One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1739: Heads-up to gang fights

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the Virgin of the Golden Spirit of Kan Gongdou, and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x1."

When the system's prompt sound came, Luo Ya had a smile on his face, and withdrew the palm that was constantly pressing on Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

No way, Zhi Ge Ling is the best posthumous spirit treasure, only works on the upper, middle and lower third post posthumous spirit treasures. The garment on the Golden Spirit Mother is also the best posthumous spirit treasure. If not so threatening, he is really helpless. .

The best Houtian Lingbao asked him to tear it with his hands, and he couldn't tear it apart when he was exhausted. The Shura Hell Scythe could break the defense, but he had to use a lot of energy.

And once he exerted his strength, the ghost knew if he would wait for him to rip the top-quality acquired Lingbao's clothes, whether the Golden Spirit Mother would be killed by him directly.

"If you were so obedient earlier, how could there be so many things." With a smile on his face, Roja spoke to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and another piece of the Supreme Treasure Chest arrived in his hand, but he remembered that there were two more outside. The existence of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

How to do it, get those two supreme treasure chest fragments also

The Virgin of Turtle Spirit was also in the early stage of Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, and her cultivation was similar to that of Our Lady of Jinling, but that woman was really ugly, and Luo Ya was really not interested in using the same method on her.

A woman like Ugly Cheng, he still worried in his heart, if she threatened her like the Golden Spirit Mother, she would in turn hit him directly and push him back.

That green face, like the round head of a tortoise, Roya has the urge to vomit out just thinking about it, that kind of woman, no one wants it.

"Return my belt to me." There is a bit of cowardice in the voice of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, that is, no matter how bold and awkward a woman, facing this series of things, I am afraid that she will be afraid.

She doesn't need the Yin Yang Grinding Plate and Yun Jin Pa, but the belt must be, otherwise if people see her now, I am afraid that even if nothing happens between the two, the rumors will drive her crazy.

"Remember to be obedient, otherwise next time, it's not just a belt." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, flipped his hands and threw the belt of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit directly, with a smile on his face.

Isn't it rebellious? Isn't it defiant? It's not that I haven't met him, and I'm not afraid of it after his toss. So far, I haven't appeared.

Even Zhu Ganglie, the resolute canopy marshal, didn't end up with a nervous breakdown. He was not afraid of his opponent's rebelliousness, but he was afraid that his opponent would be too soft and have no fun at all.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit took the belt, and Luo Yafu took a photo with the Zhi Ge Ling, and directly retracted the seal attached to it, allowing it to restore spirituality. The Virgin of the Golden Spirit moved it before putting it back on her waist.

A touch of the clothes on his right hand that had been punctured by Shura Hell's Scythe, after the best-quality acquired Lingbao automatically healed, there was no more trauma on the surface of the clothes, but the injuries on the body were not so easy to recover.

With Roja by the side, Our Lady of Jin Ling didn’t have the courage to take out the medicine and take it, and the six-winged centipede in her body was still there. If the wound healed, where did the centipede come out, shouldn’t it have to make another big hole?

"You fell apart a thousand years ago. In addition to the saint’s calculations, it is indispensable for your own reasons. Tongtian wants to avenge Buddhism and elucidation to form the present situation. As disciples, you don’t need to help the teacher. Add chaos, it won't work at all."

Luo Ya opened his mouth, spoke without margin, and beckoned gently, the red lotus karma fire was all over the sky, and all of it was taken back into his body, and the twelve-grade karma fire red lotus returned to his dantian to continue the warming and cultivating.

In the eyes of a group of disciples from outside, the red lotus karma fire that surrounded a hundred li in a radius rushed toward the center like a tired bird returning to its nest, and they knew that the fight between the two had already had a result.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit flushed red, and wanted to rebut, but she didn't know where to start. They intercepted many people, and among them, it was inevitable that some people were really misbehaving.

But the core group of disciples are completely loyal to the teachings, loyal to the teachers. What they do is for the consideration of the teachers, and for the consideration of the teachings, this point has not changed even if it is on the list of the gods.

They were defeated in the hands of educators and Buddhism took advantage of this. They recognized that they lacked their own abilities and considered poorly, but when did they make trouble for their teachers?

"Senior Sister" was not upset in Mother Jinling's heart, thinking how to refute, when the people who saw the red lotus karma put away, a shout came from their mouths.

The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit and the old mother Lishan breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that their senior sister was in good condition, but when they saw that they did not react at all when everyone shouted, their hearts were tight.

"Howl" Zhao Gongming's black tiger's nose moved slightly, and there was a low howl in his mouth, but he smelled the blood coming from the body of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

"Senior Sister Guiling, Senior Sister Jinling is injured. I will help soon." When Zhao Gongming heard the words of the black tiger beside him, he directly spoke to the mother of the turtle spirit, flipped his hand and took out a golden jade mace.

The jade mace has eight edges and eight angles, and the whole body is full of inscriptions and seals. It is a superb posthumous spirit treasure. Zhao Gongming received twenty-four Dinghai god beads because of the burnt lantern in the Conferred God, but there was no innate spirit on him. treasure.

The Lord Tongtian had a lot of congenital spiritual treasures in his hands, but Zhao Gongming implicated Sanxiao, and his indifferent attitude finally made Tongtian dissatisfied. Although he didn't say anything, he never gave him any spiritual treasures.

"Wudang" Mother Gui Ling shouted, offering two orbs in the dantian, but to let Mother Wudang, who had long been renamed Lishan Old Mother, take action with her.

The two precious pearls of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, Zhao Da has a background. It is a top-grade innate merit spiritual treasure sun and moon beads, which contains the spiritual energy of the sun and the moon, and it can condense the essence of the lunar and the sun. And the thing that makes love at the time of marriage.

But later Emperor Jun and Xi He both fell. The Sun Moon Orb was obtained by the Master Tongtian, but in the end it was bestowed on the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit as a treasure of enlightenment.

"Senior brothers and sisters, please slow down," The Mother Jin Ling yelled anxiously, with a bit of anxiety on her face. Although she and Luo Ya have played for a short time, she already knows how strange the opponent's shot is.

After repeated methods, she didn't even know the details of the other party, so she could only catch it with her hands. Although the number of juniors and sisters was quite large, the cultivation base was worse than her. How could she resist?

It's no wonder that Mother Jin Ling thinks like this in her heart, it's that she lost too quickly, and it frightened Roya's mind, so she naturally made her thinking extra strong..

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