One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1734: Facing all the immortals

Originally, Luo Ya didn't have the slightest affection for Zhao Gongming, this idiot. In the battle of Conferring the Gods, if he hadn't done his own way, he wouldn't kill Sister Sanxiao.

Being arrogant and underestimating the monks in the world, he thinks how great he is. As a brother, if he doesn't listen to advice, he will force his sister to fall into the murder with brother and sister feelings.

Such a person, in Luo Ya's view, is not only ignorant, but also shameless, born in the world, completely blinded by the good skin of that person, and God has no eyes, so that he can be regarded as the god of wealth.

You must know that Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao were three people, Yunxiao was wrapped up by Li Er with a universe map, suppressed under the Qilin Cliff, and has not gotten away yet.

Qiongxiao and Bixiao, one was killed by Yuanshi Tianzun hitting the heavenly spirit with the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, the other was turned into blood and water by Yuanshi Tianzun's magical treasure, both of them were on the list of enshrined gods, but the title of the deity can only be used. Described by the word "fallen".

Zhao Gongming received the incense, but his Taoism was diligent. It is no longer a day or two to reach the summit of the great Luo Jinxian. The incense's willingness can be transferred. Even if it reaches its limit, it has never given the two fallen sisters a trace. Never thought of saving Yunxiao.

This kind of ruthless, unjust, shameless thing, if Luo Ya didn't find something to do with the sky this time, he would have to give him a knife when he came up, paralyzing, this shameless thing, as a bystander, he would not be able to pass it.

"Dare you dare to call the master's name directly" with a stern shout, it was uploaded from the Lishan Mountain. After death, the Golden Spirit Virgin Mary, who was named Kangongdoumu, flew out of the Lishan Mountain and flew out of the Lishan Mountain. The breath is undoubtedly revealed.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit has many demeanors, and she carries all the clouds. Before she was alive, she was the one who was second only to the Taobao Taoist among the disciples of the teaching.

After his death, he was named the head of the stars and reshaped his body. Although the incense was not as good as Zhao Gongming, he was still in the position of heaven, earth and god, and at least he maintained the initial cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian during his lifetime.

He was wearing a pink and white shirt, a crown on his head, and shoes on his feet. There were treasures all over his body, and the graceful figure underneath could be vaguely seen.

It is true that the Golden Spirit Mother is extremely beautiful, but her face is full of arrogance, and her eyes are full of anger at this time. Roja is completely unloving for this kind of woman.

The three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian walked forward, and apart from the Golden Spirit Mother, there was the old mother Lishan. At this time, the old mother Lishan no longer had her dreadful posture.

Her face was flushed, she was wearing a flawless white robe, with an eight-treasure brocade and green belt around her waist. She looked like a mature woman in her 30s or 40s.

A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian from the back, wearing a cyan gauze skirt, with thin cheeks, showing a blue-grey color, that chun color, like poisoned, green.

There is no divinity in the body. Although there is also only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the early stage, he is obviously not subject to the list of deities. This person is the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit was suppressed by the saint back then and could not move. The mosquito man directly ate it with an empty shell, and the three souls and six souls entered the cycle directly.

After enshrining the gods, Tongtian reincarnates the reincarnation of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit to his door. Now that Wan Zaifang has passed, he has re-entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although the foundation is still somewhat shallow, but from this we can also see the aptitude of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit and the means of the Heavenly Saint.

After the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there are still several Daluo Jinxian standing.But now, Da Luo Jinxian no longer enters Luo Ya's eyes, he squinted his eyes and looked at the headed Mother Jin Ling.

"I just called Tongtian's name directly, so what about it? In the early days of Hunyuan, who gave you the courage to ask me today I only ask, does your attitude now represent Tongtian?"

Roya opened his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were already a bit hostile. In the early stage of the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, several Daluo Jinxian, and dozens of Jinxian, they already have the ability to seriously threaten his safety.

But no one can scold him, even a saint. If the Mother of the Golden Spirit said something today, her attitude now represents the attitude of Tongtian. He has to do anything to say something, and leave some thoughts to these people, so he can go back.

"My attitude in the early days of the mere Hunyuan, how it represents the master, it doesn't mean what it is." Mother Jin Ling laughed at Luo Ya's expression, and then asked.

"If your attitude represents the attitude of Tongtian, then no one of you can live after the Great Meng Ziqi struggle, and even those on the list of conferred gods will have their true spirits destroyed."

Luo Ya chuckled, no longer the slightest bit of hostility just now, his voice seemed to be narrating an established fact, without the slightest fluctuation.

He has already heard that these guys are completely advocating, they have no idea what Tongtian is thinking, or what his existence means to Tongtian.

Even Tongtian didn't tell these idiots that he and Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti had jointly slaughtered the ancestor of the Styx and the demon master Kunpeng.

There was a mixture of dragons and snakes, and even if there was no peace in the past, it was because of the single-handed suppression by the Heavenly Saints that there was no civil strife.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, the sages of Tongtian still can't fully believe these doormen who have just gathered, the shadow that Ding Guangxian left on him was too deep.

"The true spirit is extinct, I want to see, how can you make me wait for the true spirit to be extinct" The Mother of God Jin Ling was filled with anger, full of murderous aura on her face, waved her robe, and the number of large Luo Jinxian and the number behind him The ten golden immortals directly surrounded Luo Ya.

"Senior Sister" Lishan's old mother saw that the situation was already so serious, even if she didn't want to speak out, she hurriedly stopped the Virgin Mary.

Before, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit heard from nowhere about the fact that Luo Ya had smashed the guardian formation of Lishan and injured her personal brother Zhao Wang's son. She was extremely dissatisfied with her weakness. Just before she came out, she was strictly silenced.

"Don't make a sound." The Mother of God Jin Ling glared at the old mother Lishan, her eyes were full of indisputable anger. Today she has made up her mind to teach Luo Ya a lesson.

"It's all gone." Just as the situation was about to break out, the Virgin Tortoise Spirit who had also never made a sound walked out, and directly showed the token of the master of the sky, and said something.

"Junior Sister" Jin Ling Sheng was stunned for a moment, and when she saw the master teacher token, she wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while, still did not speak.

For thousands of years, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit has been with Tongtian Saint, and now she is the person who believes in Tongtian most.

"It's really like what the master said, don't be afraid of making enemies at all, you come with me." The Virgin Tortoise looked at Luo Ya, smiled on her face, turned and floated towards the top of Lishan..

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