Even if the senior officials of Shushan just thought about it, they shuddered.

If there is no Loya, if there is no today’s scene, in the future, this monster will pretend to be Zen Master Chiba, what kind of disaster will this world bring

Nether ghost fire has a great harm to the soul and spirit. Even though Loya has diluted a lot, Zen Master Qianye still hasn't been able to hold on for long before he is gone.

"Congratulations to the host for killing Zen Master Qianye and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

"It seems that the skinning and deboning thing has not been done yet." Luo Ya muttered, looked at the body of the demon lying on the ground, turned his hands and put it into the Xumijie.

The demon in this world cannot be called a demon in the final analysis. According to the Chronicles of the Fairy Sword, Shennong died in the human world. One said he died of poisoning by tasting herbs, and the other said he died after he mate with the demon to breed offspring.

Soon, a very intelligent ruler Chi You appeared among the beasts. He led the orcs to fight humans with the intention to monopolize the land. The man obtained the help of the gods and defeated Chi You's army under the command of an outstanding god general Xuanyuan.

Chi You tried his best to open the passage of the different world and send the remnants to the other world. These remnants were gradually cultivated into "magic" in the different world, and the demon world gradually formed.

To sum up, in fact, the so-called Demon Realm is only a descendant of the Demon Race. The reason for its cruel character is that it hates the Human Race and the Protoss, the second is because of the cultivation techniques, and the third is that the Demon Realm's conditions are dangerous. It is difficult to survive.

Just like in previous lives, people in many places are known for being brave and good at fighting, not because they are better than others, but because of the traits cast by the dangerous living conditions.

"Dugu Yuyun, you now feel that you are doing all this right or wrong, and you can be worthy of being the head of Shushan in this world." Luo Ya finished dealing with Zen Master Qianye and turned to look at Dugu Yuyun.

"I'm not worthy" After seeing all the truth, Dugu Yuyun's whole person has already entered a state of devilishness. After hearing this sentence, his mind trembled and said dryly.

"I seldom set foot in this realm. The Shushan in this realm, and the immortal realm where I am, is even more time-spaced. Originally, I didn't want to interfere too much, but since this sect has the name of Shushan, I can't ignore it, you I don’t know people, and I’m also guilty of chaos, but I want you to do your best for Shu Mountain. I will punish you today to step down as the head of the mountain. At the southern foot of the Miao territory, suppress the Shui people for a hundred years. , You are willing to be punished."

Luo Ya opened his mouth and directly announced the punishment for Dugu Yuyun. For 223 years, it may not have been long for him to travel to the west world, but most of the cultivators in this world can only achieve longevity, not longevity, for a hundred years. , I'm afraid Dugu Yuyun is already very old.

"The disciple is willing." With a bit of bitterness on Duguyu's cloud face, he glanced at Xu Changqing and others who were silent, and sighed in his heart.

At this time, no matter whether Luoyan's identity of the ancestor of Shushan is true or false, from then on, it is the ancestor of Shushan, and no one can resist, whether it is to not cause trouble to Shushan, or for the sake of atonement, Dugu Yuyun At this moment, he bowed down.

"And you two, just united with Chiba, in order to deepen the contradiction, deliberately delaying reporting to the former elder and head of the mountain, trapped the sect in unrighteousness, the death penalty can be avoided and the living crime is inevitable, abolish the cultivation base, and expel the mountain. ."

Luo Ya looked at the two current elders of Na Shu Mountain, Ji Shu and Canglan, and directly announced the punishment of the two. There was no room for change in his words.

He hates the guy who eats inside and outside the most in his life, and these two people are precisely the kind of two or five who eat inside and outside. As the elders of Shushan, they can unite with outsiders, and their minds are absolutely filled with shit.

"The old ancestor Shangxian confessed to me and I were confused for a while." Ji Shu and Canglan knelt to the ground with their knees weakened, and prostrated repeatedly..

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