One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1731: Two Mixed Ingot Treasure Boxes

Luo Ya frowned, this kind of improvement is really unreasonable, and Ao Cunxin's current state is completely different from the normal double repair.

You must know that after the normal double repairs, they are all in a spirited appearance, and their appearance at this time is clearly exhausted. Divine spirit covers Ao Cunxin's whole body, and the stars in his eyes are turning. Luo Ya hastened to check whether there is anything wrong with Ao Cunxin. Proper.

"Could it be that her yin yin alone can improve so much cultivation level" Luo Ya frowned and checked it carefully. When he saw that there was nearly half yin missing in Ao Cun's heart, he couldn't help but carry a little bit on his face. doubt.

Originally, the two had double cultivation, but Ao Cunxin’s Yuan Yin had never been compromised. Generally, it would damage the Yuan Yin or Yuan Yang of one side of the double repair, and feed back the other side's exercises. They are all evil spirits, harming others and harming themselves.

The yin and yang are reduced, and as the body's essence and energy are replenished and practiced, it can slowly recover. Many evil corrections use this point, so they cultivate many furnace tripods.

Although such a method can increase a lot of cultivation base in the short term, in the long term, it will make the absorbed party's celestial power mixed, and it is very easy to produce demons and frequent karma.

Luo Ya frowned and saw that Ao Cunxin only reduced her Yuan Yin, without hurting her roots. He could recover after only a period of cultivation and warming, and then looked down at the place where his Yuan Yang was.

The reason why his immortal power can be used by others is all in one pure word. The golden immortal power is pure to the extreme. With the blessing of fifty Taoist rhymes, with the improvement of his realm, he has just gained more than before. At that time, it was a hundred times more pure

If it's because of Yuanyin's miscellaneousness that makes the immortal power impure, then this point of improvement is to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon.

"It's just that the Yuanyang is reduced, and there is no Yuanyin." Luo Ya was puzzled. His body was completely different from what he imagined. There was no Yuanyin at all, and it was still very pure, but the Yuanyang was reduced a little.

Closing his eyes and meditating, Luo Ya re-examined the method of the great joy in his mind, and after a while, his face showed a state of enlightenment.

This last layer, the method of synchronizing the body and soul, is so mysterious.

Based on the female cultivator's Yuanyin, the female cultivator will turn the female yin into chaos by borrowing the body of the male cultivating Yuanyang, and feedback to the female cultivator again, and the male cultivating Yuanyang will be turned into chaos by the female cultivating body of the yin, and feedback again Repair for men.

In other words, Ao Cunxin's Yuanyin circled in his body and returned to his body. The Yuanyang in his body circled in Ao Cunxin's body and returned to his body.

Using one's own Yuanyang Yuanyin, refine the essence of it, and feedback one's own cultivation base, naturally there will be no side effects. The monks' Yuanyin and Yuanyang can be restored.

In other words, as long as you don’t overuse it and don’t let the Yuanyang and Yuanyin in your body lose, this method is a magical method that can enhance your cultivation at an extraordinary speed.

Of course, this method is also extremely demanding. It requires a very high degree of harmony between the body and mind. If there is no absolute trust between the two, the mutual understanding of the soul and the extraordinary tacit understanding are impossible.

There are a lot of female relatives in Shushan, all of whom have deep roots in Luo Ya, but Ao Cunxin is the only one who can do this with him.

And even Ao Cunxin did it only today. Earlier, he could only achieve a single body fit and a single spiritual harmony.

"Dingguang is pleased with Buddha, and I would like to thank this guy when I look back." Luo Ya let go of his worries, with a smile on his face, he muttered to himself.

I'm afraid that even Dingguang Joyful Buddha himself didn't know the mystery of the first part. The female furnace ding he was looking for would be good enough to fit the first level.

Ao Cunxin was exhausted, lying in Luo Ya's arms, but fell asleep, even in her sleep, with a little smile on her face, the golden fairy peak was complete, and she was ready to break through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

And Luo Ya is also smiling, his body is full of vitality, this time, he has directly risen to the limit that Da Luo Jinxian can reach in the middle stage, and may break through to the later stage at any time. It is completely unexpected to have such a harvest once. meaning

Satisfied in his heart, he didn't have the slightest sleepiness, and opened the system map in his mind. Now most of the forces in the Three Realms have moved, but he wants to make more plans.

"I rely on" just opened the system map in his mind, Luo Ya couldn't help but exclaimed, Ao Cunxin, who had just fallen asleep in his arms, made a small mouth, and arched his arms again.

Ask for flowers

Roja grinned, condensed the consternation in his heart, looked at the two mixed ingot chests on the map, it was really difficult to suppress the urge to rush over.

These two treasure chests of mixed ingots were actually refreshed in Subhuti’s residence and Lishan’s residence.

Needless to say, Subhuti, let alone go to Fangcunshan Xieyue Sanxingdong in Lingtai to take a Chaos Treasure Chest, which is to tear down his Dongfu. With the relationship between the two, that guy will not frown.

As for the old mother Lishan, because of Queer Lengjing's affairs, the two had already met each other. Although the old lady is a diehard loyal, she can still communicate better. Picking a treasure chest should not be a very difficult task.

"Mixed Ingot Treasure Box, Mixed Ingot Treasure Box" Luo Ya had a painful look on his face, and his heart couldn't help but jumped up. He was jealous of the mixed ingot box.

At the very beginning, it was because of his lack of cultivation, and the familiar Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti were the kind of people who couldn't stay idle. They didn't stay in their own Dongfu at all, and couldn't refresh themselves at all.

Just before, Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti stayed in their respective caves for a while because of the desire to seize the grand purple qi. It was a coincidence that the mixed ingot treasure chest was refreshed at Subhuti.

"Subhuti is comprehending Hongmeng Ziqi, but you can't let this old boy go out for a walk, otherwise if the refresh is gone, then he should cry."

Roya murmured in his heart, and with a move of the immortal power in his hand, he attracted the communication jade slip on the side, and directly uploaded the news subhuti on the communication jade slip. Never leave the cave.

Situation has changed

Subhuti immediately sent a response. Although there are only four characters, he can feel the tension in his heart. Luo Ya once again uploaded the newsletter to wait for him to pass, and don't leave the Dongfu before the past.

Subhuti's reply is brief, but this brief message reveals endless doubts. Luo Ya can imagine that he must have a capital hat on his face.

"If you have something to do, go ahead and see what you look like now. It's definitely not a trivial matter." Ao Cunxin was awakened by the shock of Yu Jian, muttered, and pushed Luo Ya directly out of the bed..

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