One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1663: Body of Gods and Demons

The flying sword in the sky shoots straight down, even in the midst of the fall, the heavy building can feel the deep-rooted sense of crisis. If this move is sustained in this way, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

This sense of crisis made his face suffocate, but the fighting spirit in his heart was even more surging. He tore his hands again, tore a space channel in front of him, and went straight to Roja. It was obviously the idea of ​​avoiding attacks and fighting in close quarters. .

"I want to fight in close proximity" Luo Ya had a smile on his face, the Universe Mountain and River Pen in his hand was thrown up by him and merged into the void. Shennian Gou Lian continued to command the Ten Thousand Swords to fight, and the Demon Killing Spear that hadn't been seen for a long time appeared directly in his hand.

One arm was stiff and stabbed, and Moshoufanglou folded his hands, ten fingers that were comparable to Lingbao's nails, and forcibly blocked the tip of the Demon Killing Spear.

As a result, his body shape couldn’t help but backed up three steps. It was less than an inch away from the space passage that was closing. He just got out of the space passage and was almost knocked back again. This kind of semi-closed space passage was once touched. , Even if it was him, he would be hit hard on the spot.

From the fight to 683, the Demon Respect Building felt every second that he was in danger of dying, and his back was already sweating coldly. This feeling of being completely suppressed and extremely tense made his blood veins stretched.

He likes to fight and challenge powerful opponents, and this feeling has become less and less since he was promoted to Jinxian. After the fall of Fei Peng, he lost a comparable opponent, and the heavens were closed and completely isolated from several realms. , He even lost the opportunity to challenge the emperor.

Roja showed the powerful strength that the Demon Respect Building could even conclude that the Emperor of Heaven could not compare with it. Under this terrifying pressure, the warlike blood in his body completely boiled.

"The bloodline of the stronger and stronger has become a Saiyan." Luo Ya made a speechless spit in his heart, sensing that the speed of the Demon Respect Building is getting faster and faster, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the Demon Killing Spear in his hand dances. There was a movie of gunshots.

Although his physical cultivation is still stagnant, he has stayed at the peak of the Taiyi True Immortal, but the extraordinary golden core makes his immortal strength far beyond the ordinary golden immortal. Through the increase of immortal strength, In terms of strength and speed, it is also far beyond the heavy building.

The Demon Respect Building became more and more courageous in the battle, and the accumulation of thousands of years was so heavy, and its breath also soared to the critical point between the peak of the Golden Immortal and the Golden Immortal of Daluo, and it was only a step away from breaking through that heavy barrier.

Although this state is the state after his transformation, the ordinary state is two small realms away from it, but as long as he breaks through this state, he will go to the Journey to the West. I am afraid that in a very short time, his ordinary state can break through quickly. Follow up, and also break through to Da Luo Jinxian.

Seeing this, Luo Ya had the heart to complete the building, but he was not eager to defeat him. Fortunately, he will soon become his subordinate. Naturally, the stronger the better. Although Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian are only a first level difference, their strength The difference is like a world of difference.

The pressure passed by the Demon Killing Spear gradually increased. The Demon Respect Building felt the pressure. Knowing Loya’s good intentions, his heart was even more wary. He retracted his fists and his fists were wrapped in a strong scarlet devilish energy, and he began to face hard. Collision.

According to legend, above the golden immortal, there is a realm called Daluo Jinxian, which he always thought was a rumor, after all, no one could reach it in ancient times.

At this time, seeing Luoyan's easy-going attitude, Zhonglou could not help but guess that it was the realm of Da Luojin.

Yesterday, Zhonglou knew from Luo Ya that he was not the strongest existence in the immortal realm. Will there be a stronger existence on top of Luo Jinxian that he didn't know?

"Roar" Zhonglou thought of this, and he let out a long howl, the blood vessels and meridians violent on his body swelled again, his eyes were full of blood, and under the greater pressure from the bdce, he instantly broke through the last Critical point

Jinxian is the condensing of the top three flowers, and Daluo Jinxian gathers the five qi, the three flowers are the three flowers of essence, qi, and spirit, also known as the three flowers of heaven, earth and people. The five qi is the qi of the five elements, corresponding to the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth represent the five senses of happiness, anger, sorrow, and desire.

With the help of the power of blood, the demon respected the interaction between heaven and man in the building, and first condensed the energy of Jinxing, and directly advanced to the realm of Daluo Jinxian

This world of heaven and earth has great restrictions on the monks. It is unimaginable that it is difficult to advance to the Great Luo Jinxian. Being able to break through in this situation, the heavy building is completely a loophole of the rules of heaven and earth.

His current state, non-human, non-demon, non-god, non-devil, and mixed blood of gods and monsters, has activated the blood in the body, and the rules of heaven and earth are not complete. I am afraid that he will directly treat him as two different monks.

And this state is not unusual. The rules of heaven and earth allow the combined power of existing individuals to exceed the golden immortal, but do not allow individual individuals to become the golden immortal.

It is precisely because of this small deviation that Zhonglou was able to take the opportunity to break through the current realm of Daluo Jinxian, but in this world, his current state is already at the top of the sky, if he does not leave, then there is no further opportunity.

Once the Chonglou broke through, there was a huge leap in strength. That terrifying power had the power to shake mountains and rivers with every punch, and its current posture was not at all like a Taoist, more like a Taoist monk.

Fighting hard against Da Luo Jinxian level practitioners, Luo Ya is not a fool. Even if he has the bones of the great witch in his body, it can't change the fact that the practitioners now cultivate the peak of Taiyi True Immortal. Strike long, that's something fools do.

The Demon Killing Spear in his hand suddenly exerted force, Roja slammed back, avoiding the successive fierce attacks, turned his hand and put away the Demon Killing Spear, and the Golden Penalty Wheel, which had been warmed in the dantian, spun out and stood in the void. Emits vast golden light of merit.

"Are you serious?" Zhonglou's eyes showed excitement and affection. He could feel that Luo Ya had been in a posture of playing with him just now.

And when he took out this magic weapon, he could clearly perceive that Roja's breath had changed, the kind of breath that was like a deep sea, just looking at it would make people feel heart palpitations, bringing him and Under the completely different pressure just now, under this pressure, he felt that he might die at any time

"You are now qualified to see a part of my strength." Luo Ya said indifferently when he saw Chonglou's expression.

Through continuous advancement, the Heavenly Penalty Wheel has become the treasure of acquired merits. A magic weapon of this level, even in the world of Journey to the West, is also a remarkable thing. It is powerful and regarded as the strongest magic weapon in Luo Ya..

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