One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1732: Sage Calculation

Ao Cunxin is good at this, knowing when to act like a baby, when to cling to others, and when to let his own man do things.

The look on Luo Ya's face had already clarified the eagerness in his heart, and Ao Cunxin knew that it was because he considered his own feelings that he would force his eagerness.

However, as a woman of Luo Ya, Ao Cunxin understands that many of his own men's matters involve a wide range of matters, and such important matters should not be accidentally caused by her.

"I'll stay with you for a while." Luo Ya was hesitant on his face. He was really eager to get the mixed ingot chest, but he just wore clothes and left after having sex with Ao Cunxin. Relentless meaning.

No matter how important the mixed ingot chest is, a woman who can be better than her own, even if she doesn't have the mixed ingot chest this time, she will be able to get it again after March 20th.

The weight of the family is always better than anything else, this is the most important reason why Luo Ya hesitates.

"How long will it take to go this time?" Ao Cunxin lost sleep, rolled up the quilt with her body to prevent Luo Ya from getting in, only showing her pretty face, and asked.

"If it is fast, it will be a quarter of an hour, if it is slow, it will definitely be back in half an hour." Luo Ya estimated the time and said to Ao Cunxin, knowing that he was determined to let him go first.

"Brother Luo, I'll wait for you." Ao Cunxin rolled the quilt tightly, a shy smile appeared on Qiao's face, like a little hamster, and her head was retracted into the quilt.

"Good" Luo Ya responded, with a thought, put on the bottom shirt, the lotus robes of the pure world appeared, directly urged to disappear in the same place, and went straight to the three-star cave of the oblique moon in Subhuti.

Her own woman said that when she waited for him, she would naturally go and return quickly. Anyway, there are two treasure chests. If you don't nag, you will get it.

Today's Lingtai Fangcunshan Xieyue Three-star Cave is also fully open to the guardian array. After all, he is pregnant with a grand purple qi, and is already known by Buddhism and Taoism. Even if he is confident, Subhuti dare not careless.

When he came to the mountain gate, the token of the square inch of the mountain was revealed. Luo Ya directly passed through the formation and turned into a stream of light before reaching the cave where Subhuti was meditating. The mixed ingot treasure chest was now inside the cave.

"What happened?" Subudi sensed the arrival of Loya, and did not care about continuing to comprehend the Na Hongmeng Ziqi. He walked quickly out of the cave, frowning, proving that after sending the message to the present, his heart may have bypassed it. Thousands of thoughts.

"I'll talk about it inside." Roya's thing is the ingot chest, but this kind of thing can't be told to anyone. While walking, he has already begun to think about how to make up this nonsense.

"What is it?" After entering the cave, Subudi couldn't bear the doubts in his heart. After placing numerous restrictions on the surroundings, he asked again.

In his heart, since Roja showed this look, it proved that something not simple had happened, and it might even threaten their three-person team.

"The Taoist door is not right, and the cut-off teaching is not right." Luo Ya saw the mixed ingot treasure chest in the Subhuti cave and remembered the mixed ingot treasure chest on Lishan, as if a spiritual light flashed in his heart, he said directly.

"Why is there something wrong with the Taoist School?" Subudi opened his mouth and sat beside Loya. Upon hearing this, he determined what he was thinking in his heart. I am afraid that what I have to say is very relevant.

"Before, I used peeping into the sky to look at those who followed Hongmeng and Purple Qi. Buddhism chased two Taoisms, Taoism chasing two Taoisms. The original Taoism direction, the people who cut and explain the teachings, although they don’t seem to be harmonious, But anyhow, it was twisted together, but now, the old Lishan mother, who had followed one of the great and purple qi, has returned to the mountain."

In the Lishan mountain, the mixed ingot treasure chest can be brushed out, and in all likelihood, it must come from the old mother Lishan, but didn’t the old mother Lishan chase that great purple spirit together with many Jiejiaomen, why would she suddenly return to the mountain?

As Roja spoke, he once again opened up the magical powers of Peeping Heaven and Seeing the Spirit. His divine consciousness was hidden in the heavens, and he secretly peeped at the place where Lishan's mother is now. This peep made him startled.

Nowadays, on Lishan Mountain, there is really a mixture of dragons and snakes. In addition to the original Lishan disciple and Lishan mother, there are several more powerful auras, of which three are the aura of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"It's not just the old mother of Lishan, but also the people of Jiejiao. Now the three Hunyuan Daluojinxians are all in Lishan and the people who chase Hongmeng and Ziqi have changed. The interpretation and Jiejiao are no longer mixed, but they are on guard against each other."

Luo Ya's divine mind turned sharply, and after reciting the names of several Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in his heart, he changed the direction of divine mind peeping to those chasing Hongmeng Ziqi.

"Cut the teachings, explain the teachings, is there an internal turmoil in the Taoist school?" Subudi frowned, with a bit of condensed color on his face. This behavior is too obvious, and the consequences it causes are also very impressive. small.

The current state of the Taoist School is originally a disc of loose sand that has finally begun to gather. If it is completely gathered, the Buddhism will not dare to act rashly under the fear of Buddhism, and there must be three points of scruples when acting. But if it falls apart again, Buddhism will act unscrupulously.

At that time, they will be the first to suffer. After all, they have a great purple energy in their hands. It would be strange if the group of hypocritical Buddhist monks could hold back.

They forcefully snatched the magnum and purple energy that the Dao Sect had planned. It was to push the Dao Sect toward the path of gathering, so they were the only ones who could be used for the operation.

"I was wondering if it was because Yuan Shi stopped Kunpeng." Luo Ya got up, walked back and forth in the cave, and put away the mixed ingot treasure box on the side, thinking about the cause and effect in his mind.

"Is there any connection between these?" Subhuti knew what this meant, but he was waiting for its analysis.

"No, that's right, the sky has calculated everyone" Luo Ya directly stopped, and suddenly looked back at Subhuti.51

They were calculated by Buddhism and Buddhism was calculated, and Chanjiao was also calculated by the Master Tongtian. That guy did not put aside the matter of enshrining gods at all. He would rather damage his own interests and drag Buddhism and Chanjia into the water.

"Tongtian" Subhuti's pupils shrank. It is not fun to be calculated by the saint. If the current situation is caused by the master of the sky, it would be terrifying.

If it is really like what Luo Ya said, then from the very beginning, Tongtian pretended to reunite with Li Er and Yuan Yuan, the purpose is to avenge those who ruined his orthodoxy

Step by step, Tongtian directly counted everyone when Roja's rise, although the matter of Hongmeng Ziqi was beyond expectation, it also became the catalyst of the Tongtian plan.

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