One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1740: Destroying Humanity

In fact, the strength of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is not so bad, and Luo Ya is not as strong as she thinks. If she fights steadily, Longhuyu Ruyi is responsible for the attack, the Four Elephant Towers defends herself, and the Qixiang Che is responsible for slowly releasing the charming soul. Qixiang, even if it loses, will not lose so quickly.

In the final analysis, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is just a female stream and is not good at fighting at all. In the battle of conferring the gods, she relied on her own cultivation level to forcefully suppress the monks.

The main body of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is the essence of ten thousand waters, and her temperament is supposed to be soft, but her spirit of fighting gives birth to wisdom and is destined to be a hot temper.

But this hot temperament did not add much experience to the Golden Spirit Mother. Her path to enlightenment was too smooth. Soon after the birth of Lingzhi, she met Tongtian and was directly accepted as a disciple of the room.

Becoming a saint’s disciple, a distinguished status, few people dare to fight with the Golden Spirit Mother, most of the monks even if the cultivation base is stronger than her, they will care about the short guardian Tongtian behind her.

When it came time to fight, the Mother of God Jin Ling came up and completely violated the monk's fighting method. All the magic weapons went up. When encountering the kind that does not have the treasure of protection, it may be able to beat the enemy in embarrassment.

But when 870 came to Roya, a fight for three days and a desperate fight for five days, such a flawed style of play, even if her cultivation base was not at the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian but the peak, as long as she could break the defense , Is definitely a second kneel.

The old mother Lishan's expression changed two times. After hearing the words of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, she did not take any action after all. Looking at the backs of Zhao Gongming and Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit, her eyes were full of worry.

A group of big Luo Jinxian and Jinxian, after the Mother of Jinling spoke and stopped drinking, they opened up again, and they faced the famous Shushan ancestor. They really felt guilty.

"See what an idiot is, do you feel anxious, can't wait to sew Zhao Gongming's zui on" Luo Ya's words were a bit frivolous, the twelfth-grade fire red lotus covered his whole body again, while talking, he looked up Tianyu.

Don’t these idiots want to get some excitement, don’t you want to give it up, then give him some excitement, let them know that some people can’t provoke


The sun and moon beads first hit the protective cover of the twelve-grade industry fiery red lotus. The red lotus industry was flying in flames, and the protective cover collided with the power of the lunar sun. A spark, a huge noise and aftermath made those golden fairies The monks were even a little unstable.

The protective cover of the Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus swayed slightly and calmed down. Although the protection on it was weaker, according to the strength of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, there were not dozens of attacks.

Zhao Gongming’s magic weapon followed the Sun and Moon Pearl, hitting the twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus, but did not cause much ripples, one is that his cultivation is far behind the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, and the other is the spiritual treasure in his hand. , It's just the best Houtian Lingbao.

"I don't know how much karma to increase this time. Forget it. Anyway, that thing is nothing to me." Luo Ya murmured, but let the golden spirit mother's hair on the side stand upside down.

Being able to regard karma as nothing, does it also mean that Roja doesn't care about the heaven and earth goddess in her body, the Golden Spirit Mother of God, seeing the other person's nonchalant expression, and his heart becomes more and more nervous.

"Don't do it anymore" Mother Jin Ling yelled, looking at Zhao Gongming and Mother Turtle Ling anxiously, if it weren't for the six-winged threat in her body, she would like to rush to stop them.

The Mother Tortoise Spirit and Zhao Gongming saw the appearance of the Golden Spirit Mother, their movements didn't stop at the slightest, but accelerated a bit. In their expressions, there was a bit of fierceness, and they obviously wanted to quickly put Luo Ya to death.

The starting point of the two should be good, that is, to save Our Lady of the Golden Spirit from danger, but unfortunately they were a little stupid and didn't see the form clearly. The words of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit were exactly like speaking to the deaf in bdad.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the most important feature of an idiot is to go its own way, do you understand?" Luo Ya said with a sneer on his face and said to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

The stars in the eyes were flowing, and the stars of Zhou Tian were all shaken in the nine heavens. A dozen or so huge meteorites broke away from the original trajectory, broke through for nine days, and fell directly toward the lower realm.

As early as when he first came to the world of Journey to the West, Roja was able to imprison the stars. At this time, such a method was used to be stronger than before.

Each of the dozen or so huge meteorites is more than ten times the original size, and for him to do this, it is completely easy.


There were two more buzzing sounds, the twelfth-grade industry fiery red lotus trembling endlessly, Luo Ya did not care at all, and continuously increased his control over the meteors above the nine heavens, making the speed of dozens of meteors extremely fast.

Our Lady of Golden Spirit raised her head and looked in the direction Luo Ya was looking at, her eyes condensed with immortal power, her body suddenly tightened and her pupils shrank sharply, and dozens of meteorites had already broken through the nine-day barrier, and came down in a whistling manner.


Just as the Mother of God of the Golden Spirit looked up, the sound of speed breaking through the sky came slowly after a few beats, and many disciples hurriedly raised their heads and looked up.

"Meteor is a meteorite. There are sixteen of them and leave here soon." The Golden Hoop Fairy saw the meteorite in the sky and said in a hurry.

He was one of the seven immortals who served by the Master Tongtian at the beginning, and was the only seedling among the seven immortals. Under the care of the Master Tongtian, he is now the cultivation base of the late Daluo Jinxian.

"You can run a monk, can you run a temple?" Luo Ya had a little grin on his face. With the magical power of Da Luo Jinxian, he could run hundreds of thousands of miles before the meteor fell. There was absolutely no problem.

After all, like the supernatural power of the first-class escape technique with the golden light, the speed is not much faster than the somersault cloud.

There were a lot of meteorites this time, and there was nothing wrong with extinction of 100,000 li living creatures, but Luo Ya did not believe that these monks would hide, and under his feet was the place where the Lishan Orthodoxy was located. Once these dozen meteorites landed, they would be extinct in a radius of 100,000 miles.

Below Jinxian, there is absolutely no chance of survival. For ten thousand years, if you have just recovered a bit of vitality, you will be beaten back to the pre-liberation period.

"Stop them, stop them quickly." The old lady Lishan was full of anxiety, and all the radiance burst out from her body. Three congenital spirit treasures and several acquired spirit treasures all urged, directly hitting the meteorite in the sky.

"Do you really want to be so extinct?" Mother Jin Ling saw the terrifying meteorite in the sky, with a bitter face on her face. This kind of method is completely destroying humanity and does not give the opponent the slightest chance.

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