One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1670: trouble to faint

Jiang Wan'er inherited the Shushan exercises of her father Jiang Qing. Jiang Qing blended the demon exercises. It must be said that Jiang Qing has an extraordinary understanding. After the two techniques are merged, Jiang Wan'er is now the peak of Taiyi Sanxian..

Zhao Linger doesn't need to say more, this girl's bloodline talent is there, and the current peak of Taiyi True Immortal is already beyond the reach of many people.

"You know where Kong Lin and the Heavenly Ghost Emperor are now." Luo Ya thought for a while, after all, he decided how simple it should be. Jiang Wan'er didn't matter, a bone-shaping and marrow-forming pill could do it.

That is, Zhao Ling'er, knocking his own girl with a knife, Luo Ya still has trouble doing this kind of thing, but now Zhao Ling'er is only fifteen years old, it is really not suitable for him to have sex early.

"Well, master and Miss Ling'er come with me. "One Nine Zero"" Jiang Wan'er made a blessing and headed toward the sixth floor of the lock demon tower.

After crossing the sixth, fifth, and fourth floors, Jiang Waner stopped on the fourth floor. Along the way, many enchanting ghosts spied on a few people in secret, but never dared to show up.

Although Jiang Wan'er had a softer temperament, in order not to be humiliated by the father and daughter, she had to put on a cruel look in the lock demon tower, but she was famous and made countless demons jealous.

"Master, this is where the ghost emperor was that day. This object is called the Demon Sucking Altar, and it is the monk of Taiyi True Immortal. It is also dangerous to be trapped in it."

Jiang Wan'er led the crowd to the altar of demon-absorption, and explained that the ghost king who held the banner to save the demons, Kong Lin was still trapped in it that day.

"Space magic weapon, let me go." Luo Ya saw the demon-absorption altar and couldn't help his eyes light up, saying that he was looking for him a thousand times in the crowd, but suddenly looking back, the man was in the dim light.

Luck this kind of thing came, and it was really unstoppable, Luo Ya focused on the phantom scroll but forgot that this magical altar was also a space magic weapon.

It's not that he has a bad memory, but that the chances of playing this thing are really too few, which can be summarized in a few words.

With a hook with one hand, a one-foot-high demon-absorption altar appeared in Roya's hands. Although this thing was a bit shameless, it looked dark and there was nothing special about it, but it was a real space magic weapon.

Although the inner space cannot be compared with the world spirit garden map, it is also thousands of square meters, and this kind of space can be enlarged hundreds of times in minutes in the hands of Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi.

"Out" Luo Ya's eyes turned Zhou Tianxing, and he could see the veins of the magic weapon. With a move of one hand, he tapped the wall of the altar, and the lid on the demon altar was opened directly, and a black light emerged from it.

"I'm free, I'm free. I have to eat you raw in the book." The ghost emperor broke out, roaring incessantly. As the master of the ghost world, he was trapped in the altar for seven years. .

The terrifying ghost aura was flying all over, and the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's strength in the early days of Taiyi True Immortal was undoubtedly revealed. The ghost world has always been weak, and the early cultivation of Taiyi True Immortal was able to suppress one party.

"To thank you for letting me out, I will poop today." When the Heavenly Ghost Emperor saw Luo Ya standing in front of him, he wanted to come to a personal feast first after regaining his freedom, but Zhao Linger's realm was continuous. The breakthrough, some uncontrollable aura, made him unable to speak any more words.

In the early days of Taiyi True Immortal, facing Zhao Ling'er, the peak of Taiyi True Immortal, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor was not a fool. He naturally knew that he couldn’t do it, but his mind was a bit weak. When he got to this stall, he couldn’t do it. Take the words that have just been exported.

"How do you want to thank me? Let's talk about it, what you said is good, let you go today, if you are not good, I will throw you into the animal road." Luo Ya said with a bit of joking in his eyes.

This day, the ghost emperor is also a talent. The immortal in the book is obviously playing him as a monkey. He actually used his head to smash the demon altar honestly, which is really stupid.

And Kong Lin got out of the trap and ignored the Heavenly Ghost Emperor who was trapped in the Demon Sucking Altar, making the Heavenly Ghost Emperor really hate him.

In the original work, Li Xiaoyao broke the Panlong Pillar under the Locking Demon Tower. After he got out of the trap, he directly regarded Li Xiaoyao as his benefactor.

Eight years later, Li Xiaoyao was trapped in the axis of fantasy and charm. On this day, the ghost emperor, at the invitation of Li Xiaohu, went to rescue him. He was seriously injured in the confrontation with Kong Lin.

Wait for the paralyzed phantom scroll I remembered

Roya was excited in his heart, and directly put the Heavenly Ghost Sovereign to the side. The phantom scroll is still in the hands of Kong Lin. Kong Lin has been trapped for a long time, so the outside world has no news of the phantom scroll.

"Well, thank the benefactor for letting me get out of trouble. I, the ghost king, will not repay me. If I have instructions in the future, I will never frown if I go through fire and water."

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was left in the air for a long while, and finally reacted. Facing the invincible, he decisively turned his words into words of gratitude. At any rate, he was the supreme ghost of the world. He was a bit more straightforward, but he was not stupid enough.

"I'm telling you to come over here, there is a private matter that requires you to run." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and said to the Heavenly Ghost Emperor in return.

"Ah" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor didn't expect that, he said casually, and this command came over, but he was the one who said what he said, so he hesitated when he heard the words, and moved his head over.

"Thank you for fainting, otherwise I can't do it." Roja whispered to the Heavenly Ghost Emperor with a weird look on his face. This guy is really stupid, and he is stupid and cute. He can live like this. After a long time, he still cultivated to the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, and Heaven knew how strong Qi Luck was.

"32 Ah" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor had a silly look on his face, and he didn't react at all. What kind of command was this? How to faint?

When the Heavenly Ghost Emperor hadn't reacted yet, he was hit hard by a hand knife on his neck, his eyes rolled over, but the last thought in his heart suddenly realized, it turned out to be such a dizzy method.

"Pouch" Zhao Linger couldn't help laughing, and quickly moved her cheek to the side. Among the three women present, she had the highest cultivation level, but she heard what she had just said clearly.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the Heavenly Ghost Emperor and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1." The system prompt sounded, also representing the 22nd Supreme Treasure Box Fragment.

"Do you want to try to faint once?" Luo Ya scratched Zhao Ling'er's Qiong nose. This girl really knew how to listen and heard his jokes clearly..

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