One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1669: Jiang Waner's Choice

"Well, come in and eradicate a few potential threats." Luo Ya casually replied, this kind of thing is too troublesome to explain, just give a general idea.

Anyway, they came in to sweep away the fragments of the Supreme Treasure Chest. If there were enough fragments, he wouldn't bother to go to the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm. Anyway, it was just those little ones. Later, Xu Changqing broke through the Golden Immortal and couldn't make any waves.

When Jiang Qing heard this, he directly misunderstood Luo Ya's meaning. He thought it was the person sent by Shushan to clear the lock demon tower. A hundred years ago, Shushan dispatched 36 disciples to clear the lock demon tower. Maintain the stability of the human world.

Although the number of Luo Yaji people is small now, the trick that Zhao Linger revealed just now is not uncommon. Jiang Qing was also a monk in the realm of Taiyi True Immortal before his death, and he could vaguely perceive Zhao Linger's strength.

His thoughts turned sharply, and he looked at Jiang Wan'er beside him, but Jiang Qing had an idea in his heart. He had been in the Demon Locking Tower for so long, but he didn't want his daughter to waste his good years here.

"You great graces, Jiang Qing has nothing to report, but there is one thing, but I hope you can agree to it. The little girl in the lock demon tower has never done anything evil. Please take it out of the lock demon tower. Jiang Qing will live as a cow and be a horse, knotting grass and holding rings in return for great favor."

After Jiang Qing finished speaking, Nato bowed down to the ground with a hint of anxiety in his expression. He sincerely hoped that his daughter could leave here. After all, although the lock demon tower is big, it is not free after all.

"Father" Jiang Wan'er had a bit of astonishment on her face. Although she was reluctant to give up, she couldn't refuse her father's kindness. What the outside world would look like when she was born here since childhood, her heart is also full of expectations.

"You don't have to have grass-bearing rings or something in the next life, your daughter, we will take it out. As for you, there is cause and effect on the three-life stone. The marriage is not over, I will send you to reincarnation."

Luo Ya looked at Jiang Wan'er on one side and said, although this Jiang Wan'er is not particularly outstanding, but she has a good talent. Whether she stays in this realm, it serves as a link between the monsters and the human race in the mountain. It is more than enough to be an inner disciple of Journey to the West.

Since he can build a huge Emei faction with the help of Li Xiaoyao in the future, it proves that he has no shortage of leadership talents, and talents are popular everywhere.

"Your Excellency, Jiang Qing has nothing to pay for it." Jiang Qing kowtowed again, with an expression of excitement on his face. There were two reasons for this excitement.

On the first level, the daughter was able to get out of the lock demon tower and gain great freedom since then. On the second, it was Roya's three-life stone with cause and effect, and the marriage was not over.

The cause and effect of his marriage has always been only on Yue Rouxia. This sentence undoubtedly means that after her reincarnation, she will be with her reincarnated person.

A smile appeared on Luo Ya's face, and a burst of spatial power burst out of his eyes, directly opening the door to the six reincarnations of the underworld.

"Live well, enjoy the happiness of being a person, and look at the vast world outside." Jiang Qing didn't hesitate when he saw this. He already let go of his worries, turned his head and said to his daughter Jiang Wan'er, and jumped into the space channel. Among.

"Daughter follows Daddy's teachings." Jiang Wan'er tried her best to endure her tears and showed an ugly smile. It was a joy to see her loved ones get rid of the sea of ​​suffering and reincarnate, but this tear is really forbearing. Can't help it.

There were tears in Zhao Linger's eyes. Although all this happened extremely briefly, the kind of affection between father and daughter touched her quite a bit.

The good man Luo Ya did it to the end with a wave of his hand. In the seventh floor, the souls after being purified by Zhao Linger came to this space channel one by one.

I bowed and bowed to several people. After a thousand gratitudes, these souls rushed into the underworld. Unlike Jiang Qing, who was directly sent to the humane entrance and retained the memories of previous lives, these souls were meant to be in the ten palaces. Yan Luo knows good and evil, but only after causation can he enter the cycle again.

"Benefactor, the little girl has nothing to repay, and I would like to serve by the side of the benefactor to repay her kindness." After her father was reborn, Jiang Wan'er bowed down to Luo Ya and others again, bluntly saying she was willing to be a slave.

It is said that such things as chance are all in personal grasp. Jiang Wan'er is undoubtedly fortunate. If she does not do this, after Luo Ya obtains the pieces of the supreme treasure chest on her body, she will probably stay in Shushan to coordinate, the ladyboy The relationship between.

Ask for flowers

But this prayer, as long as he agrees to it, after that, most of it will be taken to the Journey to the West. Once you go to the Journey to the West, as long as you have survived the catastrophe, with his current cultivation base, you will survive the three calamities Shouyuan is endless.

"You can follow Ling'er to serve." Luo Ya thought for a while, and said to Jiang Wan'er. This girl looks pretty good, but with Zhao Ling'er in front of her, she is naturally worse.

And there is no shortage of maids around him. It is more suitable to follow Zhao Ling'er. Anyway, there is already a Jiang clan, an Anu, and not many Jiang Wan'er.

"Yes, I have seen Miss Ling'er." Jiang Wan'er replied, and bowed to Zhao Ling'er again. Zhao Ling'er stepped forward and helped her up when she saw it.

Anu murmured, feeling that his status was threatened, and looked unhappy. After all, she was named the guardian of the Nuwa clan, and she was actually like a maid.

"Jiang Wan'er, you know that there are several monks from Taiyi Sanxian and Taiyi True Immortal realm in this lock demon tower." Luo Ya opened his mouth and went straight to the subject, but asked about the situation in the lock demon tower.

The first floor of the Demon Locking Tower is a space. Even if he has amazing spiritual thoughts, it is impossible to scan across the space. But looking for it layer by layer is too time-consuming and laborious, it is better to directly ask this local householder.

"Taiyi Sanxian is the strongest king Shuming, the prison guard king, and then Kong Lin, the banner-handling envoy of the Demon Realm, and then um, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor is locked in the altar of demon. Regarding the matter, Jiang Waner naturally cleared it up, and directly spoke out to people in the realm above Taiyi Sanxian.

Luo Ya's brows frowned slightly, and he cried out that the egg hurts. The prisoner Ming Wang Shuming had been destroyed by him, that is to say, only Kong Lin and the Heavenly Ghost Emperor were left.

After getting the dead soul Jiang Qing, there are already 21 pieces of his supreme treasure chest, plus two of them are only 23 pieces. If you don’t want to go to the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm to waste time, then you should target Jiang Wan’er and Zhao Ling’er. ..

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