One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1668: Jiang Waner

Jiang Qing Necromancer had a somewhat crazy look in his eyes. Before Roja arrived, he had been screaming madly. After turning into a necromancer, he became a ghost repairer because of his resentment.

It's just that this ghost cultivation is completely passive, and with the resentment in his heart, he has long been fascinated by his mind, and his cultivation is not as good as before his death. Only the cultivation of the middle stage of Taiyi Sanxian.

Feeling the appearance of the Seven Star Sword, the roar of the dead soul Jiang Qing stopped suddenly, and Huo Ran turned back to look at Luo Ya.

"It's not Shushan disciple to return my Seven Star Sword" The mad Jiang Qing necromancer felt that Luo Ya did not have the sword aura of Shushan disciple, and he whispered in his mouth, a moonwhite robe without wind, and his tragic murderous aura burst out directly.

"Ah, daddy" a woman exclaimed from a distance, and a clear and beautiful woman hurriedly shot towards Jiang Qing and stopped in front of Jiang Qing.

This woman didn't need to guess to know that it was Jiang Qing and that Yue Rouxia's daughter Jiang Wan'er, and she was already at the peak of Taiyisan Immortal, almost on par with the dead soul Jiang Qing.

In the original work, this Jiang Wan'er inherited a magical skill and Shushan skill, with extraordinary strength, as a hybrid of human and demons, and extraordinary talent. After getting out of trouble in the lock demon tower, with the help of Li Xiaoyao, he founded the Emei School , Can be regarded as a hero in female middle school.

Roya saw this situation and 453 had a clear heart, and didn't need to think about it. He knew that the Prisoner King Shu Ming had a hot seven-star sword, relying on his strong cultivation base to take it over.

It seems that this incident did not happen in the original work, and it cannot be said that it was because of his own appearance that it caused the current situation.

However, Na Shuming was indeed stupid enough. Knowing that his strength was much stronger than him, he actually wanted to rely on that righteous position to bargain with himself and sit on an equal footing. In the end, he had a self-destructive consequence.

As soon as Jiang Wan'er appeared, she hugged Jiang Qing's waist directly. Although Jiang Qing had no intelligence after becoming a dead soul, she still retained the instinctive love for his wife Jiang Wan'er.

At this time, being hugged by him, the two have similar cultivation bases, and they can't get out of it, but they can no longer pose the slightest threat to Luo Ya and others.

Zhao Ling'er and Anu had doubts on their faces. They looked at the scene in front of them. They were puzzled. A resentful spirit could still remember the daughter of his beloved, and his daughter would never leave it. Such feelings are not comparable to ordinary people.

"You leave, I can't control my father for long." Jiang Wan'er kept sweating on her bdda forehead, her cultivation base broke out, and she controlled Jiang Qing who was violent.

"Brother Luo, are they bad guys?" Zhao Linger asked stupidly. She was pure-hearted and couldn't bear to see the father and daughter now.

When Luo Ya heard Zhao Ling'er's words, he knew that this silly girl had moved with kindness, but didn't know whether Jiang Qing was good or bad, but was afraid of causing trouble and trouble to him.

"Remember what I taught you about the truth of life." With a smile on Luo Ya's face, he flipped his hand and threw the Seven Star Sword to the side of the dead soul Jiang Qing, and said to Zhao Ling'er.

Necromancer Jiang Qing saw that he returned with his soldiers, his face was half of his fierceness, Jiang Wan'er also relaxed a lot, and was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I am for you today. I will enlighten my mind and body a little. I will preach the truth. I will be able to control the predestined relationship. I will never get rid of the taint. I will not get in the outside, and I will not get out of the inside. Between the joints, there are various obstacles, ten evil karma, one hundred and eighty trouble karma, all the sources of suffering and sin, all are eliminated, that is, the Taihe Zhenqi is introduced, the body is infused, the internal organs, and the mind is inwardly."

Zhao Linger chanted the magic method, and the light of the blue spirit reverberated in this lock demon tower. The blue light seemed inconspicuous, but Luo Ya could judge that it was not a little bit stronger than what he used the day.

The power of the Taoist Sutra is not about the level of cultivation, but whether it is pure or not in the bottom of the heart, whether it is sincere to help others, Zhao Linger helps others sincerely, and chanting it for only a moment, the seven layers of the lock demon tower are all there. Green Spirit

"Fuck, people are more popular, can this girl save some face for her own man?" Luo Ya scratched the tip of his nose, embarrassed.

The inside of the lock demon tower was originally muddy, and the filthy air inside it was all over, but under Zhao Linger’s chanting of the magic formula, the entire seventh floor was immediately clear.

Countless ghosts and demons hiding in the dark screamed and screamed, fleeing towards the seventh and eighth floors and the sixth floor. Before they could run to the exit, their filthiness was removed by the blue energy, and a clean soul appeared.

As a ghost cultivator, Jiang Qing had the cultivation base of Taiyi Sanxian peak, but he still couldn't resist Zhao Linger's chanting of the scriptures. His expression was sometimes fierce and sometimes peaceful.

Jiang Wan'er saw that Zhao Ling'er was helping her father, and used all her strength to hug Jiang Qing. In just a moment, Jiang Qing's soul showed a state of pure spirit, with no trace of the ferocious look of the past.

"Wan'er, let go of being a father. Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Qing said to Jiang Wan'er softly, with a peaceful expression on his face.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Linger stopped chanting, with a bright smile on her face. This was the first time she used her own power to help others, and her heart was full of accomplishment.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the resentful spirit Jiang Qing and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

Damn, this is fine too

Luo Ya heard the system's prompt sound, and was taken aback for a moment. When he thought about it, he was relieved. Now Jiang Qing's grievances are gone, and his cultivation base falls in a straight line, which is a little bit stronger than the ordinary soul. What kind of.

And although Zhao Ling'er has not done anything inappropriate for children with him, but now he is all in his body, and it is not a big deal that the system directly counts him as one.

"Ling'er, very good." Luo Ya gently scratched Zhao Ling'er's little nose, with a little bit of pampering on his face, and praised him.

"This is what your Royal Highness did. It's amazing. Your Royal Highness, teach me, teach me." When Anu heard Luo Ya's words, he recovered from the daze, his face was very excited, and his eyes All little stars.

Zhao Linger's cheeks were reddish, and she was praised by her sweetheart, which made her feel full of accomplishment and lowered her head shyly.

"Thank you girl for taking action for solving my many years of grievances, Jiang Qing has nothing to do with it." Jiang Qing recovered his sanity, but brought Jiang Waner to several people with gratitude and sincerity.

"No, it doesn't matter." Zhao Linger waved her hand again and again. She didn't help others to thank people, but just to help, it made her very happy.

"I don't know how many people come to this demon lock tower. The old lady sees that they are all good people. I don't think it is because they are imprisoned." Jiang Qing expressed his gratitude to the bottom of his heart, but asked how many people came here The reason..

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