One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1743: Collaboration is finalized

In addition to Zhao Gongming, there are many people in the cut-off teaching who turned their heads and ran away when facing a crisis, but most of these people were low-level disciples, that is, the cultivation base between the true immortal and the Taiyi true immortal.

Those golden immortals and Daluo golden immortals can still appear here after they are enshrined. It is already clear that most of them have inseparable feelings for Jiejiao.

In other words, except for the fool Zhao Gongming, after the meteorite fell, Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian all went straight to the meteorite in the sky, trying to intercept the meteorite.

Zhao Gongming's behavior has completely disappointed the leader of Tongtian, and his character is not good. This may be corrected, but his lack of loyalty to the interpretation and teaching is that no matter how he takes care of it, it is of no use.

Entering the cave house, Luo Ya and the Lord Tongtian sat opposite each other. The Mother of Gold Spirit, the Mother of Lishan and the Mother of Guiling brought a few large Luo Jinxian, standing respectfully on both sides of the cave.

"Jin Ling, Turtle Ling, after returning, I went to the gate of the palace to receive the punishment of the ten jingles. From today on 13, Zhao Gongming is no longer my disciple, three immortals in the floating cave, peaches and plums in Jiuqu Mountain, Jujiu, Wang Panshan Wu The province has been facing the wall for thousands of years, and you cannot leave the cave without permission."

After the Lord Tongtian sat down, he opened his mouth and announced the punishment of many disciples. The punishment of the Jingtiao in front of the Biyou Palace is famous in the Three Realms.

The punishment of one jingle, the flesh is broken, the punishment of two jingles, the soul trembles, the three jingle comes out, the true immortal perishes, the five jingle and the root will be broken.

Although it is just a jingle circulating in the Three Realms, it is only for the fun of children, but from this jingle, you can see how heavy the punishment of the Master Tongtian is.

I am afraid that even if the Mother of God and the Mother of Turtle Spirit have the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal of the Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, they are beaten ten times by birth and cannot defend with the immortal power, and they will be injured in all likelihood.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit and the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit were bitter, and they should be bent. The old lady Lishan was always timid when facing her master, and she did not dare to say anything.

Zhao Gongming was expelled from the teacher's school, and no one pleaded for this. The first is that others are lacking in character, and he is not pleased in the interception teaching. The second is that what he did this time made the interception teaching people cold. heart.

"Friends of Daoists are satisfied with this result." After announcing the punishment, Master Tongtian looked at Luo Ya with an undiminished smile on his face. Such an attitude apologized for the disrespect of his disciples just now.

After all, if two people want to cooperate, there shouldn't be too much lumps between each other. The Master Tongtian understands this very well, so even if he has always protected his shortcomings, he has taken the attitude he deserves at this time.

"There is no dissatisfaction, it was just a small misunderstanding." Luo Ya nodded, secretly sighing that the Master of Heaven has made a lot of progress after the battle of Conferring God.

At this time, in accordance with the normal rules of courtesy, he should in turn persuade the Master Tongtian, small punishment and big punishment, don't care too much.

But Roja was angry in his heart before, where it was so easy to dispel, except for a humility, he didn't mean to excuse them at all, and made it clear that he would follow this punishment.

Regardless of the other punishments, the punishment that directly expelled Zhao Gongming from Jiejiao was quite in line with his heart. No matter how he wanted to concoct Zhao Gongming afterwards, it had nothing to do with Jiejiao.

Master Tongtian frowned secretly in his heart, but in order to be able to cooperate, he had to tolerate certain things. Moreover, he said this by himself, but he could not easily repent.

The "Careful Bastard" by the side of the "Careful Bastard" bit her silver teeth and scolded Roya for being unkind. At this time, she still bears grudges, and until this time, she has no intention to take back the six-winged centipede in her body. .

Master Tongtian stared at Roja’s face for a moment, and his face burst into a smile. The flaws must be reported. This is very good. Afterwards, as long as you have enemies with Buddhism and interpretation, the character that the flaws must be reported will be extremely great. Promote his plan.

Putting aside the unswerving feelings in his heart, the Master Tongtian waved his hand at the surrounding disciples, and the Jinling Mother and the others directly bowed and retreated, not daring to disobey the slightest.

"Taoists don't know how to treat interpretation and Buddhism." The leader of Tongtian spoke again, turning the topic directly to the right path. He saw that Luo Ya had only one purpose, and that was to deal with the two religions.

The great loss that Fengshen has suffered is not so easy to forget. Ten thousand years have not only not erased this hatred, but it has made Tongtian even more angry and angry.

"Does it matter how you look at them, whether it's good or evil, those who are enemies with me are enemies." Roja placed his palm on the armrest of the chair, tapping rhythmically, talking to the saint, every sentence It must be well thought out.

The meaning in his words is simple, but he intends to tell Master Tongtian that if one day, the two are enemies, then he will also be enemies, only a standpoint, there is no right or wrong.

"Friends of Daoists think, who is your current enemy." The leader of Tongtian turned to speak, aiming directly at Buddhism. Now Buddhism is the number one enemy they need to face.

Relatively speaking, although the number of disciples and masters of evangelism is far inferior to Buddhism, the degree of maintenance is far less than that of Buddhism.

"It's not my enemy, but our enemy." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and corrected Xia Tongtian's words, implying that Shushan would not be a leading bird, even if it was to deal with Buddhism, the two sides worked together. Not which party rushed directly.

Such a way of talking around the world is the method that this gang of great powers like to use in Journey to the West. Even if Roja is impatient in his heart, there is no way he can do as he does in the countryside.

One sentence for you, the conversation between the two lasted for nearly half an hour. During this half an hour, Luo Ya asked what he wanted to know, and reached a preliminary cooperation strategy with the Master Tongtian.

Within one year, he must be responsible for restraining Buddhism and appropriately making some accidents so that Buddhism has no time to take care of the situation in Shushan during this year.

As for the types of this accident, first, the Jiejiaomen disguised as the interpreters and started from the grass-roots level and destroyed Buddhist temples to cause turmoil.

Second, in the fight for the grandiose and purple qi, the interception of religion not only causes chaos for Buddhism, but also for the interpretation and teaching, and within one year, no one can get the grandiose and purple qi.

Third, the sectarians, encircle Shushan, eliminate the eyeliner of interpretation and Buddhism, and are directly responsible for protecting the safety of Shushan, and put the union of the two on the table.

Roja needs time, an opportunity, and an environment that can grow up. Today's chaos is coming too fast, and he can protect himself, but he wants to start directly to conquer this world, but it seems a little insufficient..

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