One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1662: Space Supernatural Power

It can be said that this kind of blood, this kind of talent, is absolutely unique in this world.It's like Yang Chan's hybrid of humans and gods, able to break through the limit, and his talent envy others.

The Demon Respect Building is supposed to be the blood of a demon and a god, and it has unlimited potential.If you go to Journey to the West, you will definitely have the opportunity to stand on top of the pyramid.

"Devil Blood Bomb" Demon Respect Building is not the kind of person who talks nonsense at the beginning, Luo Ya just finished talking, and his hands returned to the front, sending out the demon blood bomb.

"It's the devil's blood bomb" Xu Changqing looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, he was very impressed with this devil's blood bomb, even after dozens of years, he still never forgets it.

In Xianjian III, that is, Xianjian I a few decades ago, Wen Hui's brother Wen Ce's army bombarded the lock demon tower, and when ten thousand bullets were fired, Chonglou appeared to cancel all the shells.

An angry Chonglou made a move to take Wen Ce's life, but Xu Changqing blocked it with all his strength, and Xu Changqing suffered a lot of internal injuries as a result, and he only recovered more than ten years ago.

Zhonglou was furious that someone dared to attack the lock demon tower, saying that if the lock demon tower was damaged at all, it would be charcoal. Then a demon blood bomb destroyed the bones of all the soldiers of the Wence army at the foot of the mountain. Away.

Wen Ce's army is not one or two people. Under one move, the corpses are everywhere, and there are stumps and arms within a thousand miles. The power of this magic blood bullet is evident.

When Xu Changqing heard the name of this magic blood bullet, her face changed suddenly. With such a powerful and terrifying move, even if they touched each other, they might die on the spot.

"Using blood as the medium, the moves formed by killing the heavens and the earth are a bit new." In the palm of Luo Ya's right hand, the universe and the mountains and rivers made a circle, under the dragons and phoenixes, a powerful flying sword magic weapon , Rushing to the magic blood bullet as if he didn't need money.

Yesterday, Shushan’s three thousand flying swords danced together, in the eyes of Shushan disciples, they were already extremely powerful, but at this time, Luo Ya alone, almost every second, countless flying swords shot out.

Flying swords are simple to draw and can be formed tangibly and intentionally. The overwhelming number of flying swords is even higher than yesterday's three thousand flying swords.

Even if the drawn flying sword has less than half the power of the top-grade magic weapon, Roja's realm is there, even if it is thousands of middle-grade magic weapons, the power is so powerful that it can make ordinary golden immortals despair.

There was almost no accident in the collision between the magic blood bullet and the flying sword. The magic blood bullet was cut into smiling particles, and the raging sword energy faintly operated in an inexplicable formation, with a terrifying sword intent, rising into the sky.

"You are really strong, it's very good ¨" Mo respect building saw that one of his moves was so easily blocked by others. Those flying swords had more intention to attack, with an extremely excited smile on their faces. A red hair was flying in the air in the surging fairy power, the fairy power urged to the extreme, and the magic flame also rose into the sky.

"You haven't seen a stronger one yet." Luo Ya put on a smile on his face, taking must be a sword, and ordered the sky to increase to nearly ten thousand flying swords, and Qi Qi moved the sword tip toward the Demon Respect Building.

Nearly ten thousand flying swords are arranged according to the ten thousand realm galaxy array. The large array is 10%. The power of the stars comes from the nine heavens and directly blessed on the nearly ten thousand flying swords, the power has doubled again.

This kind of method, let alone deal with the golden immortal, was enough to deal with the general Daluo golden immortal in the early stage of Journey to the West. The tens of thousands of flying swords are blessed by the power of the stars, not as simple as one plus one.

The qualitative change caused by the quantitative change is so terrible that it can make ordinary immortals despair, even if the Da Luo Jinxian accidentally responds, it may be torn to pieces under the sword.

"It's an honor to roar with you." The demon respected the floor and was also crazy and mad, and there was a roar of undead human beings in his mouth. After the fight, it directly used the strongest body of gods and demons

The muscles and muscles on the body are bulging, the blood vessels are like horned dragons on the muscles, the nails become inches long, the golden eyebrows and red pupils, the first red horns, the sharp teeth in the mouth are bulging, and the body directly becomes more than doubled.

Above the ground, Zhao Linger felt the aura of Demon Respect Building increased, and she couldn't help but feel a palpitating feeling in her heart. As a descendant of Nuwa blood, she was extremely sensitive to this kind of aura.

Holding the two jade hands together, Zhao Ling'er was uncontrollably worried about Luo Ya's safety. Although he knew that his strength was higher than the opponent, the masters of this level changed rapidly, and if they were careless, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Turn into Nima, Super Saiyan?" Luo Ya couldn't help but muttered in his heart, and his attitude was a little more serious. Today's heavy building, the momentum has risen to the peak of the golden fairy, which is more than just stronger than before. .

What's more rare is that, as a existence similar to a Taoist, his physical strength has also tended to be above the golden fairy realm. The blood of this god and demon is extremely powerful.

The "Xinbo" demon gave a low voice from the mouth of the respect building, and danced with his hands. A shock wave that combined the spirit of the spirit and even damaged the soul came directly.

Roya saw this heart wave, and with a stroke of the universe in his hand, the nearly Wan Fei sword rushed down, and the power of the stars and the sharp aura that attracted it seemed to be able to tear a little space.

Just at this moment, the posture of Demon Respect Building changed. After putting his palms together, it seemed to be torn directly towards the two sides with a huge force, and a space portal opened in front of Xinbo.

"Fucking Space Supernatural Powers" is the first time that Luo Ya has seen Jinxian able to use space supernatural powers so skillfully. After all, the influence of Jinxian realm on space is really not that great.

When he first came to the world of Journey to the West, the white carp king intelligently obtained Li Hao's space magic power through his innate magical powers, and can only be used to escape, which is completely different from the space magical powers used by the heavy building.

Roya sensed the space channel that was about to open behind him, and with a wave of his left hand, with the help of Zhou Tian's starry sky pupil, a space channel was placed next to his back again, and the exit side was placed behind the heavy building.

Turning the direction of Qiankun Mountain and River with his right hand, he aimed at the place a few meters in front of the heavy building. The supernatural power of space was extremely fast, just in the blink of an eye, the heart wave continuously passing through several spatial channels hit the back of the heavy building.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the heavy building flew forward uncontrollably, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Since he was a child, he had a strong talent for space. In ancient times, he was able to travel freely in the realm of gods, demons, and demons.

This kind of talent has always been regarded as a killer by him, but he did not expect it to be cracked by an unknown supernatural power that belongs to the same space supernatural power.

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