One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1741: The Sky Appears

A single meteorite has a diameter of several thousand meters. Although it is falling continuously, because of the high temperature, the surface is constantly peeling off, but at its speed, the volume after falling is at least one thousand meters in diameter. With that terrifying force, it is easy to escape. But it is not so easy to stop it.

A dozen meteorites landed, according to the estimation of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, there were no living creatures in a radius of 50,000 miles, and no birds and beasts in a radius of 100,000 miles. This method was forbidden even in ancient times.

No one can withstand the punishment of the heavens alone. Within that hundred thousand miles, the birds and beasts will not exist, and the karma is so great, I am afraid that heaven's punishment will come in the next moment.

In the ancient times, the battle between Dao Zu Hongjun and Demon Zu Luo Hu destroyed Xi Niu Hezhou, and the karma of the Heavenly Dao was directly blessed on Demon Zu Luo Hu. Even as his innate god and demon status, the Dao’s true cultivation body was comparable to the realm of a saint. No bones exist.

Daozu Hongjun's karma was only rarely contaminated because he exterminated the devil from the sky. Even so, it took an unknown amount of time to cultivate merits and several kinds of spirit treasures to reduce his karma before he was able to successfully fit the Tao in the end.

"Never end, just let you know that some people can't provoke it." Luo Ya chuckled lightly. He didn't see the slightest nervousness on his face, and he had never planned to leave here. He just looked at the middle of Lishan, originally Li. Mountain Laomu's Dongfu.

Just now he captured the Mother of God Golden Spirit and put away the red lotus karma fire in the sky, the fifty Dao Yun in his body trembled slightly. In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, the saint is spying secretly.

And this prying gaze came from the cave mansion of the old mother of Lishan, so you don't need to guess, you know that the sage Tongtian has quietly come to Lishan.

But after he came here, he didn't even open his mouth to stop the behavior of Mother Turtle Spirit and Zhao Gongming. With such an attitude, if Roja didn't react, it would only be looked down upon.

This sentence, rather than speaking to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, was speaking to the Heavenly Sage. Some people should not mess with it. If it is messed up, the consequences will be more serious than he thought.

"If the true spirit is immortal, I will definitely not give up with you." Our Lady Jin Ling glanced at Luo Ya with hatred, and saw the Lady Turtle Spirit and the old mother Lishan who were no longer supported under the meteorite, and no longer cared about her own life and death, urging them both. A piece of innate spirit treasure, went straight to the meteorite in the sky.

Born in the human world, she should do something and not do something. It is true that the Mother of God is afraid of death. The scene of being broken by the heavenly spirit in the battle of the gods has surrounded her for thousands of years like a nightmare.

But rather than just watching the destruction of Lishan, the last place of rejuvenation, she would rather die than die.

Seeing the Virgin of the Golden Spirit rushing towards the meteor in the sky, Luo Ya put on a smile on his face. This woman is not hopeless, at least, she is worthy of recognition for her loyalty to the teachings.

Like that Zhao Gongming, who had already ran away tens of thousands of miles at this time, regardless of the life and death of Lishan disciples and those low-level disciples who had only survived at the beginning.

A young Taoist figure wearing a green robe and a face like a crown jade slowly appeared in front of Luo Ya. This person has a pale face and no scent of firework on his body. His waist-length hair is randomly scattered behind his head, but he has a majesty. The tolerance is naturally revealed.

This person is naturally the leader of Tongtian. He has experienced the failure of the Conferred God battle. He has been repaired for a long time and washed away the lead. Now he no longer has the sharp aura that makes people afraid to look directly at him. He is more calm and more calm. Introverted and more dangerous.

"Fellow Daoist has seen enough" Luo Ya said, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Tong Tian wanted to test his attitude, and he also wanted to test Tong Tian's attitude.

He can't beat the saint, and even if he uses the power of the system a little bit slower, he may die. But since he requires cooperation, he can't show the slightest timidity. If he cooperates in an uneven situation, he doesn't have the slightest initiative. Use it.

"Thank you fellow daoists for helping me test the people's minds." With a smile on his face, the Lord Tongtian raised his hand and performed Daoist etiquette toward Luo Ya. Such a posture is much more polite than the people under his sect. .

"Cut, I helped you, just say thank you?" Luo Ya sneered, but he was relieved. The attitude of the Master Tongtian has already explained many problems. This cooperation has already been half successful.

This behavior proved that all his guesses were correct, and the other proved that the Master Tongtian also had the idea of ​​joining hands with him.

Of course, this combination was only possible when he was smart enough to see through the whole situation. If he couldn't see through, then he was just a piece that Tongtian could use.

Ask for flowers

"Naturally, it will not be just a thank you. I also ask fellow daoists to wait until I resolve the falling stars." The Lord Tongtian said with a smile on his face.

A sword light flew out from the sleeves of the Master Tongtian, and the blue light blasted straight into the sky, but it was originally obtained from the Qingping sword on the Qinglian Qinglian.

As soon as the Qingping sword came out, the many disciples who had tried their best to resist the meteorite suddenly looked back, seeing the figure of Tongtian Guru, all of them were full of joy.

In their hearts, no matter when, the master master is an invincible existence, and the meteorite that makes them bind their hands is just a task for their master.


Sharp swords sounded all around, and dense sword nets rose into the sky. More than a dozen meteorites, facing the sword net, were directly cut into small particles. The terrifying high temperature and falling power faced the saint. The power has no effect at all.

The Heavenly Sage gently waved his robe, and a hood-shaped Lingbao flew out of his sleeve, turning into a huge sky-covering in a short while, collecting all the fine particles in it.

This top-grade innate spirit treasure is called Swallowing Heaven Mask, which is obtained from Tongtian Yufenbaoyan. Although the rank is not very high, its power is enough to make people shocked.

"Is this to brighten my wrists?" Luo Ya squinted his eyes slightly, muttered in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

Tongtian saw his abilities, and he also knew that he was teaming up with Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level had no opponents at all, and he even fought alone. The lower Hunyuan monks would break their halberds. This was intentional. Show it to him so that he can feel jealous.

"A trivial method makes fellow Daoists laugh." After the Master Tongtian gathered all the fine particles of the meteorite, he retracted the Qingping sword and the sky-swallowing mask, and turned to look at Luo Ya again.

All the disciples of Jiedu rushed to see Tongtian at this time. Many of them had not seen him in thousands of years..

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