One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1742: Comparing Means with Saints

The catastrophe will not come, and the saints will not come out. This was originally said by Dao Ancestor Hongjun on behalf of the Heavenly Dao. Many saints have always regarded it as the decree and dare not violate it in the slightest.

But before that, Yuan Shi Tianzun went down to the 33rd heaven in private, and reached the twentieth heaven, but he realized that because of the changes in heaven and earth, heaven and earth had loosened a little restraint on them.

It doesn't have to be the arrival of the Great Tribulation, but because of the changes in heaven and earth, although they still can't easily make a move, nor can they interfere with the operation of the heavens, they are not as severely restricted as before.

Luo Ya had been guessing since Yuanshi Tianzun left the 33rd Heaven at that time, even secretly wary in his heart, but seeing Yuanshi sitting and watching them get the purple qi, he still did not move, and understood in his heart that heaven and earth still have a saint. The extremely strong control can only be said to be looser than the original "200".

"If the Daoist's method can only be called a trivial method, then I am afraid that I have to pull down a few hundred and sixty-five main stars to be worthy of the Daoist's trivial name."

Roya spoke, seeming to be complimenting Tongtian, but in fact, he was also illuminating the means, telling him directly that I would not eat you and force me, Zhou Tianxingchen, I can pull the main star down.

Not to mention the main star, it is a secondary star, and that power is not comparable to ordinary meteorites. The power of the stars is only one and a half stars.

And if an auxiliary star falls in the Three Realms, the power of the star bursts, and it may turn into dust in a radius of a million miles.

The secondary star is still like this, the main star's power is directly increased tenfold, that kind of power, which is completely a means of burning jade and stone.

However, this kind of method is very powerful, but it can only deal with that kind of fixed goal. If you use this method to deal with Zhen Yuanzi, before the meteor falls, people have already run from Xiniu Hezhou to Nanzhan Buzhou, Maodu Can't hit one.

Even Zhen Yuanzi, who is not good at space, can easily get out of the scope. The last method can only backfire himself and cause endless trouble.

"The way of heaven is orderly, and it is inseparable from the rotation of the stars. Fellow Taoists should not scare me." The Master Tongtian had a shallow smile on his face. Although the words were implicit, the meaning they expressed was not implicit.

Heaven has its own rules of operation. There are 14,800 auxiliary stars, 365 main stars, and two central stars. They can’t move at all, just like Loya was on the lunar star, but the stars were stagnant. In a moment, the heavens shook.

The words of Lord Tongtian are like saying directly, don't brag, no one can do this kind of thing for a long time.

From the ancient times to the present, there are not a few who can control the power of the stars. The stronger ones are Dijun, Xihe and the first-class. The Zhou Tianxingdou array directly draws the power of the stars to infuse themselves.

But no matter how strong they are, they can only borrow the power of the stars, and wanting the stars to fall into these three realms is completely idiotic.

"Simulating the turn of the stars, deceiving the sky, it is very easy to be backlashed by the heavens, no one will easily use this method." Luo Ya smiled and waved his hand, and directly said that he could call the stars.

Anyway, even if this kind of method is spoken out, others can't do it, even if it is the power of the master of the heavens, he can't play the power of the stars like him, and can only stare when he knows it.

The principle of this method is actually very simple. Luo Ya uses his own means of controlling the power of the stars to condense the power of the stars, temporarily replacing the main star to operate, deceiving the heavens, and attracting the main star.

Although Tian Dao later discovered that he would inevitably receive a powerful backlash, and even thunder robbery would come in minutes, but he could indeed do it.

"The magical power of Fellow Daoist is a bit extreme. It hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts himself 800." The Master of Heaven frowned slightly, thinking of Luo Ya's method of gathering the power of the stars several times.

With such a method, people are forced into anxieties, and there may be really no good results. He is not alone, and he is always concerned about the orthodox in his heart. The most feared is the kind of person who has no scruples and would rather die than make others feel better. .

Before, he heard Yuanshi Tianzun and Li Er guess that Luo Ya might be the reincarnation of Dao Ancestor, but at this time, he directly threw this idea into his mind.

Dao Zu acted, absolutely not so cruel, and there is no such leave room.

But even if it is not the reincarnation of Taoist ancestors, in Tongtian's heart, Luo Ya is definitely an excellent cooperator, so cruel, if it is aimed at Buddhism and interpretation, with his help from the side, the two religions will definitely not end well.

"Life is difficult, and the heart can be soft, but the appearance must have thorns, otherwise it can only be handled by others" Roja raised his eyebrows, changed the front of the conversation, and said something meaningful.

In this case, his words are directly equivalent to telling Master Tongtian, don't look at my appearance, but I am actually very easy to get along with, and I never get rid of myself.

"Friends of Taoism are like this, who would dare to arbitrarily please." The Master Tongtian laughed and responded, turning sideways slightly and raising his hand to invite. In terms of etiquette, although he seemed bold and unrestrained, it was considered considerate, showing the intergenerational relationship and status. quite.

"Please." Luo Ya also raised his hand, smiled at the Master Tongtian, and walked towards Lishan's old mother's cave together.

Behind the two of them, the Mother of God Golden Spirit wanted to say something and stopped. She looked very awkward. The six-winged centipede, which could easily endanger her life, was still in her body, really holding her back.

But seeing her master and Luo Ya's peer-to-peer discussion and the happily talking posture, she didn't dare to intervene on the left and right, and could only follow the two nerdyly.

The Virgin of Turtle Spirit was shrinking her neck at this time, with a worried look on her face. The Master Tongtian had instructed her before that if Luo Ya arrived, she would directly invite him to the cave and inform him with the jade slip.

06 But everything that happened just now did not follow the wishes of the Lord Tongtian. Although the culprits in this incident were the Golden Spirit Mother and Zhao Gongming, she would also be punished in all likelihood.

Now Zhao Gong had ran away long ago. After seeing the meteor, he knew that he couldn't resist it, took the black tiger with the mount, and set up the supernatural power of escape, without stopping at all.

Although Zhao Gongming's character is not good, it cannot be denied that his aptitude and comprehension are all excellent. The flight of thousands of miles is only a short time, and in a short period of time, I don't know how many miles have been flown.

And it is precisely because of his extremely fast escape technique that he could not see the scene of the arrival of the Lord Tongtian. At this time, he was only flying with his head covered, and he was still thinking about how he had not heard the sound of the meteor falling to the ground. The meteorite falling to the ground may be clearly visible within a million miles..

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