One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1738: Jin Ling suffers humiliation

Luo Ya's face turned dark, and step by step walked into the mother of Jinling. Seeing the panic on her face, she gave a sneer in her heart. This woman has an unruly personality and a typical memory of eating.

He clearly knew that his life was at stake, and threatened him repeatedly, and even carried out the Master Tongtian behind him. Do you really think that a Tongtian can save her life worry-free. If that's the case, how could she have been on the list of gods.

With no brains, long hair and short insight, this Mother of the Golden Spirit took it all alone.

It is true that the Golden Spirit Virgin is quite good, with a pretty appearance and a good figure, but Luo Ya is not interested in it at all. The girls in the family are not only obedient to him, but also singular. In terms of appearance, it is better than the Golden Spirit Mother.

"Blind in this suit." Luo Ya walked to the mother of Jin Ling, a full height of more than 1.9 meters, looking down at this jealous woman.

"The humiliator will always be shameful" The Mother of God Jin Ling bit her silver teeth secretly and did not dare to move the slightest. The six wings in her body, the sharp 13 teeth are not a joke.

The dense yellow feet under the abdomen were tightly clasped on her heart, and she couldn't pull them out even if she tried to tear her five qi, only causing a sharp pain in the heart.

"Now you know how to use this sentence, remember how you insulted me just now?" Luo Ya had a sneer on his face, and her index finger and thumb pinched the chin of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and lifted her cheek slightly.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit trembled fiercely and her eyes were humiliated. It was the first time she was insulted like this, but her life was in the hands of the other party, and she really didn't dare to move.

"Let the bug come out, I will not embarrass you." With shame and anger, the Golden Spirit Mother could only suppress her anger. She was inferior in skill and defeated by one move. She already understood the huge gap between the two.

"If you don’t embarrass me, you really don’t care. Oh, let me tell you a story. Decades ago, there was an old woman with a fat body and a fat face who opposed me several times, which was a mental attack. I was especially good at controlling wind and thunder. Originally, I was not going to be hostile to her, but this old woman didn’t know what’s good or bad, so I directly called seven strong men like wolves and tigers. After restraining them, let these seven The strong man had sex with him for a full seven days, I think, based on your physique, seven days is not enough, how about seven forty-nine days."

Luo Ya spoke slowly, adapted it a bit, and explained the process of using the Seven Wolves Card to deal with Charlotte Lingling. In his words, there was a little bit of expectation, as if he was expecting the appearance of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit not cooperating.

"You, you, you, you are shameless and capable, you killed me" Jin Ling's pupils shrank sharply, her face was obviously panic, she had never thought that Roya, who was on the surface, was so dirty and dirty behind her back.

"You can commit suicide if you have the ability." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and said, his face was full of joking, without the courage to commit suicide, nor the capital to resist. This is the status quo of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

"I, you and you" Mother Jin Ling couldn't hold back a word for a long while, her face kept flashing blue and red light, she felt bitter in her heart, and she was determined to defend her chastity with death, but she could not have the courage.

"Be obedient to me, do whatever I ask you to do, otherwise my little baby will go in and out of your body." Luo Ya leaned close to the ear of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and said something pointedly.

The teasing words spoken before were unintentional, but this time it has become a blatant teasing. After speaking, Roja gently squeezed the chin with the hand of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, with a sneer on his face.

The Mother of God Jin Ling clenched her fists, her pretty face was faintly violent, and her body trembled slightly. It was obvious that she was irritated enough. It was just such a threat that really stabbed her weakness.

"Really, admit defeat with me now. Remember, you have to confess with your heart, otherwise, you will be knocked out, and then I will strip you off and let the outside disciples fill their eyes. As for the future, there are more exciting things waiting for you."

Roja looked at the Golden Spirit Mother, who was standing still obediently, and said again, although this woman is rebellious and unpleasant at all, but the real thing is Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

As long as he truly admits to lose, the proper one is a piece of the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment. He has taken several risks for the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment. Now such an easy-to-obtain Supreme Treasure Box Fragment is in front of him, how can he let it slip away.

"How can there be someone like you in your world?" The Mother of God Jin Ling gritted her teeth, her face was pale, and she almost couldn't help spitting on the face of the person in front of her.

But the six-winged centipede in her body closed her sharp teeth khakily, and the sharp cold light seemed so clear under her spiritual thoughts that she did not dare to act.

"It seems that I am not ready to cooperate." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, raised a hand, and slowly approached the belt on the waist of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit. This belt is a medium-grade acquired spirit treasure, but it is only a magic weapon for storage. Under the divine light of Zhi Ge Ling, he directly lost the precious light and was easily collected into the system warehouse.

"Don't" Mother Jin Ling exclaimed, she finally saw how her magic weapon was lost, but after seeing it clearly, she was shocked even more.

Originally, she was full of treasures, even if she couldn't resist the attack, but no one could easily take it off, so 267 would ignore Roja's threat.

But the fate of her belt at this time has already explained that Roja has the ability to do what she says, and her so-called baby is of no use at all.

"What to do, I don't need to remind you again, remember, sincerely surrender, otherwise" Luo Ya gently shook the clothes of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, a big hand swam zou on her abdomen, a very obvious threat .

If the Golden Spirit Virgin was stunned, he could quickly get the pieces of the Supreme Treasure Chest, but once stunned, he and Jie Jiao would have died endlessly.

He still has more important things to do here. Before he can really make a conclusion, maybe interception can still use the existence, clean up those who don't know the depth, and directly become a dead enemy, that is what he will do in the future.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat. You are better than me. I am inferior to humans. I can't cultivate, and my strength is not good." The Mother Jin Ling panicked, feeling the temperature brought by the free hand, her eyes closed tightly, her mouth repeatedly conceded, what The words are thrown out.

At this moment, in her heart, there is nothing more important than keeping her virginity. If she is stripped and thrown out, then she may no longer have the face to appear in the Three Realms, let alone Roja’s threat is much more than that, think about it The so-called in and out made her chill..

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