One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1733: Zhao Gongming who finds the difference

"Friend Luo, you should be aware that no one can count on you, this matter" Subhuti frowned, with a bit of hesitation on his face.

When he and Roja were just friends in general, because of curiosity in their hearts, they had spent a lot of effort trying to figure out their roots.

However, no matter what method or method he used, he still couldn't calculate a star. He thought that although his cultivation was not as good as a saint, his secrets were transparent, and he could not calculate it without cover, and the saint should not be able to calculate it.

Can’t calculate the past, calculate the future, then how to calculate

"Except for the method of deduction, the biggest difference between us and ordinary creatures is this." Luo Ya pointed to his head. At this time, his mind was no longer above the mixed ingot chest. The involvement of this matter is really a little bigger.

"It's because I've been enlightened for too long, and I didn't see through this point." Subudi gave a wry smile, frowned and began to think about the impact of this incident.

"Tongtian bears a grudge, at least it is in harmony with the beginning of Yuan 13, and it is definitely not the same heart. If it is not for Yuanshi, I am afraid that Jiejiao is the number one religion and Buddhism, and Tongtian does not have the slightest favor. One is a good ending, and everyone knows how to protect shortcomings and will not sit idly by."

The more Luo Ya analyzes, the more thorough he is, and those who have entered Buddhism are not mounts or pets. The Wuyunxian is the worst. He was beaten directly in the sage lotus pond and made a fish and bird that was raised.

Moreover, when Tongtian was in the process of conferring the gods, he was betrayed by the Buddhist inner Ying Long-ear Dingguangxian, which is now Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, and it would be defeated.

His hatred for Buddhism is definitely unforgettable. Relatively, it is almost impossible to cut the teachings because of the talents who interpret the teachings.

On the list of conferred gods, there is only one true spirit. Although it recasts the god body, it is controlled by others. Once you get away, it means death, and the huge cut-off will directly fall apart.

In the battle of conferring the gods, the evangelism united Buddhism overtly and secretly. All kinds of cause and effect, no matter what the reason is, it is impossible to simply forgive Yuan Shi.

"Does he want to use me as the vanguard to stir up chaos again?" Subhuti kept tapping his fingers on the table, only to feel that the seriousness of the situation has exceeded the limit they can handle.

"What Tongtian thinks is nothing more than wanting to destroy evangelism and Buddhism, and no matter how bad it is, it will also greatly hurt his vitality." Luo Ya looked solemn, loathing that Tongtian had calculated himself, but felt that this time, it seemed that there was no chance.

"Notify Zhen Yuanzi to come over, and the three of us will discuss it." Subudi couldn't think hard, and said, one person counts the short and the other counts, and there are more people, and there are always more ways.

"No, send Zhen Yuanzi to ask him to set up the space channel in the shortest time. I personally go to Lishan. If there is really something we cannot do, we will avoid it first." Luo Ya shook his head and raised his eyes. Looked in the direction of Lishan.

"I'll go with you. If there is an accident, I can escape with the strength of the two of me." Subhuti stood up and let Luo Ya go to Lishan alone, he couldn't rest assured.

At this time in Lishan, a number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian gathered. Since the Heavenly Sage had calculated them, he would definitely not be at ease. Going at this time, he wanted to come, there was a lot of danger.

"You are full of magnificence and purple aura, we really can't come back when you go, besides, I'll go there alone, maybe it can make the current situation turn around. Tongtian definitely wants to see me at this time."

Luo Ya rolled his eyes at Subhuti, with a hunch in his heart, since Tongtian counted him as such an important part of the plan, I am afraid that at this time, his heart is also half excited and nervous.

After all, when it is impossible to calculate, everything can only rely on guessing. It is completely unclear how likely this kind of thing is.

"Understood, I will work with Zhen Yuanzi to arrange the space channel first." Subhuti sighed in his heart, knowing that it might be like Luo Ya said, so he stopped to persuade him.

Handing the arrangement of the back hand to Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti, Luo Ya left the Xianyue Sanxingdong, urging the instantaneous ability, continuously moving, and quickly came to the outside of Lishan.

At this time, Lishan was really a mixture of dragons and snakes. In addition to the original disciples, there were three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian breaths, several Daluo Jinxian breaths, and dozens of Jinxian breaths.

Among the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian auras, one of them made Roya very familiar. It was the aura of the old mother Lishan, but compared to the feeling of dusk, the aura at this time was a bit more vital to the revival of everything.

"Shushan Luoya is visiting" Luoya slowly lowered his figure from the air, stood in front of the mountain gate, and said aloud, the sound waved directly throughout Lishan.

The disciples who guarded the gate saw its appearance, and almost subconsciously backed away again and again. The figure that directly smashed the guardian formation back then left a deep impression on them.

The originally slightly noisy Lishan fell into a deadly silence because of Luoya's voice. The Lishan disciples, who seemed quite excited because of the arrival of the Jiejiao immortal, had a touch of panic in their eyes.

"Which of Shushan is the Shushan of Beiju Luzhou or the Shushan of Nanzhan Buzhou? How come I have never heard of the gods of merit on this mountain and who is Naroya? Among the Three Realms, there are 200 What a fairy?

After the silence, a voice full of sarcasm came from Lishan. These words were full of ridicule, and the attitude that looked down on Luo Ya was very clear.

As Zhou Tian and the stars turned in his eyes, Luo Ya directly saw the face of the vocal man, Zhao Gongming, God of Wealth.

Although he was already on the list of enshrined gods, Zhao Gongming set foot in the late period of Daluo Jinxian before he was alive, and became the first person in the outer door of Jiejiao.

Being a god in the heavens and turning to cultivating the divine way, Zhao Gongming’s incense desire is far more powerful than ordinary immortals, and even the four heavenly kings, Li Jing, the guardian, and Nezha, the great god of the three altars of the sea, add up to his incense desire. After all, mortals ask for money, the word God of Wealth, for mortals, has almost unlimited attraction.

Shinto is practiced by the incense aspiration, coupled with his own comprehension and opportunity, to break through to a higher level. Zhao Gongming was on the list of the gods, but it seems that he has a chance. With the blessing of the horrible incense aspiration, it is now great. Luo Jinxian's peak is not much better than the Jade Emperor

However, there is a deficiency in the divine way. The Jade Emperor is only now at the top of the Golden Immortal. Zhao Gongming has no way to break through, and he is fixed on this cultivation base.

"Does this sentence you say represent the attitude of Tongtian?" Luo Ya took a breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, squinted his eyes, and spoke again..

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